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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Ban 104 chinees out of how many? like 1,452,159,617 people? (according to google) that will hurt them plenty i'm sure...
  2. A miracle and a show of proper and kind deed , wouldn't happened in many other countries...
  3. When you're a physical education teacher its involve close contact withe the kids, it could have been that a harmless touching or poster correcting while preforming an exercise or a routine have been misconstrued as groping the students...
  4. A bunch of bureaucrats were sitting idle with nothing to do and they came up with this dud idea without committing to any real progress, maybe yes maybe no or yes and than will change the rules back..Wenkers...
  5. You have no idea how much this 'dream' is prevalent on many men's minds, some even call it the fountain of youth...
  6. Must have been uber drunk to shoot 10 times at someone who shoved him, well, we all pretty much know what this fella end going to be now...
  7. Hard to tell who are the real criminals now days...
  8. have you tried calling them? their staff speaks english well and usual helpful...
  9. There's lie the problem, where Thai ministries are powerful to run everybody lives, all of a sudden they're powerless in a face a blatant animals cruelty.. Bravo Thailand...
  10. They were bloated airline and full of themselves, flying and operating of past glory and on the government's dime ordering expensive new planes way too soon, those were the days that 40 million tourists came to Thailand and when the COVID hit, they weren't smart enough or quick enough to adopt...
  11. Rules and regulations in this country are plenty, pity they're not followed nor heeded and impossible to enforce...
  12. In a population of 70+ millions people, one would expect for such madness to occurs, specially where drugs use is rife...
  13. In for one gun or in for 100, same same so might as well, and this guy now will spend good number of years behind bar, what perplexing here is how did he manged to fool everyone and still so many guns?...
  14. Usually Thai partners are not to be trusted, as in their mind, stealing and cheating from a farang is ok, even if he/she are good friends, making you being on guard all the time and checking the till and stocks..
  15. Instead of a one life that could have been saved with the right intervention. now two lives have been lost...
  16. How such costumes makes her look and better i don't see it, birthday suit is always the best for me...
  17. For your sake i hope your missus has better observation and much more concern at home that she has on the road...
  18. check in >carry on X-ray second floor>get stamped out at immigration (overstay pay penalty) > 1200 baht re entry stamp if you need one > boarding...
  19. Try Thailand post or other shipping companies to ship using sea fright, it will take 3-4 months to arrive but the cost will be very reasonable...
  20. Coming back from, Oz I always stock up of theses items and similar ones with high likelihood of being fake by buying them in pharmacies and large supermarkets thus minimizing the risk of being sold a dodgy items than nowadays are everywhere and worse still, fake medicines...
  21. This is a case of police brutality and for no fault or reason, i would have sued the police department but the victim probably afraid of repercussion if he will...
  22. So making 'merit' which is a good deed, turned into a murder, and why people who comes to do good carry guns with them i wonder?...
  23. Being married, 3000 baht will be the least of your expenses and problems in the marriage life my friend...
  24. I'm a;ways getting on the wrong boats, the one i get on there's nothing but fishing gear and smelly crew, have to pick more carefully next time...
  25. Its all has to do with weights and balances of the aircraft in take off, flight and landing, the aircraft has to evenly balanced with the weights distributed evenly throughout the airplane for safe flying and controlling the plane...
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