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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. ezzra


    I know this guy from AliExpress that sells IPTV subscription for like $58 a year with 15,000+ channels many of them sport's channels, get InTouch with the guy here: https://th.aliexpress.com/item/1005004650396816.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2tha
  2. Any person with 2 eyes in their heads, much less a mechanic, can tell a car who done 270,000 km to a can who traveled 50,000 km, as the different are huge both in the interior and exterior of the car...
  3. Thai read? this is an oxymoron, yet to see a Thai person sits somewhere and reads other than their electronic equipment, and i have been here for long, long time now...
  4. That above, should deter you from buying anything that requires warranty, and this is not clear enough for you that you REALLY shouldn't be buying nothing on Lazada...
  5. Faygeleh trough and trough if I ever seen one, as for the 'famous' bit, I like the rest here, never heard of him, maybe he's more well known among the 'non binary' crowd that regular folks
  6. I'm looking for advise, not abuse mate, and yes, that what my MB garage is charting and this is why I'm looking for advise from members...
  7. Many cabbies are tempted to either overcharge, not turn on the meter or bamboozle their fares and many do and the only way to prevent them from even thinking about it is punishments and serious ones as this is the only language they will understand...
  8. ezzra


    Do you care to provide more details as to where this App can be downloaded from, installed and login details obtained please? PM would be fine...
  9. Hi all, need to replace pair of shock Absorbers on my 2013 Mercedes Benz WB204 as they become noisy and rattily, not sure if they're back or front ones, my garage is asking for front pair 17,000 Baht and rear 12,000 Baht including labor, Any recommendation for better prices either in BKK or in Pattaya please?...
  10. Do you ever wonder what does it feel like to be privileged and filthy rich person and be on the run from the law for decades not being able to live life as free and open as the poorest person out there? does such life even worth living i ask?...
  11. Obviously the agent has some sort of issue in processing your visa requests or she might have, as you said, misplaced your documents and rather not face you about it, you need to find her coz without your passport you can't do anything and not even the immigration can help you here...
  12. I'll believe it when I see it, so far fares have been going up and up owing to all sorts of excuses, and once fare is is up very difficult to bring it it down...
  13. Yaris flashy? yes it's new but nothing flashy about it, the driver could have surfed a minor head episode to end up like this...
  14. What ever it is, i would advised to anyone not to touch said 'smuggled pork' as good pork it ain't..
  15. You see them trying to sneak through the boom gates, bells and whistles sounding aloud and they still try to try to pass and watching them i always wonder how will it end up if the train will arrive now...
  16. Really? for 4000 baht you have the energy to go to the police, and worse, hope for them to find said money for you? just say thanks you were not scammed for $4000...
  17. If all fail, and if it was me i would try to offer payment to people for their blood...
  18. I'm on the road riding a motorcycle and i see how those guys ride around in such a hurry and ferocity that no wonder why the end up like that...
  19. That's has to be the saddest joke i have heard in long, long time, not enough life jackets on boards, sailors who can't swim and same sailors who laughs and joke and take pictures while their ship is taking water and being bettered by extremely rough seas, someone in the Thai navy dropped the ball big time in preparing boats and sailors on active duties and the trusts mothers put in their hands sending their sons to serve in such deplorable conditions...
  20. What? they used images of him when he was like 50 years old or something? is he ashamed in how he looks now?...
  21. And that is why this country called "amazing Thailand".. sometimes is Who you know that trumps What you know..
  22. She should be strongly reprimanded just for being stupid and dumb not thinking that any one who asks her to do such thing is up to no good, or maybe she knew and just took the chance?...
  23. Would it make any different who's the head of the party? nothing much will change anyway, appoint a scare crow for PM would give the same results...
  24. Sure why not? when the government pays for it all, buy expensive and sell cheap when business is down...
  25. Thai immigration department is a conglomerate on itself, what with the shenanigan's of dealing with agents with a huge pack of passports belongs to faceless people who pays for that service from home and never mind 400-800,000 baht and many other short cuts for the right people, so with with the Imm. department you need to dance to their tune as sill and annoying as it sounds and feels...
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