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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Nothing 'freak' about this accident, many people lose their lives on Thai roads daily in all sorts of manner of road's misadventure that we don't get to hear about those, when i ride i see many 'almost an accident' instances happening around me, this is the nature of Thai roads and the manners of driving/riding and this time it happen to a couple who only wanted to go out on a morning ride...
  2. 1 AM walking street, alcohol, drugs, agro, what could go wrong i wonder? men behaving badly.. (there was a UK funny TV series by that name long ago with Martin Clune)...
  3. Ahhh, Google said.. now if Google said, who are we to disagree right? now we can all rest assure that this is the gospel's truth and plan our lives accordingly...
  4. Yes, they're so concern that if the government were to hand 10 million more of them fee Marijuana plants i'm sure the will be no shortage of takers...
  5. I'm yet to know of a country who has so many stupid, senseless and useless rules, regulations laws and ordinance as this country, which most of them impossible to force anyway especially with mostly corrupt law enforcement agencies...
  6. The family did a poor job in absconding/concealing their loot in preparation for verdict, saying that, they're wealth enough to pay that fine and still have plenty left over...
  7. There's another nail in 1 million plants of marijuana coffin, so far we only hear what you can NOT do with this white elephant of a gift...
  8. You have asked and answers your own questions, i wouldn't do such operation in Thailand, cost wise and qualification wise as Thailand is not know for such operations...
  9. A sign of things to come just wait and see for the next few months-year, similar complaints involving the use of legal marijuana will be coming on strong and fast...
  10. Some safe... All i have in my safe is cobwebs and bankruptcy court documents... wow is me...
  11. Gone are the days where monks were ordained for the pure purposes of unselfishly serving Buddha and the community, nowadays its more like running a business and controlling spots and busy areas for maximum returns...
  12. Not to sound like a lynch mob, but if he's the right guy i hope that he will be dealt with to the fullest extend of the law...
  13. Best will be to buy your own pad in Pattaya, as i think prices will firm up soon now that Thailand is opening up and them Chinese and Indian are coming over en-mess, I my self looking to buy a 2 BR around Cozy beach very soon i reckon it will be a wise investment since i have a big place already in a Sukhumvit condo...
  14. " What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" All Mafia controlled with the powers that be turning a blind eye for the right payola...
  15. Thai productivity at its best, like they had more than 2 years to get it done when the street was deserted, but no, if they had done it that it wouldn't have been Thailand...
  16. I think the condo market will attract some interest and a bit of up movements as soon as tourism will go back to normal from people who with to buy a holiday place, not sure about the housing market though as this is a different market...
  17. And how they are going to police all that? Thailand needed this marijuana business like a hole in the head as if the don't have million others problems to deal with they added this bizarre free marijuana on top of all their problems...
  18. How many times we already hear of similar stories comes to show you that the lure of a big payout is too enticing or that people are stupid and never learn from mistakes of others...
  19. You always have the option to leave few baht behind say sorry and walk away if you realised you made a mistake, but i think what ever append there j just got out of control and i hope they will catch the sob...
  20. Finding an uncorrupt politician in Thailand is like finding a virgin in a girly bar...
  21. Soon probably you'll see those moto messengers buzzing around delivering cannabis product and the cannabis logo on their jackets...
  22. If they'll be boxing naked i'll buy tickets for the whole year in advance, i liked the bit about 'Nong Natt, brought pleasure to many men' though...
  23. Yes, take the chance and move forward, what the worse that can happened? after giving 1 million marijuana plant to any Somchai and Tik surly you can take the chance on moving those pieces of rags of our faces now...
  24. I use PP with my Local bank Visa card and i haven't heard anything of the sort, infect i just logged into my account and there's nothing there to indicate what the OP is saying...
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