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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. There are some retirement homes in Pattaya that for the some of around 50-70,000 baht a month they will enjoy a full board and medical care where one can stay there for years and years...
  2. Top right hand side you have a choice of Thai/English or mouse right hand click and select 'translate to English'...
  3. Like many other places around the world where expat are migrating to stay there, Pattaya and other places in Thailand has it's good and bad experiences, and that vlog at the start really deals with the low to very low end of 'expats' who insist on staying in Thailand event ought they can effort it o complain about, so to those guys/gals i would say, yes, if you experience is that Pattaya/Thailand become too expensive for you that by all means, leave...
  4. Yeah right, that'll work for sure, I'd like to shake the hand of the Brainiac who come up with this idea, how about doing your job properly and act as a police, and not as a bunch of useless guys...
  5. You don't need to ask a soothsayer or a prophet to know that 2023 is NOT going to be a good year, nothing about it suggests goodness or install confidence, from the war in the Putin the tyrant and the Ukraine to the rise in cost of living, Covid rearing it's ugly head every where with a vendange, products and commodities shortages and many more indications.. so hold on tight guys, we're in for a rough ride...
  6. Any chance that the same will happened here in Thailand or we're to witness Thailand's hospitals over-run with Chinese patients? knowing the son-father relationship Thailand has with China the answer is probably No...
  7. A death trap in a god forsaken country where's people lives worth nothing, will be interesting to know whether there will be compensations/restitutions for those who lost lives and limbs as the organized crime that the casino probably belongs too can rebuild with the small change they have in their back pockets...
  8. So behind the smiles, the Wais and the kowtowing there's still that nasty streak of feudalism huh?...
  9. Last year2022... 333 fatalities and 2,707 injuries, let's see if anyone learned the lessons of years past... I personally wish to many people pass this holiday safe and sound..
  10. Top Australia medical figures in stoush over China Covid treatment Italy says half of the air arrivals from China are Covid infected, and here in Thailand the gates are wide open for miserably sick Chinese 'tourists' to enter the country unchecked... https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/health-safety/top-victorian-medical-figures-in-stoush-over-china-covid-treatment/news-story/9a82ee316b1e2a90b0926e8a1dba2d59
  11. So all those dozens of visa agents who daily populate the Immigration department with stacks of applications from different people are what exactly?...
  12. And not one word about compensations or restitutions to the dead and injured as if those who are affected their lives are not worth anything...
  13. What a mouthful, first time i hear of such department, they have been trying to reduce road's carnage for many years now without much success as Thai drivers not the sorts of drivers that heed or pay attention and everyday that they get back home alive it's a miracle, specially the motorbike riders...
  14. Now that Thailand allows Covid infested Chinese to enter the country unchecked, expect Covid and Covid related illness to rear it's ugly head again...
  15. Unless the loan was made as a loan with all the correct documentations, assurances and guaranty in place it will be next to impossible to get any of it back, i know this lady lawyer in Pattaya who could help if like i said, you have a leg to stand on...
  16. It meant not to make any sense, so to stop people from asking questions and looking stupid.. or, otherwise people will ask questions, infect, I'm not so sure they themselves know what da hell they're talking about...
  17. If they would hold people accountable for their predictions they would talk less... but those soothsayers and prophets are accountable to no one, no one but no one can predict tourism trends nowadays, what with the war in the Ukraine, rampant Covid still killing people everywhere, economy in the doldrum in many countries etc. etc...
  18. While the Thai government are treating the Chinese travelers issue lightly, said Chinese travelers entering from China to Australia could soon be hit with renewed Covid restrictions amid surging virus cases in the country. The drastic move would come after the US announced on Thursday morning it would impose mandatory Covid tests on Chinese tourists just days before China is set to re-open its borders. Despite reports of chaos, its true extent is unknown after Chinese authorities stopped reporting daily case counts and deaths. A spokesman for Australia’s Health Minister Mark Butler said decisions were yet to be made on the developing situation...
  19. Best to cancel the registration to avoid troubles coming back to you being the owner, and than maybe give to a motorcycle repair shop to try to salvage what ever they can out of it...
  20. 'Thai' is infect the Thai government and the Thai people's asset, and Thai international are acting as if they own the assets loosing billions by willy-nilly buying and selling aircrafts as if they were shoes...
  21. Of course, why would Thailand go against big brother China in the first place, secondly, there are tourists and Thailand need tourists at any costs it seems, beside, Chinese tourists all double as investors in real estate mostly, so sod Covid, we want them Chinese at any cost...
  22. Why would any contract killing, which this is seems to be, be secured with a life jacket and a buoy while the interests here are not to leave traces...
  23. You took the words out of my keyboard...
  24. Many things are a NO-NO to Buddhists and they still do them on daily basis anyway, this why Thailand is a country that many like to stay in...
  25. ezzra


    Not really, there are Live Tv, movies and Tv series among those 15,000+ channels and i know more or less what contents i like to watch and save them to the Favorite file on my Mecool IPTV box, AliExpress has a few providers of said service, just type IPTV and there should be couple of suppliers with offers...
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