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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Moving fm CM to Bangkok. Wife has leased a house although we own a house in CM to which we will return in the future. I understand that if the landlady does not do TM.30 reporting, I must do it myself. I can print out the forms, copy the lease my wife signed, and take them to Immigration within 24 hours of my move to Bangkok. In addition, it says that I should stop at the local ( BANGRAK) police station. I know all of my personal documents I must copy and take plus my wife's ID card copy. Is there anything else? Appreciate any reply.
  2. I feel sorry for you and the child. Originally our half-Thai daughter went to Thai schools and at each there were problems (for me and learning) so we kept changing to "better" schools. But each had its own problems including one which immediately after we joined there, they rid themself of all the farang teachers and even used our daughter on their advertising brochure. We immediately left there, joined another which was a 12-year plus the Kindergarten, daughter started at 3rd grade. By the second year, the school dropped grades 7-12 and added more kindergarten as they got more funds for that (extra teachers per each classroom) but the school then had a 2-year waiting list to get into it. I argued with the teachers and owner about the extremely poor English lessons to the point that we dropped out of that school too and moved to CM from BKK. At CM we got into a brand new school, just opened, expensive but with a good reputation of the parent university and the school was on the physical scale of any US high school. However, poor management meant poor instructions and we decided to leave although offered a full scholarship to remain another year. But by the 3rd year of it open, almost every student over Kindergarten had left as did most of the farang teachers. So, daughter tested at several of the better reputation schools in CM and we opted for Chiang Mai International School with daughter starting 6th grade. By graduation, daughter speaks, reads, writes, and teaches Thai, English, Chinese and Korean. She taught Chinese at a different high school, worked as the Chinese teacher's aide during her junior year, was selected as the best Chinese student for the entire school, passed the level 4 Korean international language test given by the Korean govt each year (many college-level students cannot pass other than level 3). She is currently going to the number one university in Thailand (I realize that standards may not meet developed countries but this is a liberal arts program) learning Japanese language and international culture for a double degree. CMIS has great teachers and programs for all their students whether they will go on to international studies or what ever. At first, our daughter was bored with most of the schools but I never heard any complaint from her about CMIS and their curriculum. Every move was discussed with my Thai wife who agreed wholeheartedly with EVERY move! Best wishes for your daughter.
  3. I would think that ANY American as well as western foreigners would definitely be afraid of Trump possibly being re-elected. In my opinion the numbers of votes above him included many Republicans also afraid of him in 2020. His only goal is to win this time so that he can seek revenge on the Dems and anyone that has made any kind of negative comment about him. All anyone has to do is read a few of the stories about his life and unless one is blind and already made up their mind then they are what is wrong with the world today. Sorta like the joke about Aussie Ostriches where we always say when faced with any danger they bury their head in the sand instead of facing that danger. Trump hasn't been convicted YET but that is only because of the embarrassment by the established folks who he has taken care of and/or who think he will make them famous or rich. He is a criminal not yet convicted of anything really serious but soon hopefully if the system is not rigged in my opinion. I was a strong registered Republican who realized their failings and changed to an Independent.
