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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. I know off many adults who doesn't have that much to their name let alone a kid, hopefully this ring will end up being pawned like most jewelries Thai people own...
  2. Thank to one and all for a very useful information, the 20K repair estimate is from an non MB garage who specialise in repairing MB's for many years now, but i hate to see my very clean and tidy car gutted out. a real MB outlet will probably ask twice the amount, i will however make sure that who ever fixes it will do a proprer investigation before starting to dismantle the car...
  3. It seems that bumbling idiocy is not the sole character of one country only and it's everywhere, even in a country that suppose to know better...
  4. My W204 MB has developed this small leak from the A/C system that was found to be under the dashboard and needed topping gas every a month or so, and to fix it will cost 17,000-20,000 baht, so I'm thinking of using the Air Conditioning MRL-3 Super Seal A/C Stop Leak Sealer STP AC PRO Air Con Fix that cost 26 GBP to try to stop the leak and save on taking the dash board apart and the cost, Thailand doesn't have that item for sale so i got it from the UK, did anyone used this remedy and did it work or have an idea how to go about fixing this issue?... https://www.ebay.com/itm/273353771607
  5. It would be a lot cheaper for you if you can buy the item and ship it to a friend or a family member, re-pack and ship it to you as used second hand items, this way you'll minimise your chances to pay hefty import duties...
  6. Comes to show you that when the police want to do their job, they can do it very efficiently, the key word here is 'when they do want'...
  7. Please Use a bigger font next time, i hardly could read your ORIGINAL wisdom quotation...
  8. Those fat monkeys will surly get skinnier in the many years of incarceration awaiting them, i suspect that not very much of the loot will be recovered...
  9. One thing for sure, what ever the reason for his collection is that the intention to use so many guns and grenades was op for no good, who knows? maybe a disaster was averted by finding of those weapons...
  10. If i were you i'd hire loud speaker and blast off the 60' 70' 80' and see how they like them apples...
  11. The one about Do you believe in god and why has like 15,600 replies, and for the love of me i can see why does its need so many replies fro a very simple and trivial question?...
  12. Not to worry, those dufuses petty criminals always get caught in a day or two...
  13. I'm looking to relocate from Bkk and a buying fully furnished 2 BR condo on Pratumnak hill over looking the ocean and at 9.5 mill is the cheapest seaside condo in many other countries...
  14. Rule no. one and a must in the book of how to be a successful drug baron is to have a private jet at your disposal at have a suitcase by your side ready to flee... BTW, have you ever seen public notices where the police auction off any or some of the loot the regularly confiscate from such criminals?...
  15. I use KY lubricant, i have plenty of that good oil in the bedform...
  16. The worse case of identity's mistake i have heard of, and get a load of the shopping bag on his head, real professional guys...
  17. For once the tourism minister doing something positive for the benefit of the tourists who come to thailand to have fun...
  18. The do's and don't a bit rigid in my opinion but still, plenty of good posts and helpful information from the members...
  19. A bunch of nincompoops who has nothing better to do than to show how racist they're and Thailand for the Thais only attitude but it's ok to take the money of millions of foreigners tourists as long as they don't buy land here...
  20. ezzra

    Drink Driving

    You'd be surprised that many of the motorcycles accidents are because of drink driving and not at night time only...
  21. Let's be honest here... Chinese wouldn't be able to operate in Thailand without the patronage of Thai heaveies....
  22. 40 mill, 80 mill.. you're talking telephone numbers here that non or very, very few on this forum have access to this kind of cash...
  23. The irony in this story is that even when you die, your troubles in this crazy world are still continuing...
  24. First they give away milion plants to any tom dick and harry and allow millions more to grow them and now they want to make about face, i ask you, is this normal?...
  25. If he read the draconian condition under which a land can be sold to a foreigner he would be worried so much, having said that, how about barring all Thais from owning land in any country in the world, what would he say about that?...
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