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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Well, itis you people that don't even have a particular visa that claim all different kinds of false information. You were told by others holding the LTR too about their experience with the BOI folks. Have a good one.
  2. thanks for that info, when I go to the bank and need any contact with them then I will carry my old p/p with me so that there is no misunderstanding.
  3. I got a new passport and in Feb this year went to CM branch of my Bangkok Bank and asked if they needed to change my p/p number but several of the workers there said that there was no need for me to do anything. They didn't keep the new number nor look at the p/p. I thought that they would want the new number but obviously not. Take care stay safe
  4. Actually, that is what the rep there has told several of us but as for me as I mentioned it is a moot point anyway as I have no plans to ever work again. Enjoy the day!
  5. Okay, Thanks for that info. I will be in BKK at least for the first year but then it might be in CM where I have a house. Getting the TM.30 there is really easy as I was there earlier this year. Again, thanks for this info. Have a good one.
  6. only has to read certain categories as the revenue folks wouldn't care about most comments - but anything dealing with taxes, income, wouldn't take many people - probably one could do it. I am not suggesting that they are doing it, only that could be possible. I think by now they have to realize that expats here are watching closely to see what the latest tax collection scheme will be. In the last couple of days the govt has announced that they want to entice skilled people to live and work here especially Thais working in other countries. Obviously it will be interesting to see if they announce publically lower or no taxes on those folks - especially since it would upset expats which they seem to like doing. Have a good one.
  7. Tax year is 1 Jan -31 Dec and one has to file between 1 Jan until 31 March if one is filing.
  8. Have always been taxed in my home country - USA since age 17. And I do blv that 35% Thai tax would be higher than what I pay now.
  9. BOI specifically said I could get a work permit - they would assist - wealthy pensioner LTR holder. funny how all the folks that don't even have a particular visa want all to think that they are the experts for that particular visa. Have a good day.
  10. Never medicated, haven't even had a headache this century truly! not even aspirin - healthy and lucky. But, a boomer that just doesn't understand why all the negative changes in society since I grew up. Can't be good changes as no one seems to be happy and the only response people have is violence. I have been to war and it is ugly but that was soldier to soldier, not civilian nor man against women and children. Guess it may have been there before, just not publicized with all the social media of today. Anyway - take care be safe have a great day!
  11. Yeah, I am not realy converned yet as I have an LTR and protected by the DTA but, TIT and would definitely hate it if I needed to move!
  12. I think a bit of a diservice was made in the visa section - I found that the wealthy pensioner LTR from the BOI to be the least amount of paperwork needed for the visa and for the yearly notification of residence (varies of course here need to read the actual benefit) and then the fifth-year renewal, again with limited amount of paperwork needed. If one meets the requirements of this 1 of 4 visas offered, then this can be the easiest visa to obtain and maintain. It is for me anyway, I had a retirement O for 20 years but now have the LTR. Good luck.
  13. Right now, I believe that the govt does have people reading the comments of folks on this forum and besides that Thai govt offices have probably already heard a lot of the same questions and responses of the tax agents locally too. Therefore, this being TIT I can imagine that sometime in the near future anyone staying in Thailand will need to obtain a Thai Tax ID number. Then when departing Thailand one will need a slip of paper stamped by the local RD that all necessary taxes have been paid prior to the IO stamping one out of the country or extending the stay of a possible Tax-resident. TIT so that means anything could happen or nothing could happening - we as expats will be the last to know for sure.
  14. Well whereever you are entering Thailand, outside of BKK, then doing a TM.30 might be easy (i.e. CM usually only takes 5 minutes for that even during the morning rush) but I am not familiar with other IO. To be sure, just call or email the BOI LTR folks and ask them what you might have to do or not have to do. Good luck.
  15. Seems like to me that Pattya just wants to have its cake and eat it too. I realize that the govt knows exactly why so many men come to Thailand and they know that Pattaya is the number one place to go outside of Bangkok so there is no way they will shut down the bars there or here in BKK as they get way too much money from those sources. However, it sure seems that they should be able to take care of these "bouncers" by throwing them in prison for a while to calm them down. Also all tourists need to be aware that there are some places that are basically unsafe if one is drunk or maybe even sober so that they can avoid those areas. I have been in Thailand for more than 30 years total and have never had any kind of altercation here. I have even spent some days and nights in Pattaya with my family but we didn't hang around the bar area either. Good luck to all and hope this older many recovers completely and wiser.
  16. well, as one who will be solely in BKK during the 1st year anyway, all I am required to do is to notify the BOI office here either in person or have someone do it for me. Nothing about any TM.30 has been mentioned. FYI it will be the same address anyway but others I have seen online asking just says that if one enters any immigration office for that one year, it might be up to that particular IO about the TM.30. Go figure as TIT.
  17. sure seemed a lot different in the published interview with the deputy of the Foreign Ministry - his saying in and out, out and in as many times as one would want within the 5-years of the DTV. If folks are "flocking" to this visa, then the government (both immigration, Foreign Ministry and Revenue Dept of Thailand should weigh it soonest. Oh yeah and while they are at it all the details about tax situations for expats both this year and the status of talks about the subsequent years. Best of luck to all here in Paradise.
  18. Sorry for the long-winded bit I just sent - just wanted to mention the pitfall of open versus closed immigration. have a good one.
  19. Well since the UN began their initiatives in human rights and female empowerment at odds with the traditional role of women creating families, both developed and developing countries don't want to go back to the traditional family values with women focused on bearing children. One can see the resulting deographics, meaning that the populations age without as many children needed to just maintain the numbers of citizens, and then one can see how bad it can get - i.e. Japan having to recall retirees to the workforce, Korea predicting a 100% fall in the number of citizens as the young-to-middle aged folks now are not dating as much, not getting married (nor planning to), no kids if they do get married and having to work 2 or 3 jobs just to live a poor life, and we can't ignore Thailand either - they are predicting that in 20-30 years the population will be less than half that of today. I am sure other countries' data would agree with this - especially any country that is hostile to immigration numbers needed to keep the low-paid jobs that the locals really do not want to do filled. Then, since the pandemic and total closures of most jobs, and subsequent closures of so many offices, manufacturing plants, etc., many of those trying to re-establish that business have failed. Many workers have not returned to the work force for many different reasons I guess. Now it does appear that we might be entering a world depression. We have an election in the US with candidates as far separated in platforms as the citizenry is too with many on both sides saying that they will not accept a loss to the other side. I myself is not too concerned for myselt as I am an old man of the past out in the pasture so too speak but my wife and kids will have to face what comes. I can only hope the best for them and try to prepare them for whatever comes about. At the same time we expats here and probably in other lands too are possibly going to go through some turbulent years too both political and financial. I do with the best for all their families too.
  20. It seems to me, having lived and/or worked within numerous ASIAN countries that this is a common trait among all of those ASIAN countries.
  21. too old for re-education...no problem with theml, just don't understand
  22. I read he identifies as a non-binary, guess we need a dictionary now every time these people come "out".
  23. see it mentioned a lot, in different situations so to be able to properly assign an understandable translatiom for different situations...oh, I forgot to provide the record number of LGBTQ "athletes" at the Olympics - 193...though first article said 194 so guess one changed its mind.
  24. explain WOKE in layman's terms...you know everyday ENGLISH please!
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