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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Did the article said 30 days or 30 years? coz the latter will be much more doable... but if the PM has 'ordered', wel...
  2. They go and give one million Marijuana plant to every dick tom and harry and NW the want to solve 'drug problems'.. those cabinet resolutions are like treading water, good for nothing and only for show that Here, we have done our job, now it's all to other government's agencies to carry out our resolutions...
  3. What he should confirm is his participation in taking part in a firing squad party with him the one who is blind folded with his back to the wall...
  4. The police not obliged to give any thing and what they gave it was from the good ness of their hearts, the one who should have stepped in are the several government agencies that are concern with with the welfare and protection of people and children, and we haven't heard anything from them yet...
  5. There's that one person that i love dearly and a whole heartedly and would any thing for that person, and that person is ME...
  6. A gastroenterologist is a specialist with expertise in the disorders and diseases that affect the digestive system — which includes the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus) as well as the pancreas, liver, bile ducts and gallbladder...
  7. "so the people love us" Or, Fear us... on second thought, fear us would be much better, simply because you extort money fro some who loves you right?...
  8. They give those plate numbers to all swanky cars but they're all temporarily until the permanent plates will be issues, as for their behaviour, you should have slept it off rather than driving around picking fights...
  9. Thainess: there are million way to describe Thainess the basics are is who they perceived each other in their eyes and how they treat each other accordingly and therefore, and as many Thais there ate so are the interpretations of the word Thaines...
  10. Some people with narcolepsy condition experience automatic behavior during brief episodes of sudden urge to sleep where they fall a sleep uncontrollably and that probably what happened and this sis why he god spooked...
  11. Ebay become so convoluted and complicated to use specially after their new payment system payoneer, but they're the bosses, if you want to use them you need to follow their rules and you wil learn after a while...
  12. Are you done teaching them everything else that is more useful to their lives and now only left to teach them what to do when a mass murderer may arrac them putting the fear of life in society into the hyoung heads or children?...
  13. Rubbish, history is full of mad mass murderers who one day got up and decide to goes on a killing spree. and there's no predictable behavior patterns for such occurrences...
  14. Not only the dollar, life in Australia become more difficult, confusing and expensive, not the Oz of yesteryear that's for sure...
  15. Nothing new here, Thailand always abstain when it come to hot potatoes issues, a. saying this is not our problem, b. we want the russian tourists, so bit the hand that feed us and c. i don't think Thailand put many thoughts in to any really world's issues other when it comes to their comfort zone...
  16. To sums it all up.. Drugs are here to stay, the huge amount of money that the drug industry turns can buy power, clout and even enemies not not mention life of super luxury, and when you have corrupt government, army and police all the more reasons why drugs will be here for ever...
  17. A concern citizen.. i hope that this so called concern citizen will also report on real crimes that there's no shortage off in that area other than drop a dime on an arch criminal over-stayer..
  18. Why would a tourist need 250,000 baht to spend in Pattaya the article didn't say, could he be a business man? don't think so, some sort of a scam? probably, as some travel insurance policies cover lost cash as well...
  19. We keep hearing of cars tracks and motorcycles drivers losing their lives trying to out run a train, What is it with Thai drivers always try to duel with trains and always lose? didn't they get the message by now?
  20. Those who will order 2 slices will soon find out that the delivery cost will be more than the cost of the 2 slices of pizza...
  21. First take a translator and go speak to the police to see if the'll do anything about it, if yes. install a camera and document the coming and going and the noise from that apartment and interduce that to the police as solid evidence, providing of course that this person will not suspect that it is you that called the police, otherwise hell hath no fury like mad LB...
  22. Don't walk around with heavy gold chains around your neck and a bulging wallet that can attracts the unwanted attention of a certain class of locals, and if you'r in a bind a quick kick to the groin will give you few min. to run...
  23. 2005? for all you know its probably been demolished to make way for a high rise swanky condo judging from the location and its proximity to the beach...
  24. There's no questions here to be asked, and no solution either, it's simply impossible to predict or to protect against every would me mad man who's in a an uncontrolled, drug induced psychotic rage picks up gun and goes on to kill children...
  25. THAT THEY KNOW OFF, should be the key phrase in this article...
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