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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Well I am positive about seeing numerous times here, that your pink ID number will be your tax ID number. I am also positive and have read the Revenue Department royal decree explanation and know that ANY remitted foreign funds are exempted by that royal decree.. Now any Thai income (since some on an LTR can also get through the BOI a work permit and the tax amount is limited but I am not sure if it is 14 or 17% of assessable income. If you do have assessable income from within Thailand then yeah you will include that on a tax form. As for the exempted funds from overseas, I think (maybe) they will include something along those lines in the new tax forms that reportedly will come out in Nov/Dec of this year but we will have to wait and see since the govt may be all screwed up until the dust settles. If you do not have any assessable income you would not have to do tax forms but should get that tax id number settled for your Canadian offices. I am not a tax expert by any means but I do know about my LTR exemption and DTA of the US so the other bits on the ID number if you are a pink card holder is based on numerous conversation here and I don't understand why a revenue dept anywhere would not know about that. But it seems that from other conversations here on this forum from users that go to the "local" revenue department office those officers too in most cases know nothing about anything this year. Hopefully by the end of the year we expats will get the final version of this whole bit and whether or not there will be further changes,. Good luck.
  2. Somewhere on this forum, a user reported the name of a company that arranges CHEAP cremations. I forget when but it was not too long ago. good luck
  3. I too have any LTR - my pension can't be taxwed by Thailand, the LTR too indicates that I cannot be taxed on any foreign monies remitted into Thailand. Therefore I do not have any assessable income so am not required to get a tax ID by definition of when to do so nor will I have to file any tax forms. Since you do have interest income, just check with the Thai revenue dept or one of the charts on this forum that provides the amount needed to meet assessable income level after deductions etc. Unless you are getting a lot of money on the interest then I wouldn't worry about it at all. If your want to get that interest money back from the bank or whatever then you would need to file. The requirements for getting a Thai Tax ID number (yeah it will be the same as your pink ID number) then you can google the revenue dept and check their website. They have a chart there with the laws in Thai and next to each type, there is an English translation. Best of luck. boi ltr also gives you the benefits - no tax on foreign funds and the revenue dept also has the royal decree with the exemption of the foreign money remitted by LTR holders.
  4. No question about it! I watched it from beginning to end and got more and more pissed at how stupid and unprepared the American military and government were so inept! I also feel so sorry for the females of that country - going back to the stone age! I have lived among the fundamentalist Muslims and the Talibans/ISIS are even worse!
  5. As for the PI, I am also on their forum but only as a reader - I see the same kind of problems with the expats there, maybe not so much the tax issue but every other issue. Most folks on their forum complain about visa issues though mentioning that iti is easier than here. The PI is not as much a paradise as here unless you are looking for something specific - I lived there for 6 years - greatest scuba diving in the world and really go along well with the locals but the local food to me was not so well liked. Weather about the same except the 15-20 storms they get every year, and the earthquakes are much stronger than here and active volcanos. Other than the bad, the good was great and if I had to leave Thailand I definitely would consider the PI. I also see many countries than did not do the tax bits before, now that they have signed on to the OECD, FACTA and CSA programs, are also working with their tax programs. The only answers I see are the LTR if qualified and not becoming a tax resident but that probably will change in the future too since one of the stated reason for the OECD agreement was to seek out anyone not paying taxes to a country. Best of luck to all
  6. I am currently married to a Thai (20 years) but I also lived and worked in Thailand for over 12 years in different decades with my American wife who passed away a long time ago. I have seen Thailand change and revert to previous and change again and back and forth on many issues. People asked questions about life here before and current and about the citizens here and the different laws that change and affect us in different ways so that is why I continue to express my feelings about certain issues. Some deal solely with life in this paradise while other questions or comments deal with life in general. I am very opinionated so gladly spell out what I feel but I also try to mention that it is my opinion and that one might not agree with it. Since I am 77 there have been a lot of folks who did not agree with me but I survive still. Best of luck to all.
  7. I find this answer strange as when I go to my bangkok bank in CM and talk to the manager about what I need for the immigration office there, he explains and shows me exactly - a statement from that branch of monthly payments from overseas accounts, a letter from the main bank in Bangrak for the 12 month period, plus I need to update my account on that date, then plus the IO insists on a copy of every page of my bank book. Just saying that is what I have done for the past 5 years or so when they changed their policy about embassy letters and individual account only although up until then my wife and I had the account that I used for 15 years. But even so, now doing the yearly in CM is much easier than it used to be but that is even out now as I changed to LTR visa. Just saying, as it seems not only do the offices differ in requirements, each inidividual IO also has their own preferences. Wonder how all this will be affected by the taxation changes?
  8. This all comes down to one important thing in figuring out the answer this question - what is your definition of smart people. There is a Korean drama series right now with this same question. One thinks money is the answer, meaning whoever has the most money is smarter where the other thinks the answer is people and how each treats the other. I am 77 have worked with people of every level of advanced education and have noticed that no matter how educated a person is, one cannot judge their character so does being smart have to do with character or money. I know my opinion on that question for sure and base it on how I was raised by my parents. I do find it interesting to read some of the answers on this forum and am somewhat disappointed but I accept that I too may be different from many others and who is correct or who can answer what is correct?
  9. Yeah, when I was searching for cheaper berries of all types, I tried some frozen from western countries and thought that they would be quality berries - especially since health experts said that the frozen fruits were great quality - but they mostly turn to mush when thawed. Tried several different brands same result. So, bottom line is what will they be used for - making drinks probably okay but as mixed salads, topping yogurt, etc I am not so sure and wouldn't recommend them myself. Best of luck.