  4. I may have totally forgotten but I thought that the story during that period was the the coup idea was retired-gen flynn's recommendation and he knew where to get the troops. either way, Trump should be in jail for some time or the system is definitely broken and I wonder if we will ever be able to over come this attack on our democracy. Many states trying to adjust voting areas to limit just who can vote for the Republican. I am not nor ever was a Dem
  5. Many seem to be settling on "reliable to show up" but little afterwards Biden as the lesser of the top three but the problem therein is exactly that AGE and shaky at that with other age problems and if he should drop dead or incapacitated in any way, that would be the VP (currently Ms. Harris) and she has absolutely no experience in anything other than being on someone else's arm. The Dems need to change the VP if he does get the nomination, otherwise I think too many voters will opt for Desantis a
  6. FYI At least at Chiang mai, I just completed my umpteenth renewal of long stay. Like others, it seemed that every year I needed at least one more document. Last yearm I got a letter from my Bangkok Bank where I opened my acct hr in CM plus they gave me a statement that showed t least 12 consecutive months of at least 65,000 baht but then they told me I would have to have a "Bank Statement" from the main office in BKK which would take 3-7 days so I said I would try to do the extension with the two documents only fm my home bank. At Immigration they told me to make a copy of every page of my bank book and then then did my extension, at immigration just about 45 minutes. This year, my home bank told me that immigration would also want that "bank statement" fm Bkk but I asked that they request it from BKK and I would see if I could get the extension that morning and if not would then wait for the "bank statement". Yes, when I got to immigration and they checked my documents outside under the tent, the officer said that I also must have the "bank statement" and told me to wait for it and then return but that the letters I had fm my bank would be good for 7 days only. Fortunately the "bank statement" arrived in 3 days, I returned to immigration and spent less than an hour prior to getting all done! As a side note: I wanted get an appointment but when I checked to do so, the only open hours (2 separate times) were over a month in the future, just before my long stay expired. But, they indicate that with an appointment, one would only need 20 minutes to complete the process. But, just about an hour without one, is a whole lot less than it used to be that is for sure! This is the current process for Chiang Mai Immigration if what I did is the same for all.
  7. I myself find it strange that there are so many of you anti-maskers constantly complaining about anyone still wearing a mask whether it be due to increases in COVID or pollution. Why are you so concerned what others are doing?
  8. Not sure where you are doing your report but, for info on Chiang Mai, I did mine this morning. I arrived at immigration (near airport) at 8AM and they begin checking documents outside by 8:20 AM. They continually announce what is available there TM 7, plus two acknowledgements of overstay and visa and all must do these two acknowledgements (they announce that all the time). At 8:20, they began checking documents. When one arrives, they are given a queue number, mine was 13 and I waited 10 minutes and was called and presented my document What is needed? I do the monthly deposit method for retirement O so I need a statement from my bank (3-5 days normally) updated bankbook (mine was updated night before) available with copy of every page made, plus the bank letter stating each of my monthly Foreign transfers of at least 65000 baht, copy of tm30, copy of latest tm47, and copy of my landing card. I realized several weeks ago that I would be doing my extension of stay so went to the immigration site to make an appointment which they indicates will mean about half an hour at immigration) however, the earliest I could book an appointment was over a month in advance and I would have only 1 day remaining just in case I had any problems so. I went to the bank, got the monthly FT, and updated bank book the night before I would go to immigration and requested the bank to provide a "bank statement", usually has to be done at the main branch, not where ever one might have an account. So Although I had the other documents I had to wait 3 days to get the bank statement and then went to immigration office. The bank deposit letter, is good for 7 days according to the immigration officer. One my documents were checked outside immigration, (2 minutes, they pass it to a senior guy/girl who checks again and then 5 minutes waiting, then he directed me to go inside and get in the queue line for the O windows, which I had to wait another 10 minutes for as several others were already there. Then the IO checked my documents again, gave me a queue number (17) and said go wait down there (windows 7 and 8). I did so, and only had to wait 10 minutes or so and my number was called. They took my documents and 1900 Baht and told me to sit down and wait. I waited about 20 minutes, and had my picture taken and then within 5 minutes I had my passport with the extension approved. All in all, I spent about a total of 90 minutes at immigration without an appointment and there were a lot of people there so no problems for me. Sure seems a lot easier than it used to be as I have been doing this in some form since 2005 when I retired. Again, this was Chiang Mai and the monthly deposit retirement o type. Good luck to all.
  9. retired here 20 years ago and during the entire time, I have received mail regularly without any problems. This includes banking, official US govt and some private. If I did miss anything then it obviously (to me) wasn't that important. Of course, I have used several addresses here, but either Bangkok or Chiang Mai and possibly since they are major hubs in this country then that might be why I never had any problem (that I know of). I also have sent quite a bit of mail but never had any problems there either.
