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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Suggest then that you read the Thai govt revenue dept about being a tax resident in Thailand - having to pay tax on any assessable remittances or monies earned in Thailand.
  2. So, please advise the freedom of this visa - for example, can a person on retirement (any type) stop keeping 800,000 or a married guy (400,000) no longerr need to have that money in the bank and just go out of the country and walk back in on a 60-day every 2 months? no more 90-day reports or tm.30's? sounds weird to me. I have been here a loooooooooong time and just wondering.
  3. According to some that got/get free golf green fees, and if one play a lot of golf (some courses have lights and open at night too and I once a member of such a course played 3 rounds many days and at least two rounds every day) then it might not be such a bad visa. If one can afford that visa, then why should anyone else complain? That person is not making anyone get a particular visa which is the choice of every person based on qualifications and meeting all the requirements of a particular visa. I have previously been on a retirement O for 20 years, accepted the reporting requirements, yearly extenions of same and finally realized that the LTR fit me much better so switched. That is the option of each of us and if taxation continues to evolve depending on the government, we also have the option of leaving or accepting whatever comes down be it permanent or temportary. Good luck to all and hope all get what they deserve uh earn.
  4. Yeah, thos that get the DTA nowadays (since it came out after June 27) can remit money/spend money earned without a problem (unless of course they were here prior to 27 JUne and depending on how many days) since unless they are spending more than 180 days during THIS calendar year, are not tax residents of Thailand. However, depending on all the dust settling, unless some new guidance is provided on the DTA, once any of the holders stay over 180 days in one calendar year then they will be Thai tax residents and will not be tax exempt on earnings. Good luck to all. enjoy it while you can.
  5. well when I was in Angola the poorest people had "money to burn" literally. I jogged daily and would see local paper money along all the sidewalks, some with scorch marks some like new bills...upon asking the locals why, they woudld answer to cook food or warmth when it is cold as it has no monetary value. Ah, yeah I think Thailand must be getting close to that financial situation too...and that is why I think the Thai taxes on world wide income will probably come next year. Nothing but dire economic situation reports daily these days.
  6. not sure all the new dtv users understand the definition of a Thailand Tax Resident YET because many of their posts seem be unaware that over 180 days in thailnd during one calendar year makes them a tax resident and if they remit or have assessable income they are supposed to pay tax unless it is exempt for some reason.
  7. yeah, I did the retirement o for 20 years and then got the boi LTR which is perfect for me. If they continue putting out new visas they might eventually have one that is perfect for every person.
  8. doesn't putting smaller tires mean that the speed and odometer readings will vary? I am not a mechanic but I recal it used to mean something different.
  9. well just the other day they announced 19 million tourists so far this year....however, the money folks say that the amount of money recvd from these tourists is below what was expected.
  10. guys can't do math or they don't unbderstand what makes a foreigner a tax resident according to the Thai Revenue Department
  11. well I have been a forum user for a few years and am amazed at all the confusion among the users and no matter the subject either, quite intertaining to say the least. Good luck to all.
  12. residency according to the Thai revenue department is 180 days in Thailand during a calenday year. If you exit and turn around in a couple of days, you are over that limit of being a tax -resident"
  13. I am unsure of your math but 179 plus 179 in ONE CALENDAR year means one is a tax resident! or do you mean 179 then wait 6 months enter again stay 179 days leave and then wait again 180 days enter again...juast asking and if they go to a world wide income taxation what will you do? again just wondering. Have a good one
  14. accordng to some of the users of this forum when talking with immigration say the io said 1900 baht extensions only as many times as user wants in the 5-year period
  15. read one note that he is still p'o'ed about the Dem party anointing Hillary in 2016 instead of supporting him and that is why he is being so stubborn about dropping out this time. But hopefully he will wake up one day soon and maybe they can get a better candidate that could possibly win against Trump and not the brayer.
  16. In the benefits package for my LTR, there is a note in red color vs b&w that states that with any Thai visa the qualifications and requirements remain the same throughout the term of the visa. Just quoting this and easy enough to find.
  17. As I have mentioned several times on this issue, I am not by any means an expert nor do I claim to be about any of the benefits of a new visa in Thailand - but based on what IO continue to see others are writing and claiming, it seems to me that they are guessing as much as I am...but no matter what the govt does with this particular visa I don't care as I have my visa which I felt and still feel is best for me and my situation. Others I hope are happy with their choice.
  18. just quoted the boi ltr benefits re work permit...I have an ltr but to me retirement means "no work" and I really don't care if one wants to work here or not and for most of the things I see on this forum when folks make statements, some times it seems to me to be guessing based on my reading of the materials on that activity. Just saying...have a good day.
  19. LTR visa holders can get an "online" work permit if one wants to work
  20. After 77 years I know myself quite well. I am an honest person - sometimes to a fault in that if I see someone dishonest then I dislike them. Most people I take for granted are basicially honest and I was fortunate in my career to work with people that HAD to be honest or they were weeded out early on. That made my management job that much easier and I could be honest with folks and 95% of the time they accepted what I said and tried to improve on any shortcomings. I seldom ever gave up on anyone because like I said basically people are honest and accept comments about themselves and while not always happy, eventually they agree. I found this also kept people much happier as I also praised folks easily for minor successes and made sure great successes were rewarded greatly. My career successes tell me that this system worked for me and I have changed some thoughts of myself over the years but not a whole lot. I truly wish all the expats here happiness and good health even with all the TIT stuff.
  21. I thhink a lot of people are thinking that the immigration folks are going to hang out the elite visa buyers without all the benefits of the DTV - after all the elite buyers are spending tons (literally) more money for their 5 years and if they see the DTV being so much better, they will not buy the elite visa for themselves or their family members. I have been surprised about the tax exempt of the LTR which is much cheaper than the elite also but guess the eliters are much richer...I am not an expert by any means but I think there seems to be a lot of wishful thinking from prospective buyers of the DTV. good health to all.
  22. what I read says " get 180 day stay with available with one 180 day extension for a cost of 10K and then they will mark the visa as "USED" with user no longer eligible for another within 5 years. My read anyway but like the rest of you just guessing too,.
  23. I believe folks are guessing/wishing how this visa will pan out..my gut feeling is a total of 360 days within the 5-year period but like I say I am guessing too.
  24. Yes I agree with immigration you can come and go as much as you want in the 5 years for a total time of 360 days in that 5 years, if you want to stay longer than 180 days extension costs 10000 again and then your dtv might be stamped as used and no more entries either but, like I said I am no expert on who they are looking at this visa.
  25. Based on that which I have read on the DTV recently, translations, Thai text, reading and understanding to me (though I am not an expert by any means but I am just guessing like all the rest) I think that it means a total of 360 days in a 5 year period and if the holder uses that 360 at the beginning, he must wait 4 more years before can have another DTV. Also any extension of the 180 will cost an additional 10K. As far as I know, there will be no tax exempt under the DTV which some assume is fact too. Hope all get what they wish for...
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