  10. Surprise! Surprise! just the beginning as trade deals with the Chinese come to fruition. Yeah Thailand needs someplace to send goods to and one would think that one of the most populated nation just up the street and railroad, would be a great place to make some money. But have the Thais considered how much the Chinese need an outlet for poor quality and cheap materials at the same time their economy is slipping? But again TIT and the main desire is for the rich to get richer.
  11. Well, the US stock market jumped back up near record levels well above 40000, plus news reports from the US report spending by US consumers has jumped up recently and now instead of a recession, the "experts" are saying that with the fed now saying maybe 2 corrections this year,
  12. totally agree, the self proclaimed greatest negotiator gave the Taliban exactly what they wanted. But Biden wouldn't have been able to change anything anyway. The Brits couldn't do it, nor the Russians even with all their brutality. We gave the Afghani's a touch of freedom (education and working for females) for 20 years but couldn't stop the Rebels. The surrounding countries are the same home grounds of those mountain folks with western drawn boundaries which those rebels totally ignore and many of the govt of those countries too ignore those boundaries.
  13. Yes, local banks probably already share but if not then will begin to share banking data to the revenue department and then it will be up to them to get your banking data from your home country if they signed on to FACTA or CSR and the OECD 2023 agreement. Once the data sharing begins in earnest, the locals will either be totally swamped and delay total implementation or they will just select a certain limit where they will concentrate their efforts. Maybe the new govt will have totally different ideas - though they will be looking for any baht they can find too.
  14. I was here in the 70's for that coup too, seen the others in this century, any progress being made was always put on hold and those charges against the new pm's daddy would not be charges in most countries. The military had many years to unearth and fabricate whatever they would charge him with. Now they start from scratch again. Until the people actually wake up, and realize that they do not want this kind of government, then it will remain like this. Seems to me that the common folk get poorer and poorer - oh yeah that is in the developed countries too as the elected officials give tax breaks to the rich while shrinking whatever middle class there is. However once the middle class is gone, real trouble will probably follow. I hope this country remains stable for a while as I still love living here. Now we await the words on tax schemes and visa schemes. Best of luck to the new government and all the expats here.
  15. That's like the idiots that go to the autocrat ruled lands, get thrown in jail for something very minor or trumped up charge and thrown into the local prison and then they and their families complain that their government is not doing enough to free them. Total idiots should not be allowed to travel to those countries in my opinion.
  16. Villamart (BKK) does online delivery throughout Thailand. I go to the Villamart (2 of them) in LadKrabang and the Tops in the Robinson Mall in the same general area - all have blue berries, cherries and strawberries all the time, but Villamart also usually has several other berries (raspberries, also has pomegranate, and sometimes blackberries). Their online has them but if you are ordering, not sure if they have them all the time. Strawberries are usually imported fairly expensive from Korea. Normally, I live in CM and Rim Ping always seems to have some berries and other fruits as does the Tops in the Central Mall and on weekends, the mall usually has some fruit sellers also in the basement. Good luck.
  17. actually, before they pushed for this tm.30 bit, there was the TM.28 which was the expat responsibility for providing staying away from home or whereever but they finally just trashed that and then started the pressure on expats to insure that someone filed a TM.30 or the expat might even be fined although it wasn't really our responsibility but after all is said and done, TIT rules always.
  18. Yessir, lots of snakes in all those wooded areas and especially I have read in the Mountains. I also am an avid golfer or used to be and not so accurate so I spent a lot of time in the woods and heavy reeds looking for my wayward shots and too many times ran across some slithering monters - some of those black snakes around the salt marshes were as huge as some of the boas or pythons. Sometimes the ball would be in a nest of them - just took a drop on many of those shots. Best of luck!
  19. I have done a lot of scuba diving in the Philippines - have seen sea snakes come up to me and tap on the face mask - since I have seen them so many times and read about them, I never bothered them and eventually they just swim away without any harm to me! That doesn't mean that the "pucker factor" wasn't in effect!
  20. Yeah I saw enough of them in the MD woods as I was growing up. Their markings are pretty evident so easy to guess what they were and to avoid bothering them. Never saw any rattlesnakes but many king snakes and have to remember the rings of color so as not to bother that colorful one and make a mistake on the colors - I forget exactly what that was now. Too old and stay away from that area.
  21. Yeah the joke in Thai class (from the teacher of course) was in Thailand there are 50 different species of snakes, 47 are venomous and the other three will squeeze you to death! But I have since leaned that there are a lot more different species of snakes than that in this country. Beware for sure if you see anything resembling a snake near you or your friends.
  22. Suggest you get a book or google pictures of snakes - a copperhead is not a rattlesnake though I have heard of a few rattlesnakes found in the mountains of northwestern MD - close to Penn. Just saying as one should at least familiarize himself if possible about dangerous snakes - especially since the US has so few it is easy enough to recognize them. Best of luck when in the wild.
  23. Yeah I heard today that if one is buying "quality" salmon, then the package must have the word "wild" in it or it will be farmed salmon. Just saying as I sure don't know but sounds correct to me.
  24. From what I have read about copperheads (fm MD and many in our woods) children are often their victims since they only bite if touched - and kids will do that. That is what I was taught in my youth. Maybe the southern ones don't like the locals .
  25. If they are familiar with that warning cackle that all the group of geese wandering around on the grounds. Have scared up quite a few over the years.
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