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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Rural Thai sex scene are like Sodom and Gomora, everybody boinking everyone regardless of age or relation,, and thinking of marrying a pretty 17 years old only makes me salivating profusely i'm ashamed to admit......
  2. What honor and what shame? i don't think that those words mean anything when the telly up the yearly tourists numbers and the income derived from them, that's what matter the most...
  3. Let's just say that the clumsy and foolhardy way they ignore the real possibilities of being robbed serves to show that people are gullible and never learn from others mistakes, only from their own cock-ups...
  4. Of course, it's the public money so it's doesn't hurt when you lose buckets of cash..Time to sell that fledgling and badly manged airline to an investors who knows how to run an airline, and if the make mistakes, it will be their own can they be losing not the public's...
  5. Question, Why a simmingly 2 young tourists were going around at 4 am with a sharp object on them that can cause bodily harm to people? were they looking for troubles? were they stoned, drunk?...
  6. So from the many sellers they mange to catch one and fine him a 1,000 baht where 1 or 2 grams of the stuff is selling for that much, i'n sure that guy is shaking in his boots by now...
  7. The UK owners probably already got compensated by the insurance companies, so it's the insurance companies that will bet the cars back, however. it's alarming how easy nowadays to steal a marque car fool the UK customs, ship it out, fool (bribe?) the Thai customs and sold in Thailand legally...
  8. If those are the best looking Mrs. they can come up with the the international beauty pageant than i better not make any comments...
  9. To be fair, in all my times of using cabs in BKK i have found most if not all cabbies doing their job properly and with courtesy...
  10. Exactly my point, how can you judge hooters if you see see what you're judging, it's like judging food without testing it...
  11. It's just goes to show easy it is, still, so smuggle people in and run a criminal activities right under the noses of Pattaya's finest...
  12. There goes a lucrative source of income and the pile of cash he paid to get this job...
  13. Check AXA and AIG, i will be insuring with them a 6 weeks trip to Israel, good coverage and reasonable premiums...
  14. Idle chat, nothing will be done about it as the elephant in a national symbol and was depicted on the 3 successive flags of the kingdom of Siam's before the current stripy flag...
  15. What ever information is NOT on them social networking like instagram, tik tok, twitter and facebook or in them realty shows, they're interested...
  16. Hopefully they will be disposed off properly and not end up on some meat BBQ stall or a noodle soup...
  17. When in exile you say all sorts of thinks you'll probably wouldn't have done yourself, and creating chaos and ruffling feathers it's easy to do when you're a fugitive overseas...
  18. You'd expect him to be driving a hot Porsche by now not taking the train...
  19. Don't know, 5 million domestic tourist in 6 months for Thai people? seems awfully high number of of tourists to one destination...
  20. There are so many ways one can better the lives of the Thai people than to fight tooth and nails to decriminalization of weed, and it's a very long list of urgent things that need, should and can be done other than that weeds issue, but this is Thailand after all, go figure their priorities...
  21. It'll be easier to find a pub without a beer than one that doesn't allow smoking...
  22. The fact that in this country you get away with many things as oppose to other countries you'll be either punished or starred at with shaming eyes...
  23. So let's just say that there are about 110 days left in 2022 so, 10 millions divide by 110 its roughly 91,000 passengers a day and they haven't started flying the long hauls yet as i understand it, well, dreaming so far is for free thanks god...
  24. Enough to get a heart attack just by learning how much it cost... definitely shop around...
  25. With all due respect, let's just say that when it come to calls fro authorities like police, tax department, and shipping/post offices Thais are pretty much not the sharpest knife in the drow and very gullible and the crooks are taking advantage...
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