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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. I agree, any earned income here in Thailand should pay income tax. My money was earned over 40 years working in other countries but I paid the income tax to the USA. Now I get a pension from the USA govt and they tax that money too. They have a DTA with Thailand and if Thailand decides to tax my pension then the US govt will pay me back those funds paid to the Thais. What do you think a Double tax avoidance agreement between governments means?
  2. I also realize that tghe host country (where one has 180+days of residence) IAW the DTA can charge income taxes - therefore at least the USA reimburses those taxes paid to the host govt.
  3. yes, if I didn't already pay tax on all that I receive (already paid tax when I originally earned it) and to avoid making people pay double tax, the sole purpose of the 59 countries that signed such an agreement with Thailand. If I was "earning" any income here I would gladly pay a tax on that money. I spend over 3 million baht per year here in Thailand, including tuition for schools from middle school through college. I paid for my house including taxes and for the yearly muban fee.
  4. As a US cit, I worked overseas for many years, had several houses which an agent took care of. Great renters paying for my houses but after I retired, I sold all because I was a resident of Maryland, a state that charged a fairly high state tax on any pension, property taxes, etc and even if I went back, then they would claim that since I returned to MD, I should pay state taxes for those years gone so I sold everything or gave it to my family there so, if I was to decide to leave Thailand (very doubtful) then I sure wouldn't ever return to MD and that is why I got rid of everything tying me to that state. Agents are okay sometimes which we learned over the years and finally had one that took care of our property the same as if we were there but not having to even think about storms there or other problems, makes it much easier and glad that I got rid of everything.
  5. Even though if they were not exempt, I as a US citizen would be reimbursed for any amount taken out by the Thais, just the additional hassle of having to do the added paper work would just be another unneeded reason for some to leave. There is not much that the Thais could alter in the immigration status that would drive me out but, who knows just how far they might go for the chance at another baht/dollar. Anxious to listen to the 15 Dec presentation of the Thai American Chamber of Commerce to see if anyone has the final plan coming out in Jan.
  6. In mid November, I decided to renew my US passport which was due to expire in May 2024. Went on the embassy website, filled out the necessary documents, and forwarded everything including current passport to the Consular section of the US embassy. Today 9 December, I received my new (and old cancelled passports. Much better than the predicted 6-8 weeks from start to receipt of new passport. Thank you consular section and State Dept.
  7. Also some pensions are considered earned income, federal pensions not so.
  8. There are other monies that are considered earned income - read the definition of same. Or to a US govt webb site and ask what is included in "earned" income. Easy to find and understand.
  9. how can it reduce? tax office in home country will only reimburse that money taken by the Thais
  10. you need to read the definition of "earned" income. A US govt pension is not considered earned income. The Tax agreement says that Thailand could still tax me too but that the US IRS would then adjust my US tax bill for the same amount taken by the Thais. Only the hassle of filing that crap, no loss of money.
  11. no matter what, from the USA anything taxed by the Thais on retirement pension will only lower your USA tax bill for that year or reading the tax laws, could lower your tax the following year. You still have to pay one or the other and don't have a choice on the USA portion of your pension.
  12. again, so far the only written thing I understand is "earned income" - as a holder of a retirement O, I can't work or receive any benefits for doing anythinig here...no wages, salaries or other "earned" benefits. so I am not worried what 1 Jan will bring. ButTIT and they can change their interpretation of any agreement made by former governments.
  13. Not to start any problems but as it says in the above "earned" income...most retirees are here on a pension and a retirement visa person is not allowed to work to earn a salary or benefits of any kind.
  14. I do blv that is the same custom in most poor countries.
  15. Yeah, check out O and his stand on Iran - now the world is going to pay for it. Just ike little rocket man or a cockroach, if you don't stomp on it immediately, millions more will follow that original one.
  16. Well, the problem is not that they claim a different meaning, it is the "Thainess" of the meaning for the tax law that THEY are writing. And that should still be "earned" income which means something entirely different to them and us maybe.
  17. I do believe that the first comment about paying for immigrants is the western-world problem today and that is why the far-right politicians are enjoying a better ride in elections. You sure don't see the folks from countries ruled by autocrats mentioning this problem do you?
  18. Also, many of the states in the US also tax both SS and govt/mil pensions!
  19. Agents too enable those without sufficient funds from what I see on this forum.
  20. yes your English language understanding is co Yes you understand the meaning that English-language word - but those who are deciding the taxes, are Thai and they may translate to something totally alien to us. Wait until Jan to find out for sure.
  21. Exactly....look at the US govt and the SS fund - govt continues to rob it to meet obligations to enrich the richer and in just a few years, the old folks who built that fund will be the ones suffering!!!!!!! this is fact!
  22. Thais do have it rought (some of them) if you notice the news today, poor working stiffs here will be getting 330-370 baht a DAY - I really don't see how they can survive - oh yeah recently another news article said that soon the population of Thailand could be 33 million citizens as opposed to today's number of 66 million citizens because folks are having fewer children - that is probably because they can't afford them! This is a great place for many ex-pats, I love it, immigration requirements are considerably easier now that years ago for sure. Cost is still a lot better than at home. My opinion anyway.
  23. Those immigrants you cited are also not getting pensions from previous work. I for one, not a democrat or Republican but realize that the US cannot survive with OPEN borders. Right now the estimate is over 12 million illegals and more pouring in daily. With the limited immigration courts, that gives them years to run around the US (no 90-day or TM-30 reports). I am against all the freebies that cause local taxes (especially noticable in Dem controlled states/cities) have to be increased monthly just to give it to these immigrants. My opinion anywayu.
  24. as it has been mentioned since the beginning of this tax issue, none of us actually knows definitively what the Thai tax folks are going to do come 1 January. On 15 Dec, the Thai American Chamber of Commerce will be holding a ZOOM question and answer about the upcoming tax issue and reportedly will have Thai tax folks there. It is a free link that has also been provided recently and works for me a retired American drawing a pension from the US Govt. I will be listening to the questions and answers on 15 Dec and will then provide immediately thereafter, any pertinent information that they do give. If it is like everything to date, then I and you will not be any closer to the final picture but we will have what the embassy has and hopefully if it does affect our US taxes then I would hope there is some official contact between the Thai and US govt (plus some of the other 59 or so countries with a taxation agreement with Thailand will also let their ex-pats know anything official. Relax until we really know what is going on as it might not really affect most of us anyway.
  25. Thai CHAAM will provide a broadcast from the US Embassy with tax "experts" to talk about the new tax on monies coming into Thailand by those staying more than 180 days a year.. link is free to anyone. 15 Dec. I will listen and provide anything of interest passed.
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