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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Well, according to the news I read today, there are stories saying that there are a record number of LGBTQ registered participanting athletes for the Olympics in Paris. Sure lost me lately. I don't understand all the transgender, sinking birthrates, fewer marriages even. Guess there is a whole new world that has passed by me. Is this progress? will mankind survive?
  2. totally agree. That is why I feel that whoever came up with this idea, and those who supported it and those that ran the operations should all be in prison. My opinion anyway and it obviously is a total wast of US taxpayer monies!!!!!!
  3. But that is exactly why many businesses didn't sign up for the program - and that is why the government now is saying that the revenue department will not be checking their income so they won't pay taxes on any of this money plus whatever is mixed in with it. Seems an easy way to keep from reporting anything business wise to the dept.
  4. Talk about a waste of US taxpayers' money. Many people overseeing this "operation" should be in prison. Those in charge of this program that established the rules including elected officials should also be in prison. I notice that all of these countries are real close friends (not) of the US too!
  5. jUst look at the Algerian dude uh woman - sure looks like a guy to me. Ask the Italian boxer how many "women" have ever hit her that hard.
  6. I am 77. Like you I walk 6 kms 7 days a week, lift weights every 3rd day (light with lots of reps to avoid injury), do core exercises for 1 hour on the days I don't lift weights - my BP has remained the same except my resting heart rate has increased about 6 points over the years. I used to be a runner for 50 years and heart rate used to be lower and during physicals doctor always asked if I was a runner. As for your juicing - reasearchers indicate that will lower the fiber from those veggies but some people still have great blood work that are juicers. You might thinks about adding some garlic or garlic supplements to a daily meal. Some people have found this does help lower BP. Proper breathing can also lower BP so maybe try some deep breathing exercises - helps the heart to relax more too. Good luck and don't slow down too much - we need to keep an active lifestyle and healthy eating as long as we can.
  7. Not too long ago, I was reading about a transgender male tall and with male genitalia, in the women's dressing room and at one point, this person's daughter turned around and directly in front of her this transgender had dropped his pants and his penis was right in front of her face! No way would I allow my daughter to participate in any activity of the school that allows this and I would publicize it for all the parents to know! To me, this is infringing upon the rights of others - the majority too, vote legislators out that approve these laws. My opinion anyway.
  8. This just confirms my feelings that the law is at fault....whatever the reason today's society is broken to continue to allow the elected officials to approve of this kind of law - vote them all out that vote for this type of law. Nature, GOD, or whatever one believes, biology says there are two kinds male and female. I realize sometimes nature makes a mistake but all of society should not have to pay for it. <y opinion.
  9. Absolutely NO! If my daughter's were in a school that allowed such activity then I would pull them out in protest.
  10. Actually, researchers of note, especially Dr. William Li, doctor of medicine, heart specialist and researcher says that diseases of all types that cause deaths of people before their time (what ever that is defined as) and he mentions the 5 leading causes of early deaths, can be prevented and in some cases cured by diet and healthy habits (exercise, cleanliness, sleep, etc.). But, look at society today, developed countries have so many fast and unhealthy foods while healthy foods are available yet overweight and obese people are the norm today and the big pharmas love it as they continue to reap record profits from those sick people. Manufacturers of unhealthy foods use artificial coloring and taste without care of the negative health effect caused by those ultraprocessed "foods". We have been told by experts in laboratories that smoking and drugs of all kinds can destroy our bodies yet people still spend $$$ on both. People eat unhealthy foods because they say it tastes good even though they are constantly told that those foods are bad for their health. My feelings anyway sorry if one doesn't agree with me.
  11. I have no argument with transgenders, other than to say I just don't understand it at all. Nature, GOD, and other ancient stories of the creation of man and then women, the two different beings, necessary for pro-creation of mankind. Therefore when one is born, unless something totally different emerges, the baby is either a male or female and if there is any question then chromosomes are checked to determine male or female, the parents are advised and then they raise the child as best they can. This changing gender should not be up to a child but only someone of legal age at least in my opinion. Today it seems too many people are affected by what they see and hear on social media. And to allow men to use the ladies dressing rooms or bathrooms, or to participate in women's sports, to be is just WRONG! I can understand why people in this community as members or not of that gym are upset with this policy set by the state legislature about non-discrimination but I would advise people not to participate in activity at that gym or any facility in which they might be embarassed or upset if a man can use the ladies facilities. My opinion anyway. The world has certainly changed during my lifetime and I find so many changes goes against all that I grew up learning about.
