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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Wouldn't be surprised at all if many other sois having the same problems but until they flood, no one will think to check...
  2. Good analogy Bananas, Why you ask? because all bananas are bent, just like those politicians and many others who suppose to lead this country out of the Covid set back to prosperity again...
  3. Old rules new rules will change nothing as long as the attitude of all drives will change and i don't see how and they will need thousands more policemen just to enforce the new laws, or any laws by that matter, when i drive down Sukhumvit Rd and the traffic is a chock of block and every one dose their best to get there faster by illegally overtaking and jumping red lights and not even one policeman in sight...
  4. As one gang get caught another is taking it's place and territory as we speak...
  5. Any one think that by having more money or lots of it life i shome how better or happier only dreaming, yes it dose give you peace of minds but only to a certain extend, the rest is the sams $hit day in day out and i'm speaking from such position...
  6. Remind me the last episode on Better call Saul when he plead bargain his sentence from life plus 190 years to seven years and than in a rare moment of self conscious and attornment he 'confessed' to more crimes and uppd his sentence to 87 years...
  7. Any big hospital will have the facilities for a stress test, i had mine done at Samitivej hospital in Sukhumvit 49, can't tell you how much it cost as it was a part of a full check up package...
  8. We foreigners can complain and mock the Thais as much as we can and WE DO, A LOT... but it will change nothing, that's the way they live before us foreinergher came to live among the them and it will continue no matter what we say of criticize...
  9. Are this the most pressing issues they're impressing on their policemen? is everything ells hunky dory that now left only the appearance of the policemen? someone got their priorities in a twist...
  10. There was an article in a local paper not long ago showing what a messy bossiness it will be to collect the 300 baht as airlines are not keen to add it to the cost of the tickets and only foreigners will have to pay as Thais will be exempt, and how an incoming tourist suppose to have 300 baht with them and many other issues including how to collect the fee from people who crosses borders or arrivals by ships and boats, it will be interesting to see how another moronic idea will develop...
  11. I'm sure that those figures are supplied by the government and i don't trust that who ever passes those data are telling the truth and probably a lot of embellishment of the data is going on there to make Thailand appear to be "very high on the HDI" scale...
  12. Some people should not be allowed to drive and if this woman was dicing with death by train it's probably not the her first time doing stupid things on the road but this time she paid dearly for it...
  13. They should have advertised on Lazada and Shopee they would get more sales like that the duffusess...
  14. Strange that the owners of such large "luxury" hotel doesn't know what is happening with his property, what? no one who works at the hotel or someone from the area bothered to to ring up the owners and clue them of what going on with their property?...
  15. Thailand's politics are not much different from their bar girls attitude, they prostitute their "support" to whom who pays, and we're open to entertain anybody and everybody whether you're a saint or a tyrant, oppressor and an despot like Russia and China and others..
  16. The world is full of buffoons and fools who would do and say anything to get attention, they will go to any extreme to be heard, those people belong in the loony bin....
  17. Remind me of my wife kicking me out of bed, but this is where the similarities end, i can't say my wife is "Suay", far from it...
  18. Really? what about all those serious offences from before or as his mother she's blind and ignorant to admit her son's crimes?...
  19. This sweet lady was a true Queen in every sense of the word, Queen of hearts and Queen of the people, loved by everyone and everybody, not many people like here left in this harsh and difficult world, at least she can now join her beloved Phillip, we're all going to miss her terribly...
  20. Maybe communism has run it's course and time to re-think different way of governing, show me a one communist country in the world that is doing well and i'll show you people live in fear or running foul with the secrete police, even Russia is not doing well under the leadership of that tyrant Putin, stories of stolen armed forces items, from a battle gear to heavy vehicles are being sold in an open markets and online...
  21. Some of of the arguments have merits and are valid, however, A bit late to put the genie back in bottle when millions of Thais are growing and dealing with the stuff isn't?...
  22. Yes, but only if they were made out of barbwire and metal spikes, today i saw a policeman on a motorcycle jump red lights at Thonglor intersection, fine example he was setting...
  23. Hopefully this shameful behaviour and it's out come will be given publicity in India to warned all would be tourists to behave themselves and respect the host country, something that is right now surly lacking...
  24. Now go raid her her home and her bank accounts and confiscate any expensive items or monies found with out plausible explanations to it's origin...
  25. I'm not sure how many men are on this earth, but one think i'm sure of, that each one of those men has it's own idea what a man is and how to be one... so in essence, he's not telling us nothing new...
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