  10. when child was in primary school (2-3 year waiting list to get in), numerous Farang English speakers as teachers then school could make more money on kindergarten so they dropped the 7-12 grades and got rid of most of the Farang teachers. When my child came home with an English homework on pronouns, I checked the instructions and noticed that in the 15 sentences, 9 did no even have any pronouns meeting the requirement. I wrote a quick note to the Thai teacher and sent it back the next day. My child said that the teacher did nothing with the note so I visited her that afternoon and asked why didn't she just check with one of the Farang teachers. I was informed that the school director makes up the homework and tests and that the Thai teachers can't change anything nor can they check with the Farang teachers for correction. I then met with the school director who spent 20 minutes telling me all her academic credentials and awards and I said I wasn't interested in those, only in correct English language lessons for my child. She said she was an English expert and would not change anything. We transferred shortly thereafter and later learned that the waiting lists grew much shorter. When students learn strictly from rote method only, progress may seem good but ceases to move forward shortly thereafter. Fortunately, some professional teachers in some schools are changing the regular process and we luckily found both in CMIS. Seems at least some of the international schools can control their curriculum and their teachers.
  11. Actually you are all correct in your analysis of this problem. Look at the statistics of all the so-called advance countries like the US, Uk, Australia, other European countries, China, etc and you will note that the number one problem today is diabetes and fat people. Look at the western and Chinese tourists now flocking to Thailand and one can see that fat is the current mode of way too many folks.
  12. Not sure where your immigration office is but mine is ChiangMai and I had the same problem last year and again this year in that like you my 90-day report was done online in April. Last year and this year, I only got an extension before my next due date on the date of my 1-year long stay date in June. I see no problem though as I will go my yearly extension and then again online for the following report in June.
  13. well look at the US and after O's statements telling all to get a college degree in order to make it, but he forgot to say get a degree worth while but instead they got a lot of big loans and now are awaiting Biden and the Democrats to pay off their loans. Whatever happened to responsibility for one's actions? Obviously not not just here.
  14. CM also started asking me to provide a copy of every page of my bank book. easy enough to do so no problem.
  15. NEGATIVE, when over 25 when I go outside, I wear an N95 or N99 mask, over 100 I don't do anything outside. House has an air purifier in every room which we use every day the AQI goes over 25.
  16. Previously, in my younger days, I ran 5-10 miles daily. Occasionally I too would get a sore throat and then I read a healthline note...dehydration can do just that. Then everytime I got or even now get a sore throat I can usually think about my daily habits and drink water! sore throat goes away! Just saying...also daily beer will dehydrate one even easier. A healthy lifestyle with daily alcohol negates any positive actions! even a small amount. Just saying...latest studies indicate that no matter how much or how little, regular alcohol drinks are NOT healthy.
  17. I bank also is Bangkok Bank but I go to my CM Bank office and ask if I can get the year's statement plus the one that it is my account only and that if I can stop in the next day at opening time and get a copy of the two documents. Update my bankbook at that time, then to the photocopy by immigration and copy each of the pages of the bank book. I have done this yearly for 4 straight years and always get the copies within 24 hours. My original account was through the Bangkok office but that was a joint account and about 4/5 years ago the immigration said I needed to have an account in my name only so did that in Chiang Mai.
  18. I hear a lot of folks, especially farangs talking about the air pollution but I notice that none of them are ever wearing an n95 mask, some are exercising to boot. every chart I see says that when it is over 200 don't do go out of the house! I used to run regularly, living in big cities and Drs. warned me about the hazards associated with pollution. I ignored them until I came down with Bell's palsy, affecting the nerves on one side of my face...I immediately went to the doctor, checked it out, said I had an infection probably from pollution in one of my eyelids. Cleaned out 3 pockets of infection, and palsy was gone by the next day. I try to avoid any outside activity when the pollution stays as high as it has here in CM. Like I said I used to run daily, then at 65 changed to 5-10 kms a day walking. With pollution like this, I have missed a daily walk for several weeks - only going out after the storms. Hopefully we will get one of those today or soonest. Locals just seem to say oh this is normal - wonder how long it will take them to realize how it affects one's health in most cases.
