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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Most guys here who go out to those venues to have a beer or two, ogle the birds and go back home so far so good, but for those who like a bit of play and pay those play's fees has gone markedly, i understand inflation and cost of commodities has gone gone up but play time? but i hear that other places that cater for non foreignness play's fees are still ok... so duel pricing is evident in places where foreigners frequent..
  2. A vicious no nonsense wife, that what protect our home...
  3. Most Thai drivers will not stop and ignore even if a real zebra will be crossing the road at a zebra crossing...
  4. What, no commandos this time? only 'everyday' police?...
  5. Crime is the worst in PH, worse than any other Asian country, the food sucks and hygiene is the pits, i use to go to the PH years ago for the ladies ,Angels city and alike, but i'm sure that even that has gone to the dogs by now...
  6. Yes your missing the train, properties and land in Pattaya have been going up and so are condos in prime position as the Chinese and the Indians have discovered Pattaya, still bargain can be found but it will talks a lot of legwork to find them, i'm looking to buy a sea View condo and i have seen some of the silly prices people asking...
  7. And for such apprehension work they are using commandos? what are they using for operations behind enemy lines? Grab delivery's special forces?...
  8. Flies don't die at the rate of thees motorcycles riders that are dying every day in this country most as a results of carelessness, not wearing protective gear and being under the influence of a substance...
  9. Copying from directory doesn't work either, it copy into a USB but it will not transfer to the directory on the new laptop..
  10. Police, unless a fowl play is at hand, will not lock out the house, they will take the remains to a hospital until such time of a funeral and burial...and as for you bequeathing worldly possessions to the lady, it will have to be done in a way of will and last testament done by a lawyer and 2 witnessed unrelated to the beneficiary....
  11. On the other hand, Sharia laws allows honour killing, Jihad, bigamy and enslaving your women and keeping them fare feet and pregnant, and under the Taliban rules, women and children do not have the rights to study secular subjects, and Oh, no gender equality.. shell i go on?...
  12. The under statement of the year, there are many fugitives and run aways hiding in this country but the police will be hesitant to admit it...
  13. My 'Rub' story consist on what i put on my meats before i cook them..
  14. How to migrate desktop's short cuts and apps from a Win7 laptop to a Win 10 new laptop? as hard as i have tried to do it by following tutorials everywhere once i have copied it to the new machine all those short cuts turns into blanks with no links, any computer wizard out there that can help please?...
  15. And this is why folks, we have a 'tourism minister' to come up with such a cockamamie ideas.. on a one hand, Thailand want to turn this and that into 'hubs' to attract more tourists and on the other it takes a big gun and shoot its self in the foot...
  16. Is this a 'tiny bikini' ? i can make a rain coat of of half of what she using to cover her parts, this woman built like sumo wrestler...
  17. Jokes aside, this is a good opportunity for all those precipitants of the the 1 million free pot plants to have an idea what to do with it and use it for their benefits...
  18. A news bit that made my day to day regarding this south African trophy hunter who was found shot dead the other day, this guy was shooting everything in sight for money mainly big animals and now someone/s put an end to it. Link here (hope its ok with the rules of this site, if not please delete) : https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/riaan-naude-trophy-hunter-who-killed-lions-elephants-shot-dead/
  19. A dilemma over morals and principles and business common sense..
  20. Like everything else in Thailand, good intentions but bad execution and lousy terms and conditions that makes you you scratch your head, like other posters suggestions, it should be offered to a already long term stayers and residents with families and exemplary records of staying in the kingdom..
  21. Why oh why i'm always the last one to know about theses places?....
  22. Buy your ticket ASAP as fares are going up all the time...
  23. Yes , replace the 'cheap' with the moniker of the pot hub of SE Asia...
  24. For an inexplicable reasons, there is an acute shortage of airport workers, from flight crews to porters and passenger's handling and processing resulting in thousands of flight being cancelled all over the world...
  25. I have used the services of a lovely English speaking lady by the name of Patchara and she is able to mange and help in many areas as well as in properties matters. Mobile: 081 80944491...
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