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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. We have seen many of those fearsome bikies with mountain of Muscles and cash to match, tattoos to the wazoo and reputation of people not to mass with and they all gone in a hail of bullets, in this life, no one is bullet proof...
  2. I don't have a famous name, or a sister, nor 300,000 baht for bail, so i better behave myself...
  3. And the farce continue, first they give free 1 million marijuana plants with no idea what do with it and now comes the manual as what is and what is not allowed to do with this white elephant of a gift...
  4. Comes to show you that even rodents that eats everything couldn't stomach that pile of garbage they call food there...
  5. Trust the Thais to be blind beyond the baht's sign, Russian pulverising a country committing genocide on the way, who cares, we want cheap oil...
  6. He, as a Thai politician, should know better than to ask such a silly question, with such a mega project, someone/s got their pockets filled with stupid amount of cash to pass faulty plans and these are the results now...
  7. No wonder... Go figure what they put in them rolled up joints, they can put and filler they like and you take it to your lungs...
  8. Life style, diet, activity, stress and worries all the above makes a big different...
  9. Need travel insurance coverage for seniors, Tune will not insure travel to Israel, any recommendations guys?...
  10. It will be a toss up between my favourite bar girl at the time or a charity...
  11. The under statement of the year... does anybody here or even in the whole of Thailand, knows exactly what you can or can't do with the weed, or what are the precise laws regarding growing, keeping using and selling Marijuana i'd like to now...
  12. What's the difference between a man arguing with his wife and a man with a lottery ticket? The man with a lottery ticket actually has a chance to win...
  13. Why stop there? these are harden criminals nothing short of life sentences with a hard labour will do.. NOT...
  14. Bite you tongue when criticising the Liberal use of ganja in this forum or you'll invoke the wrath of some of the members here who are staunch supporters of this country being over run with pot heads tourism.. (yeah, you know who you're)...
  15. I would find a way to change the locks when she's out, but if it's not possible pay her until you'll be back and than change the locks, 'hell hath no fury like Thai woman scorned'...
  16. Where can i get few kg of the stuff, stat...
  17. The epitome of cruelty and heartless act, cursed be the mother who throw away her child like a piece of garbage..
  18. Yes there are fakes everywhere, buy from reputable supermarket shops like Villa and gourmet market, never from Lazada or Shoppe..
  19. I will have to be legally satisfied that they can charge you even though i wan't told, notified or had a chance to choose a hotel or postpone/cancel said flight nor i was made to sign on anything acknowledging the fees, worse come to worse i will pay as much as i can and that going to be very little...
  20. And let's just leave it at that.. 'Recommended' is the key word here...
  21. Yesterday i got an email from NSW revenue office demanding 3,000 AUD for a 14 days quarantine stay in NSW 3 star hotel February last year naturally i got a shock because at no time i was told, warned or advised that such payment will be charged to me a year and a half later, to which i have written a very strong email protesting the charge and the fact that a. i was never told that it will cost money b. i'm not in a position to pay such charge as i live very frugally in Thailand with no property or pension and asked for the charge to be waived... So will see now..
  22. Not living there but i had a look at at it the other day while hunting for a condo to buy with a sea view, brand new building with full amenities but yet mostly empty because of the Covid business, pricey units, but if you're in the market for good condo and have plenty to pay, this could be a good place...
  23. As if everything else in Thailand is hunky dory that this government are now legalising highly questionable items that only a year a go or so were unthinkable...
  24. All i'm saying is that Thailand could have many other things to better the lives of its people and to encourage tourism other than legalising pot, it wasn't a priority...
  25. So what now? Thailand is going to turn into a Mecca for all the pot heads in world? is this what the government had in minds when they legalised this stuff?...
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