  19. 34 states agreeing to change the constitution on term limits for congress men/women would be legal under our constitution and state's rights. There has been legal activity more and more recently so hopefully this will come to fruition. Seems to me it is time for a new generation of Americans to run the govt as today's politicians seem to be more interested in getting funds for reelection than for doing their job to fix our problems such as budget, immigration, illegal drug spreading, etc.
  20. what to do? IMHO our congress should not allow any illegal immigrant to ever become a US citizen until they are a legal immigrant and the same for all of their family including any birth in the US ( a necessary change tot he law too). 2nd, those that come into the borders and claim asylum should not be allowed to remain free in the US as it takes several years for the courts to even hear their case and from what I have read, by then the US immigration doesn't even really know where any of these folks are. Our immigration laws are the easiest just about in the "free" world as so many do make it to the US and find greater opportunities than in their own country. After all, the US is a nation for the most part on immigrants but times have changed somewhat and too many crimes are now involved in getting to the US and then remaining there for innocent and criminals alike. We need greater efforts to curb drug use and control of immigrants. my opinion anyway but I am so against the US politicians as it appears to me from what I read daily from around the world politicians of almost all nations are nothing but leeches that are more concerned with being re-elected than they are in solving the problems of their countries.
  21. Yessir, term limits a necessity...there is a group "term limits.com" that pushes just that and has had some success in getting states to agree that if enough states do agree can change that law and Congress must abide by that. As for Harris that is just a joke - if she ever became POTUS then I would know for sure that the American voters just pull out their choice from their rear end! Happy SongKran!
  22. yea. but he did't do anything about the pandemic upsurge which trashed the world economy together with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Trump and his lies together with most of the Republican Party are destroying democracy in the US. I hate Democrats even more as it seems ALL politicians want to do is work towards re-election because stupid voters will keep them drawing a Govt check without having to fix any of the nation's problems. Biden and Trump both need to get lost and a younger generation maybe won't be so corrupt. My opinion only based on too many years of seeing the same useless politicians re-elected over and over.
  23. as I mentioned earlier, submitted mine on Saturday, a day later than the 15 day as I didn't get the alert and by Monday AM I had my new date for the next 90 day report. No complaint from me.
  24. this is the first time I didn't get the 15-day alert that my 90-day report was due online. So on the 14th day before it was due I logged in , did my email, password and clicked on the magnifying glass sign and the TM47 with all my data filled in appeared. I acknowledged that all was correct and submitted it and then I received an email with the filled in tm 47 saying that immigration had received it. this was 8 April 2023.
  25. We regularly go to Bangkok Hospital Chiang Ma for whatever ails us. I too have a great insurance company but seldom use them as the cost locally is so insignificant. Due to the pollution, my daughter began getting an eye infection. Last time she had one just about every burning season that she was in school even though the school had air purifiers in every room. However, she had to walk outside between classes, and cafeteria but then they went to online due to the COVID situation so for several years she had no problem. Now she has graduated and at home but went to the mall for a movie on Friday...duh! Anyway, doctor check up and prescriptions was nothing but pocket change. A couple of years ago, I had a belly button infection - most horrible odor I have ever experienced. The local pharmacists gave me an antibiotic plus hydrogen peroxide to wash my belly button every morning and night but that if it still had that odor after a couple of days then I should visit the doctor. Went to the same hospital. Checked in visited with a doctor and after thoroughly checking my belly button, said the odor wasn't so bad and I explained that I had been using x antibiotic and cleaning twice a day with hydrogen peroxide. He said well there doesn't seem to be any problem now. He said "no charge" but if it returns, then we can explore further. Compared to what they charge in the US for just the doctor to say hi, we can be sure it is cheaper here. It might depend on the hospital too. But I am a satisfied customer. I have a lot of experience with US hospitals, my first wife died of breast cancer or I should say was killed by one of the poisons they were giving her. I know how much that 12 years of treatment cost so don't complain about cost of treatment here. Best of health to all so that you don't even have to think about it.
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