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Everything posted by andygrr

  1. I would have thought videoing it and posting it is the real crime here.
  2. Wouldn't be covered as it's an illegal act
  3. Try Sound room Pattaya a shop off Pattaya Klang just past Harbour land turn up the side of the stationary store Silpaban
  4. Decathlon have hats of all types including bush style trekking hats with UV protection. did you look on there website and search for men's hats.
  5. The article says the necklace was pawned and sold so which was it, pawned or sold. If it was pawned it could not have been sold immediately after by the broker.
  6. They were when the bus turns from the highway on to Sukhumvit and on other near the bridge on Sukhumvit just before Pattaya Tai
  7. Anyone with a checking account, when they write a cheque all the bank details are on the cheque. There is no problem with giving out the account number just don't disclose any passwords or security data.
  8. Wow Is that any surprise announce visa free travel for Chinese citizens just as they are about to start their Mid Autum hoilidays and numbers go up. Then a week later they fall, more likely they had to travel back to work, than were scared off by the Siam Paragon incident.
  9. 5 star do sell whole birds but they are on the small size.
  10. I think if hotels want to appear on platforms like Agoda, Booking .com and Hotels .com to name a few they should accept that reviews good or bad may be posted. Before they list their hotels, they should be made aware and agree as part of the terms and conditions to accept that reviews good or bad will be left. If they do not agree to the terms, then they should not be allowed to list their property. This would protect the person leaving the review. Of course if they can prove that the review was malicious and false then and only then should they be able to take the reviewer to court.
  11. Go to any local clinic and get a doctor to sign, prices range from 100 to 300 baht sorted.
  12. Sounds like you've already hung, drawn and quartered him. More facts are needed here. He had an argument at 10pm packed his bags and left the fire was reported at 00.10. What time did the chap check out / leave. The fire was reported after the receptionist was taking towels to another room. I tend not to believe a night receptionist in a fairly cheap hotel would be doing that at midnight. When they say the man left / checked out isn't the policy to check his room then.
  13. It's not going to get any quieter any time soon. The Pattaya Food Festival is on at the moment and the Music festival with events throughout March. Then it is Songkran. The Thai schools are also breaking up for the end of their academic year.
  14. Just tell them their dog ran out in front of your car and you hit it, causing damage to your car and you want compensation. They will probably deny it was even their dog.
  15. Opthalmologists are qualified eye doctors,
  16. The seven airlines are, Bangkok Airways, Thai AirAsia, Thai AirAsia X, Thai Smile, Nok Air, Thai Lion Air and Thai VietJet. So, it will only affect domestic flights and flights to neighboring countries.
  17. I still have them, but they seem very unstable lately and every now and again I lose them for a few minutes to a couple of hours, screen just shows a no signal message.
  18. Visit the local temple. For a small donation / fee they will loan you as many as you need.
  19. From ? If from Pattaya its only 30km straight down Sukhumvit.
  20. No different to any other country if the IO thinks you look nervous or a little out of place, they might want to question you. They also randomly stop and check visitors. If you have nothing to hide what's the problem. They are just doing their job.
  21. If he told you he is on a 6 year overstay, he must be crazy and have a big mouth. My guess is they will be hunting him after this post.
  22. I don't think taking someone that intoxicated back to their room is very responsible, I hope there was someone there to keep an eye on him. I personally knew a few people that died in their sleep after choking on their vomit.
  23. Lets get this right closing the bars earlier will save electric. So all the patrons that leave the bars and go back to their rooms earlier will not put the AC on. Which uses more power a club with say 200 customers or 200 rooms with the air con running full blast.
  24. Sometimes it's hard to get a plate number as people whitewash / paint over the plate. This is very common on cars that come up from Bangkok. Don't know why the police allow this. I have been stopped and checked by police for nothing when the car in front has had a painted-out numberplate and nothing was said to them. This activity needs to be stopped.
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