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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Yeah I was on a retirement O for 20+ years, doing my annual report first in BKK at the old BanSuanPlu office and then moved to CW, and finally moved to CM. CM changed during many of those years too but then in recent years they seemed to actually make some positive moves for the expats. I always did all that was necessary for the annual report, even with the embassy dropping the income letter, etc and banking changes (solo account only), etc and never had any real problems as I followed stories on this forum so always had extra copies of many different documents incase of need. But then I read about the LTR - and we had this taxation scheme(s) of the govt so I without having any financial ideas about how I would be affected and that the LTR would help me out, as well as no more 90-day reports - so I got that visa within a couple of weeks without any real problems and then after many notes on this forum, I learned where to find info on my financial standing and the taxation schemes and learned that I was protected probably or possibly in several ways. Thanks to all those forum users who provided possible scenarios and financial situations and where to find that information of DTA's and the Thai Revenue Department for necessary information. Now I am totally relaxed and can easily await some further information from the Thai side on what they will expect from us. I do wish the best of luck to all the expats as we are just too easy a target for whatever schemes they come up with. I do not think all will be impacted greatly this year but if they go to their next scheme then I can see it hurting many of the expats and in any case will cause the government to actually lose money rather than gain more.
  2. Well I note in the local news article on her speech about the 10 policies that she will concentrate on, the one on the economy and taxes included a bit that she wants to get expats involved in the local tax too. I assume it is the same as Setha's plans but I guess we will soon (maybe) learn just what they plan to do with expats and taxes.
  3. They are probably looking at the foreigners from the US - you know the really smart ones, the MAGA folks believing everything Trump says so yeah those foreigners are stupid in the minds of the Thai.
  4. Maybe that question will be answered by the Revenue Department before tax forms are due. Good luck
  5. Those problems to which I was referring dealt with ENGLISH language official documens which should not be needed in translation as ENGLISH is the official international language of Thailand. I have noted in my 20+ years of retirement in dealing with the immigration or other government offices, my official US government documents never needed to be translated into Thai and were accepted for whatever was needed. As for the financial problems, on those if you have seen any of my notes on this forum, I tell it like it is - I am old and totally ignorant of financial activities - fortunately my pension is a govt pension and I have no other income so the DTA of the US and Thailand also is pretty cleart to me - the information about my finances and taxation in Thailand came to me via folks on this forum - I learned where I could find that info and did so and then I relaxed as I noted how simple my finances and taxation here are especially compared to others here. I do wish all the expats end up not having too many problems but I also realize that many will have complicated finance activities which the locals probably will not understand. Hope they do like the PI and ignore pensions of all types.
  6. Well if the current govt/administration are wiped off the charts, all the larger party officials of the past generation cannot hold any elected position for years as part of the demolition of their party so who would folks even consider voting for?
  7. ...an then you woke up from your hilarious dream knowing it could never encompass all those positives for expats in Thailand!
  8. Actually based on all the comments in this Forum alone, I think that there will be some expats from some countries other than the US, UK, Aussies that might have some problems but since I am totally unfamiliar with any other than the US I am just guessing how things will shake out in the end just like 99% of the users of this forum. But, I do wish the best and happiness for all.
  9. I do believe that they do it at their office and it is "zoom" to folks after they log on...They didn't provide any further info, but said that I could share the info with possible interested people. I don't think they would provide anything for me so I didn't go any further with it other than to share it with the forum. Google their office and they can provide you with whatever you need. Good luck.
  10. I subscribe to EXPATTAXTHAILAND and they have informed me of the following upcoming tax seminars for anyone interested. 19 Sept. How are Overseas Pensions taxed in Thailand? 26 Sept. Cryptocurency Taxation for expats in Thailand 3 Oct: How investment Capital gains are taxed in Thailand 10 Oct: Thailand-Canada DTA: Tax planning essential for Canadian expats 17 Oct: Navigating taxes on property sales and rental income in Thailand 24 Oct: Thailand-South African DTA 31 Oct: Thailand-Sweden DTA I was informed that I could provide this information for expats interested. If one would like to register for a webinar and/or any further information, contact "expattaxthailand.com"
  11. Like I previously told someone else, I am just old and too ignorant to get into any kind of trading be it the stock markets or cryptocoins. I have really basic finances - a pension only - and can do my taxes usually within a few minutes each year. Less stressful for this old guy.
