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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Gee.. for a chair worming general, the man has so many medals as if he took part in the Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of Waterloo. Battle of Trafalgar, WWI and all the way to WWII...
  2. I'm still trying to understand why they decided that Thailand need a marihuana pots and plants in every home before they even had the rules and regulation for using/selling the stuff in place, this is the case of doing before thinking, and whom did it really benefited to legalise pot other than some business and pot's heads...
  3. Better buy one here as custom's duties and shipping going to you a lot more than buying a good one here, you don't want to deal with Thai customs they're a nightmare to deal with...
  4. I could think of many, much better things Thailand could have done with a billion baht to better the lives of it's people, but this is soccer, and for some people soccer is more important than life...
  5. By a petrol engine i guess...
  6. I thought the club called 'The dementia club' i see my error now...
  7. Good thing they don't have to change the name to " Bend of 101 corpses" as damages can be fixed, loss of life, not so much...
  8. This is a tall order in a country that is overrun with criminal gangs many under the protection and patronage of some government, army and police big wigs, and just because someone is a Lt. Gen means nothing, so dear Lt. Gen, Joke, don't count your chickens yet...
  9. My GF is a heavy moaner and so far no complaints from the next door neighbours...
  10. Learn to say Mi mee and Mi rue in a nonchalant ways and you're half way way there...
  11. Oh well. in the book of Job it says: The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.”
  12. Lost in translation i guess... Considerably...
  13. Why? do you of a country, any country that is perfect? in more than some countries protestors are shot at and arrested, do you not see the the news?...
  14. The attests gadget in working kitchen in the Ninja grill that fry, grill, steam, bake, worm up and mote functions that cancel the need for oven and micro-oven.. https://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Dehydrate-Indoor-Electric-AG301/dp/B07S76WBGF
  15. In all my 35 years in this country i'm yet to witness such event, Thais usually don't beat up on foreigners if at all, and if a Thai start a fight it's mostly because he was insulted in a way or his honor and reputation was hurt...
  16. One way to stop scammers is for the phone companies and the police to monitor large volumes of sim card being sold and used, it is the ABC of seeking out gang's activities...
  17. I'm sure that the boys at the TAT are rubbing their hands in glee seeing such numbers of arrivals, having said that, time Thailand move into the 21 century and install self serving entry points, but no Thai official be happy to give up the paper, ink and stamps like they did 40 years ago...
  18. For a country that derive its main foreign earning from tourism i say let those entertainments places stay open 24 hours or let the owners of the establishments make their own hours depending on his staff availability and fair employment condition...
  19. I beg to differ, as you said, you haven't used taxis for years, i found most of them if not all, to be just doing their jobs and properly, taxis always clean, no smoking and rude behavior and i say, yes, give those guys a raise...
  20. Weird question, good thing he's not asking for pictures too...
  21. Thousands of people die each year because of stupidity, carelessness and ignorance, and they WILL continue to die in about the same numbers doing or being stupid 'll clue ya...
  22. I can understand opening an unlicensed girly bar or a restaurant or a naughty massage place, but a giant casino and to hope it will somehow fly under the radar? that's sheer lunacy...
  23. The sooner the better, given the fact that people back in Oz waiting 6 months and more for theirs...
  24. To the OP, i think it was a mistake to post here that you're selling your business, too many smart-alec and irrelevant remarks and replies, i hope you sell your business quickly and successfully soon...
  25. This world gone mad and absurd long time ago, you have just noticed it now...
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