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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Thailand, being a major tourist destination with estimated 25 million tourist a year, should be able

    to find enough resources to absorb the minuscule numbers or tourist who, unfortunately, find them

    selves in dire need for medical assistant and has no means to pay for it, otherwise don't call

    yourselfer a country that is 'ready to welcome and accommodate ALL tourist'....

  2. I assume you're holding on to his 2 months deposit yes? well, you can use that money

    as part of the missing rent payment,

    The only legal way available to you is to change the locks, but only after you have notified

    him via a registered letter and pasting a copy of it on the entry door, (take a pic of the letter on the door)

    informing him on the pending evection, and giving him 7/14 days to comply....

    and if you have entered the apartment in his absence, make sure you have a witness with you

    and take pictures on all of his belonging and of every room for evidence later on should he claim

    you have misappropriated his stuff...

    • Like 2
  3. It isn't the 100 or 500 baht that concerns me. It is the 4.5+ billion baht (100 baht airport charge paid by more than 45 million travelers including domestic) and 12.5 billion baht medical tax paid by 25 million tourists. That's 17+ billion baht from those increases and where will it go?

    To prop up populist schemes like the rice, rubber and first time car buyers pledge, and now submarines,

    fast trains to nowhere etc. etc. and where do you get it quickly from? the foreigners of course...

    • Like 2
  4. Hogwash, the so called "property experts" are no more than property's mongering, fueling

    a dormant market with their bombastic climes, I should know as I'm a multi properties owner

    trying to rent or sale some my condos for the last 6 months and the market is saturated with

    condos of all size, price and locations,, no way 50% price increase, if anything, the market

    gone soft...

    Location, Location, Location.

    Wife has a flat near a Skytrain station, and apparently rental is becoming a problem (she's asking quite a lot for rental), but selling isn't. Lots of people still wanting to buy rather than rent.

    On the other hand, she has another condo unit next to the airport link, and there we only get offers to rent, not buy.

    The one next to the skytrain - the offers keep going up. She's almost at the point of accepting because the offers are getting too good to refuse...

    Some of my condos are near BTS and main roads and priced very reasonably, still not many takers,

    mostly tier kickers and low budget people...

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