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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. They are driving the economy in Pattaya as well i was told and providing lots of potential and excitement to the lite fingered transgenders brigades of the area...
  2. Is there a true and authentic VN restaurant here in Bkk that run by VN people and not copy cats that serves the real Vietnamese food including the famed Pho soup?...
  3. Oh well, what can you say.. some posts are NOT meant to be rad, but this is me...
  4. And i target to be a billionaire by that time too and it looks that Thailand has the same chances of achieving this target as much as i am...
  5. And how to use it 'for medical purposes' pray tell? there are dozens other items that the people can and need to use for medical purposes and we didn't see you handing any of those out...
  6. Safety, what safety? i don't think they have word for it in Thai, i see the maintenance guys in our condo, an accident in the making, in a country where compensation and social security system is a joke...
  7. I spend that much a month on lubricants and bedroom paraphernalia alone...
  8. I too had to do it with couple of bitches in my life but they were of the two legged kind...
  9. Rose coloured glasses... he better be such optimistic or his job will given to someone who can REALLY be MORE optimistic with even bigger numbers...
  10. There are several good law firms that can handle your problems, but you didn't made it clear what budget you have for such undertaking, where are you situated, and what means dose the wife has financially to hire her own lawyer?...
  11. Bureaucracy equal mountains of forms and more forms, double and triple of everything, Oh and don't forget the rubber stamps, every form must have few red/blue chops, all run by an army of pencil pushers.. remanences of the communist style books and record's keeping...
  12. From what is depicted in the statues one can tell that theses are of different cultures like imperial Chinses and Indian mogul, not of Thai history, but what do i know about statues?...
  13. In another news, Australian has blown 66 billion dollars on the pokies alone since they have been introduced 30 years ago...
  14. Yes they can be as long as they are not a beneficiary...
  15. Australia need workers like him and will welcome him with an open arms and will even find him a use for his worn-out tier...
  16. Praised for the Saudi government who now allowed Israeli airlines fly over Saudi airspace thus shaving hours of flight time to destinations in the far east, just thought i mentioned it...
  17. Not boasting or anything but i get full marks from the ladies in this department so for me no need for such service...
  18. Like they care who they hit.. the wold is full of con artist, flim-flam men and women, stealing and extortion become big business now and they're everywhere...
  19. This poster is one bored dud who post and than feed his own post with his own multiple replies...
  20. What a tongue twister, we the old guard, still like to call it retirement visa as it is exactly that, not sure if there is a sticky concerning all the types of visas in this country and it's current requirements, if there isn't, there should be one...
  21. You might find some wrinkled and toothless 'ladies' in Nong Khai willing to entertain the old folks, anything better let us know...
  22. Truth to be told, if the police were doing their job properly and according to the law, almost every driver/rider on Thai roads would and should have been issued with traffic infringements tickets, the way Thai drivers flaunt the road's rules is shocking to say the least, (I'm one of the i ashamed to admit)
  23. TAT new slogan " Come to Thailand, enjoy our cheap booz, food and the abundece of recently legalized weeds, all the while in the companey of our young ladie, stone throw away from cheap hotels and beutiful beaches"...
  24. It was a matter of time and he knoew it, in this country you pool a gun on a police you're as good as buried and it looks like he was turned in to a duck in in a shooting range with 20 slugs in him.. good riddnece...
  25. Well, do you know another way of which to enjoy this Wacky Tobaccy? yeah, you can use it as animal feed of make a soup and salads but hey, there;re a million of them now (and the rest)...
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