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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. TG need to wake up and smell the jet fuel fumes of other airlines in the region, both large

    and small, that nibbling an the heals of TG passenger base, airlines like MAS, Royal

    Brunei, AirAsia that soon will start flying long haul from DM, Ph Tiger Air also comes to mined

    , replacing Cebu Pacific to Clark, not to mention Scoot, Jetstar and the list go on and on,

    Case in point, couple of weeks a go I have booked a 5 weeks ticket with AA BKK KUL MEL RTN

    for January 2014 with reasonably short lay over time in KUL LLC costing me a mere THB 20,700

    ALL UP, including 30 KG luggage allowance, selected seat and meals, while similar ticket on TG will

    cost THB 38,000, you do the math.

  2. It has been proven time and time again, that crime dose pay here in Thailand, and that

    given enough time and money, all sins can be and will be whitewash, and so the merry

    go around of head of states, MP's and senators, army and police generals continue

    to challenge the rule of law, make billions in the process and in most cases, get away

    with it,

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  3. For the longest time now, we keep hearing about many companies applying, and receiving, all

    sort of licenses to operate and start new TV stations, TV services of all kinds and descriptions,

    and yet, we still stuck with quasi monopoly, the dreaded and the only serious game in in town,


    by now, the re must be dozens of companies with said licenses, yet, unfortunately, no one

    is seriously challenge TureVision and offer us a viable alternative....

  4. While not dismissing any lose of life due to road accidents and such, we must remember

    that this is a nation of 60 millions plus with hundred of thousands of roads users of all shape

    and kind at any given moment every day, accident do and will happened at any given moment,

    however, better road education and road rules enforcement will not be a miss....

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