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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. The brand name is Merit Food Products, and it's just sound fishy that someone will go from 60 ton

    a year yield to 3,000 tons in a matter of few years and from the same size land,

    I'm reminded of an organic food scam that has originated from one country in the middle east, whereby

    it have been discovered that this country was exporting organically grown veg and fruits to many countries

    around the world that were just normally grown veg and fruits using chemicals and pesticides...

  2. There is an article in the local papers about a guy who have an old coconut plantation that produces

    3,000 tons of organic coconut milk, and I'm just wondering how big of field, or how many rais of coconuts

    trees will approx.. take to produce on ton of milk? the article goes on to say that he started with 60 tons

    a year and few years later he's doing 3,000 tones a year exporting all over the world, dose it sound right?

  3. As I'm not privy to what horrible experience the OP had with AA, I, on the other hand, found them

    to be a fair alternative to flying with the major airlines,

    AA is in for the money, and yes at time they can be misleading and obnoxious with their emails

    and not so true "promotions" deals, but I have been flying with them for number of years now and

    the trick is to loo past all the above and find the "real deals fares" with them, for example, recently

    I have booked a Bkk-Melb return trip for Jan 2014 costing only B. 20,500, including meals, 30kg

    language allowance, and seat selected, while TG and MAS are asking B. 38,000 for same,

    In today's climate of traveling one have to be smart, not mad....

  4. Yes, but.

    You can find original listings of groupings with a simple Google search, maybe even here on ThaiVisa as this question has come up previously.


    060 True Move (VoIP)

    068 TOT (VoIP)
    080-0 to 080-2 AIS
    080-3 True Move
    080-4 to 080-5 DTAC
    080-6 AIS
    081-0 to 081-2 AIS
    081-3 to 081-6 DTAC
    081-7 to 081-9 AIS
    082 AIS
    083 True Move
    084 AIS
    085 DTAC
    085-4 AIS
    086 True Move
    087 AIS
    088 True Move
    089 DTAC
    090 DTAC
    090-1 AIS
    090-9 True Move H
    091 DTAC

    However, with the MNP process someone could have ported out to another provider.

    So someone with an 081 2nn NNNN number might have started off with AIS but has since ported to DTAC.

    Thanks, that what I was looking for...

  5. In general, Thai drivers are well behaved, the biggest issue I encounter time and time again

    and again are people making a right hand turns in to driveway, parking, business and into

    very small sois trying to sneak in on an oncoming a torrent of traffic, blocking all the

    traffic behind them, ban all right hand turns unless it's a proper intersection or a controlled

    traffic flows....

    • Like 2
  6. Laptop batteries, why do they cost so much here in Thailand? as I'm sure that everyone

    who needed a replacement battery know very well that you can get a non OEM battery

    for any laptop for around $ 15-25 with 3 years guarantee, while here in Thailand it will

    cost you $ 60-100 for the same battery with only 6 months guarantee,

    is it because of greed or high taxes or both?

  7. I recently used Etihad and will never use them again. They pack you in to business class like sardines in the tin. There are twice as many seats in business class than any other airline I have flown with. Each seat is in a little box thing of its own, and is as narrow as those in economy, they have thin unpadded arm rests which dig at you if you dare to move, yes they are flat beds. There are a few seats side by side if you happen to be travelling with someone.

    Having said all of that, the cabin crew were excellent and very customer focussed, the service and food was as good as any. Nevertheless I will go back to using Qatar as IMHO they are the best.

    Etihad is very heavily involved in promoting their airline and services all over the world,

    as much as that they have forked out for a full sport stadium/arena in Melbourne name

    after the airline, and all that money spend on promotion have to come out the comfort

    of the paying travelers I guess....

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