  12. such is human nature at its best and to think that in many religions, greed/envy are sins. Then there are those that work their ass off and still can't make enough to even buy a house or provide for their family as they are just making some other person rich.
  13. Never considered the markets either, just too ignorant of all the ins and outs. I had a great job, well paid and now have a great retirement income. Can provide easily for my family and if I croak sooner then they will still receive annuity without any problems. I do wish everyone luck in whatever they decide what they want to do except for those who just want to have some government give them free bennies without them having to pay anything.
  14. yeah, that is true but too many people have been avoiding paying taxes on their income to any country, thus the OECD agreement to try to catch those people.
  15. Their country so they can do whatever they want especially when it comes to expats
  16. Even if the Shinawat family loved expats, if they were to be kicked out it seem Anutin is striving to become the next PM, he will definitely have the support of the hopheads and he has always "disliked" farangs. Just saying...better I think to have this govt last a while and hopefully the economy will survive the worldwide recession that appears to be approaching. Good luck to all.
  17. There was a note in US news today, forgot source but I will pass it on anyway - US folks lost over 5 BILLION dollars in cryptocurrencies last year - doesn't sound that attractive to me.
  18. Yes seems that theUK govt favors the foreigners more than their own natives based on forum inputs.
  19. Especially with the current education system...the elite send their kids to schools elsewhere and then they do favors for others in power positions, so that they can take care of their children too.
  20. DTA for all in Thai and English anyway for US can be easily found - just google that....or better yet you can go to the Thai Revenue dept website - they carry English too for DTA's and also royal exemption such as that for the LTR for anyone interested. Best to read the DTA prior to making any real changes to life here. Good luck
  21. I believe that folks that earn a minimum income should pay taxes to either their native country or to the country in which they reside. It is basically called a fari share - now I don't set the limits but I have paid my income tax for over 60 years. governments unless they control a money making enterprize - i.e. oil wells, gold mines, diamonds, etc and then in turn provide services for their citizens and workers. I realize too that paying taxes here, is not fair as expats have no real rights whatsoever and some of us have contributed many millions of baht regularly without getting any services from the government. From what I see the past year to date, many senior Thai officials consider expats as a "milk cow" so to speak and are expressing possible means to extract more money from us. Eventually, that milk will run dry as we move on to more favorable locations, and in many cases may just return to our native lands so that we can get some services provide from the government. Are all taxes everywhere fair? I don't know. I do see that the Philippines recognizes what the expats bring with them and have not so far tried to milk them. I lived there for 6 years and loved it - just not the storms, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting and local food is not great for me while I also know western foods are available - but I prefer Thai food. I also am glad the US DTA offers some protection from local taxes for me. If people have to pay additional - that I don't think is fair either. But even on this forum we read regularly about how many years some expats have lived here without paying any income tax anywhere and some are planning or have made plans to avoid paying any tax here or elsewhere. That I don't believe in either. Eventually, immigration and revenue from around the world will come up with strategies to cover every possible way of avoiding taxes. My opinion and it may take a long time but since 138 countries signed that OECD agreement, the thoughts about non paying folks is readily apparent to me. Best of luck to everyone, whatever you decide to do.
  22. and then the armed guys step in for a while to get their fair share, then it starts all over...been living here at times since the early 1970's....very little has changed in politics
  23. In BKK a 10-foot Cobra - told the mooban guards and they said not to worry, a boa constrictor - they went to see it and it immediately rose up to at least 5 foot tall and its hood spread out - they almost died on the spot trying to get some distance. At home in CM - walking 3:00 AM to avoid traffic, came upon a 3-4 meter Burmese Python - had to help the guards capture it so they could take it to the mountains to be released. When the snake opened it mouth to try to escape capture, I realized quickly that it could swallow my head easily. I stopped walking at 3:00 AM after that morning.
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