  12. well the border runs to Arunyaprathet that I used to do many years ago, we would cross over the border into Poipet, stamped out and Cambodian visa entered, go to the casino for free lunch, then back to the border and cross back into Thailand on the same day. That was many years ago so don't know what the story is today. Good luck
  13. Yes, mother's family had hbp and heart problems - especially the males, father's family had prostrate cancers and other cancers especially the males thus I am healthy concious - diet, exeercise, etc. Brother in law's males all died prior to 40's but he exercised religiously and at 78 he is stlll going so heredity can definitely affect one's life but with proper dieting and exercise and healthy habits one can overcome many of the bad traits that affect one's health.
  14. The two books by Dr. William Li (harvard heart specialist and researcher explains in detail the exact nutrients/vitamins, whatever and what disease that particular food will possibly cure or prevent by what nutrient and how much is needed/ and how often - health drinks too included. These two books definitely changed my eating habits which I thought were already healthy but now that I have changed my diet, I feel even better every day. I notice since his books came out, that you tube "experts" on nutrition and diets increase daily! VIllamart has the most varied berries in my opinion.
  15. Yeah, the Congress/ government robbed the SS fund and never paid it back so now the future senior folks who worked all their life but never got a pension since so many businesses dropped that benefit may never get their fair share either. And looking at costs today just for housing and transportation besides food to eat, I don't see how those seniors are going to survive on just a ss payment. It would probably be best if my wife didn't choose to stay in Thailand at that time but who knows what will be happening with this or the next local government. Thanks to all for the information you did send me, I appreciate that courtesy.
  16. Nice to know - what an a-hole. Would that be the same for a dual American-Thai do you think? or the fact that they were green card holders so not actually full US citizen-Thai. I really don't think it will be questionable but was just wondering since I am sure there must be some others in that same boat. But am sure by the time that rolls around 40 years from now who knows what the tax situation might be or even the world situation.
  17. a question in my mind has come to be about Donald Trump's promise to stop taxation of US social security for elders - would that meant that the Thais could then tax US social security? or would the DTA still be valid in SS only by the US? Just wondering.
  18. googled it and it said if he tried to leave on a different passport than that which he entered, he could be fined!
  19. correct she is a Thai ... I presume that if she held dual citizenship (thai-USA) and was a tax-resident living in Thailand that she would have to pay Thai taxes on that annuity. I am not a tax expert by any means and don't know is that is in fact how it would be decided. Our daughter has dual citizenship and if she worked for the US govt and retired with an annuity, I am unsure how they would respond if she was a Thai tax resident too.
  20. Yeah i monitor my heart during exercise and while studying Taekwando, I learned that breathing deeply will allow the heart to relax somewhat from vigorous exercise. Also it is proven that deep breathing can lower ones BP too. There are actual exericse programs for deep breathing. Good luck.
  21. Yeah, when I pass away, my wife will get a pension annuity from the US govt. Since she is a native Thai and living in Thailand she will need to notify the IRS of this fact, so that the US doesn't tax that annuity and she will need to pay Thai taxes on those funds. We are well aware of that fact as it is also stated in the DTA very clearly.
  22. once I saw the effects on my mother's BP, I too began what I suggested to her - and I still take garlic supplement daily and I have no problems with my BP at 77 but I also exercise regularly a couple of hours daily and eat a healthy diet - lots of fresh fruits and veggies great here in Thailand.
  23. Well, My pension is from the US Government and is a pension paid for the 40 years of government employment during which the monies I receive were paid by me and my fellow employees. The LTR to which I paid for certain 10-year benefits says I do not have to pay taxes on foreign income and in addition, the DTA between the US and Thailand says that my pension can only be taxed by the US government. Now, if both those reasons that I have non-assessable income are declared null and void by the Thai government, then yes, I will leave this land that I love and that I spend several millions of baht yearly and have done so for many years. I would not be happy to leave but I would go to some place that puts some value on my monies and self worth. Best of luck to others that may be negatively affected by the tax programs to come.
  24. yep they only continue to reap record profits if the masses remain ill...never forget that...just check out the number of "new BILLIONAIRS" during the COVID pandemic!
  25. I kind of agree with some of the other people on this forum. Taxation without representation just doesn't make sense to me. That was a major situation a couple of hundred years ago for the British colonies in in which birthed the US of A. As long a everyone does continue or starts paying taxes somewhere, then that also means to me no paying a "fair share". That is also one of the stated reasons for 138 countries to sign on to the OECD agreement of 2023. I guess if the govt does go to a worldwide income taxation it will really affect retirement in this country by foreigners. It does seem to me that they want all they can get from foreigners but they sure don't seem to want to give us any breaks except for the LTR so far. Someday maybe they will appreciate the monies that the expats do provide here without getting any benefits. My opinion only of course but I have paid taxes since I started working as a teenager and haven't missed paying them every year since then. Good luck to all.
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