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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. This country is full of imposters, fraudsters and fake beggars, this is why i rarely ever give anything to those you see on the roads and footpaths and it's well known fact that many of them are from neighbouring countries harping on the goodness of tourists and Thai people..
  2. what do you need to bring with you? i'm told a letter from immigration is being asked for..
  3. Happens a lot with Jetstar too from several destinations where passengers had their flight cancelled on them twice and more and got them stranded having to fend for themselves for accommodations and other arrangements, many swore never to fly JetStar or Quantas ever again......
  4. I have local DL and i'm on a long time user of a retirement permit, how and where do i apply for International Driving License to be able to drive overseas?...
  5. Why? do thieves have respect or fears from looting deserted 'luxury" hotels? on the contrary, the place is deserted and no one to stop them taking what hey like, what at least insured? i'm sure not...
  6. The bank probably alerted the police to the frequent drawing of such large sums specially when the recipient is not a family member and they knew the deceased well so suspicion has aroused and i'm sure that it will be found that the woman just stole the money...
  7. Yeah but to which direction? Thailand should say enough to those filthy mega rich old dogs of politics who are there for the sake of being in power and nothing more, where are all the young blood bright and ambitious politicians who will dare to put themselves against those decrepit, ancient generals and the old guards and lead the country to where its really should go...
  8. Would an Orthopaedics doctor could help with a sprained ankle that will not heal or there's a specialist for such condition?...
  9. Me think this might be his last stay in this country, Thailand has it's own idiots, not looking for an outside ones, Yes, Thailand is not perfect by far, but let's leave it to the Thais to manage their own affairs...
  10. Come December AirAsia X will start flying with very cheap fares to several destinations of quality tourists, unlike the fare gauging that going on at the moment with many airlines preventing more tourist to come to Thailand...
  11. Fleece the offenders from every baht they and their immediate family owns and than jail them for long terms, the going back to be dirt poor will hurt them the most...
  12. I'll start eating more pomelos from now on maybe at least my 67 years old wife will turn to be 32...
  13. Hire a licensed dog catcher corral the fury beasts and take them to the city's pound or release them somewhere far, far away from the city...
  14. I can think of many others, much worse injustices around the world and he comes here to paddle his twisted view on Thai politics... Go to the Ukraine sir, planty to protests there...
  15. And when you read that 10 people died in a motorcycle accident and you scratch your head how it is possible...
  16. Banning the use of mobile phone for motorcycle riders and it will be the death knell of the giant messengering and delivery industry and the daily rice and noddle soups of millions who use their bike to carry most of this country commerce of their 2 wheels...
  17. Why would anyone walk with so much money on them and not leave the bulk of it in a hotel? and beside, the manners that those Indian tourists behave, as if they were never been to a foreign country before, or that they heard some fantastic stories and Pattaya is some kind of a place that everything goes and allowed...
  18. Yes he might be back in Thailand in 5 years but that doesn't make him bulletproof should someone will seek restitution for his crime, i don't really envy the rest of his life billions or not...
  19. You really have to be top notch duffus to fall for such and idiotic scam, and if your significant other is that stupid, get rid of her quickly...
  20. This is a country with circa 70 millions inhabitants, one would assume that such altercation and even worse are happening every day so this one is no different to others...
  21. Act of desperation for more cash, so let's bilk those tourists, fair game they are, now 300 baht to come in maybe soon another 300 baht to leave the country, who knows with those idiots who sits all day thinking how to screw the tourists...
  22. For all we know maybe they have a budget burning a hole in their pockets they must use before it's expiry day and sod all the traffic chaos and jams they are creating with half of the city's main roads dug up...
  23. This is a joke right? with more than 1 million people allowed to grow this stuff and very soon sell and export it, how would you who is a 'criminal'? i still don't know what they were thinking allowing sucha free hand to anyone to grow and sell as if it was some common vegetable...
  24. Prawit points the finger! for that even pointing his all fingers, including his toes will not stop the bribe culture in this country, Thailand was build on bribes and corruptions, that's how i become to know it in the last 30 years and that's how it will be...it's way of life here...
  25. Last week I was staying at a large hotel not far from walking st. that hotel was full of Indian tourists, mostly young one, who use to come back to their room at the wee hours of the Morning and making loud noises and disturbing other gusts, so not surprise that such incident can happen with one of them...
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