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Posts posted by AussieBob18

  1. Macs are great for limited usage and for specialist programs that work best on a Mac - video/audio especially.

    But for general all round use - nothing can beat Windows - some many programs/apps work with it - universal OS.

    But until next version of Windows OS I am sticking with Win7 and maybe for a while.

    Will it be Win11 or Win12.

    Will MSoft like Apple have an OS for Computers and an OS for Phones/Devices.

    Or will MSoft stick with the same OS for all - like Android.

    I know they failed before - but I just cannot see MSoft letting that phone/device market go.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    There are loads of articles comparing the death rates of seasonal flu and Crovid. Nearly all that i have read say that Crovid has a higher death rate. In New York alone there are over 10,000 deaths associated with it in just 2 months or so even with a mass lock down of people for a large period of that. Just imagine what would of happened without the lock down?

    You are claiming that is no different to seasonal flu?

    Show me.

  3. 12 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    It looks like it can reinfect even those who have been exposed and ought to have immunity. We also have no vaccine. Open the country too soon and we have no way to stop a 2nd or 3rd wave of virus from circulating, overwhelming hospitals, and shutting things down all over again. Result, we would end up shut down even longer. Total economic collapse and anarchy could result. We must wait. But does our Govt have the sense to see this?

    Puting aside the stupidity and ignorance associated with the lock downs, I agree we should wait - but not too long. 

    If things are OK - like in Aust - reopen gradually starting 1 May and keep over 60/70s isolated - monitor closely.

    If not OK, like in New York, wait until things improve enough and then do the same.

    Maintain travel bans - all destinations - last lockdown method to be released - but never China - banned for years.

    Anyone goes to China - isolate and quarantine 14 days open re-entry - no incoming - 5 years.

    Maintain all the lockdowns for too long will result in no economic and social improvement possible - another great depression. Each country and each area are showing different rates of infections and mortality - isolate countries and areas - not the people within.

  4. 32 minutes ago, RANGER55 said:

    I read The Telegraph and every article on the WHO, China or other related subject gets hundreds upon hundreds of comments. I would guess 95-99% hate the WHO and China. Most agree with trump. Love reading the comment section more then the articles, more entertaining.


    Same on most of the media outlets - vast majority blame China and WHO - only the anti-Trumps are saying he is to blame.

    Not the same on CNN and MSNBC of course - and Trump saved millions on Fox/Breitbart

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  5. Just now, Crazy Alex said:

    Wow, if one didn't know better, one might think the WHO actually WANTED the virus to spread. While obviously there is no solid proof to show anyone wanted the virus to spread, one should never underestimate the hatred for America and Donald Trump by certain elements. In fact, we see it here on display each and every day.

    So true - it is like a daily Dr Phil show - same old rubbish just a different day.

    WHO followed and/or believed what China was saying - they deserve to be defunded and investigated before any funding again.

    The funny thing is that these media driven Trump haters didnt even react when the GOP leader of the Senate Committee stated 2-3 days ago that no future funding for WHO will be approved until they are investigated.  Trump didnt like the lack of media attention to that (nil) - so he flamed them with his own announcement - LOL - the MSM and the Dems and Hollywoods and the TV Trump haters react yet again - same old rubbish just a different day/issue. Trump is the master troll of Dems MSM and Trump Haters - I am sure he thinks like this - what can I do today to inflame them all - that WHO funding should get some kick along and traction - I'll make my own statement agreeing with the Senate.  LOL.


    • Confused 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, chessman said:

    The numbers of daily cases were increasing by 20%+ in Italy and Spain... they introduce lockdowns and the numbers of new cases stabilize. Now the numbers of deaths per day is falling in both of those countries.

    And it's speculation that the lockdowns reduced numbers? Hmnnnnnnn

    Sweden and Australia?  And so many others. 

    All of Italy and Spain - or certain locations - bet you have to look that up.


    Give it a rest mate - our positions are clear.


    You want lock-downs til XMas and everyone is safe, with little/no immunity and a hope for no later reinfections.

    I want them gradually eased come end April, to enable a big increase in immunities to stop the later reinfections.


    Lets see who ends up being right at XMas.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes, the driving is very safe and good roads etc but you do need to factor in the nanny state revenue collecting, parking fines, speed cameras, red light cameras, various other fines. I am a safe and slow driver but still used to get nabbed now and then by a camera for something that was just revenue, 65 in a 60 zone, or follow traffic through a yellow light.

    Yep that is the downside. I got nabbed once for doing 62k in a 60k at 7.30am in the morning on an empty road. I was angry and when I read the details of the fine they gave me 2k off the 64k recorded for 'error'.  Nanny State is dead right. Total Scam.


    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    The medical system isn't free, you pay a medicare levy, probably for the last 40 years. You havnt noticed that on your tax return ? Not much different to paying insurance here, unless you are on a basic pension.

    Medicare was introduced in 1984 with a 1% surcharge added to income tax.  This has been gradually and slowly increased to 1.5%. Tax rates have reduced many times since then - and except for bracket creep - I am sure I am paying less than I otherwiser would have.  Paid extra for a few years when income was above a certain level (surcharge) - but since 1984 I reckon it has cost SFA.



    So you are right Peter - but only just. But I have not been paying for many years - since I retired early and moved to Thailand and then back again. And I will never be again paying for it. So for me and many others - it is free. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    Half? I regularly get 400Mbs here. The best I ever got in Australia was about 80Mbs, and that was before the NBN. Now people are lucky to 40Mbs, for nearly twice the price.

    Only twice the price - who is the ISP who??  When I lived in CM we got 200MB (fibre) installed in 2 days and it cost less than a third of what I am now paying for 'up to' 50MB - which took almost a month to install - and is heavily 'controlled' (that site is unaurthorised bla bla bla) - got VPN now all good.

  10. Well about time. They made the virus but didnt make a vaccine at the same time - that was silly wasn't it.


    Probably fake news like all of earlier CCP PR - but if they have done it and trials do succeed - then it will have to undergo full testing by western facilities before it ever is approved - including 'source codes/genes'.  But if that is all good - then maybe China will be less punished than otherwise. Nah - it is CCP PR trying to deflect anger for what they did.


  11. 11 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

    On top of that the private medical insurance can leave you thousands out of pocket the last two occasions I used it I had to pay $3000 for an overnight stay and on another occasion $2500 for one night.

    That was many years ago.

    Mate - that was why I cancelled mine.  Happy to wait for any procedure - public as good as private in most situations. Go see the private VMO and he will do the op in public hospital. And when you have a bad accident the Ambulance wont take you to any private hospital - only Govt (and free here in Qld).

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