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Posts posted by soc

  1. Okay ... call to prayer... whether it is lovely or not is personal perception ... I find it grating and intrusive. If only the Mosque was blaring out the noise it might be okay as the Mosque is 1/2 kilometer away. It is just that the Muslims have strung wire and hung loud speakers on power polls that 1/2 K. Distance.. All done without authorization ... just pushing their practices on the non Muslim community

    Get a pair of wire cutters, you don't need authorization to cut the wires, just make sure they don't see you.

    l have done this.

    Gives great satisfaction until they find the break.

    As you said though, don't be seen!

  2. They can spend as much as they want, but sadly, their behaviour is such annoying and saddening that nobody will like them. In fact, so many people I meet, hates them being in Thailand and ruining atmosphere.. The worst part is that I myself look like russian and it takes a big job to socialize with someone on night out that I even sometimes don't even try. I don't even speak russian nor do I behave like one but the physics destroys everyones mood when they see me sitting in the same bar or boat or etc. sad.png But boy, when I do say that I am not a russian the whole evening turns around and you can start enjoying socializing and nights out again . Sadly, not so many left to socialize with in Phuket, who are not russians themselves amd speak english..

    l like them.

    But then my grandfather came from Minsk so it may be blood calling to blood!

    They got some good looking women with them.

  3. This sounds so odd that I doubt that it actually happened.

    Why would it?

    Speaking as a farang woman --- it is not odd at all. Happens a lot here and not limited to any particular location.

    Thanks for sharing that - apparently many would like to think I'm making the whole thing up, so it's nice to have confirmation that it happens.

    lt could be that the men had been rejected in the past by white women.

    Maybe they preferred white women but felt that they could never have a relationship with them & so took up with Asian women then resented you because you was with a white Lady.

    l was married to a Filipina & we seemed to mix with other like couples & l have seen what you describe among the husbands when a white couple joined our group.

    So yes, SoiBiker, l believe you.

  4. I have just heard another. A young woman is going to take a course here enabling her at the end to teach English to small Thai children. She's from the UK, BUT she has such thick local accent, that I can hardly understand her. Will all the little Thais have a Cardiff accent?

    When l lived in the Philippines a little girl(2-3 yo)used to play with my kids.

    As she had no father she used to come to me for cuddles & liked to be carried & called me Daddy.

    This made my own, same age daughter jealous of course.

    Her English was non-existant, but l taught her to say "ee by gum" pronounced "ee bah goom".

    An old Yorkshire saying! That was 35 years ago.

    l wonder if she still remembers it!

  5. I had the same thing in the Philippines. All the girls i met there,spoke with very strong pseudo American accent's.They were convinced every thing was American.Even Rod Stewart was American. They had no idea where the,UK was,or that it even existed.

    But i do remember a funny thing on Walking street,years ago

    a Thai guy was walking around and approaching any ferang looking people,telling them he could say hello to them in their own language,any language.he approached a couple and told them this.He asked them where they came from,and they told him "Austria" his answer was...G'day mate.


    l quite agree, having lived in the Philippines.

    We went to a picture theatre one night & Zulu with Michael Caine was playing.

    My inlaws were full of admiration how the brave "American" soldiers defeated the Zulus.

    For some reason they didn't like Black People.

    When l tried to explain, some didn't believe me & the others were just confused.

    When l told them that it was the Zulu's land, that confused them even more.

    So l just gave up.

  6. Australians are ashamed of the truth they come to the worst and most brutal rabble who were deported from Europe.

    I know this is off topic but it requires a rebuttal.

    I hardly think that stealing a loaf of bread or a handkerchief would put you in the 'worst and most brutal rabble' category of criminal. But it was enough to get you transported.

    I think you need to do a bit more research...

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1454940640.753277.jpg

    Actually the British must be smarter than us & its all in the Genes.

    Afterall they are descended from the ones who DIDN'T get caught,

    Whereas our ancestors WERE caught. lol!

  7. Australians are ashamed of the truth they come to the worst and most brutal rabble who were deported from Europe.

    Australians who can trace their roots back to the earliest arrivals are very proud of the fact and they are in a tiny minority of the population

    l once knew a toffynosed rich woman who claimed descent from the first fleet, but she informed me that "of course her family were descended from the guards & not the convicts" lol!

  8. I have a friend in the UK (dont we all) whose daughter married some DH of her own age, result catastrophe!

    They had two kids He left her as they do and at the worst possible time leaving her devastated and with the prospect of a hard existence bringing the two kids up.

    A couple of years down the road she met a man a lot older than her and bingo the best thing that happened to her and him.

    So yes it is possible to have a happy life with an older man.

    In any event you are only as old as you feel and the amount of old age, beer swilling, chain smoking 50 year olds propping the bars up in down town Pattaya are not indicative of Men of any age.

    Finally in my rant and because I am sick of young jealous immature upstarts talking BS about the values of older men with younger woman does it ever occur to them when bringing older men with young women into disrepute that getting older, remaining fit and healthy, having an healthy interest in , dare I say it a younger woman is a result perhaps of not just good luck but a healthy brain that has done its job in maintain a healthy body and mind

    When a nest builder (woman) looks around for a suitable mate in the West its for the biggest Phallus ( in other words pure eroticism ) with no thought of the future.

    When a nest builder (Woman looks around for a suitable mate in the East its for the future with all the Instinctive reactive process kicking in.

    Those Instinctive reactive processes are not too concerned with the size of the cock but the ability to build the best secure nest and bring home the bacon as it where to feed the family a situation IMO that an older man fills so much better than an "Hoppin youth"

    So eat your hearts out you jealous young ageist youths for you will always be at the back of the line behind the older more attractive men chasing the young ladies from Thailand.

    Now where is my flak jacket?

    Agreed! With two daughters in Oz, one in a relationship with a slightly younger man and being ripped off by him (but Dad, I love him!) The second with a much younger man (she 46 him 36) and really happy with the result! The Asian way is by far the best way, one of my daughters went for "love" the other for the breadwinner, I know which one is winning by a country mile!

    Young women here tell me that while the young men are more handsome the older men are more sincere, the younger men have yet to prove themselves while the older men have already done so!

    Of course, there is always the dicotomy of youth and vigor V's age and cunning but looking at over 50 years in asia I believe that the older man (45+) will always beat out the younger man!

    Asian women are not stupid (unlike their western counterparts) and as a rule go for the future not the present! IMMHO smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

    l know what you mean.

    l have been through the "but Dad, l love him" scenario & the bloke is a complete dropkick.

    My youngest daughter, a very beautiful girl l might add, has had a selection of same-age dkhds.

    The only one l liked was the first one who was 30 when she was 18 & he left her because he felt "guilty" about their age gap.

    He was a gentleman & treated her like a Princess.

    l'm still hoping that Mr Right comes along for her.

  9. ...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


    Oh that makes it alright then,

    The fact he was a Muslim migrant who showed zero remorse is just an irrelevance to you.

    Perhaps the Austrian authorities should provide these male migrants with free vouchers for sex workers along with all the other freebies?

    See, the decadent West at fault for not providing sexual relief.

    Your Muslim apologies are becoming a total joke. Castrate the b/stard with a blunt rusty blade and deport him back to his missus.

    Okay, dude...here for you and all your "likers": no, that does not make it okay!

    At all!

    The fact that he was a migrant with no remorse does not matter!

    The fact that he was a rapist matters!

    But of course it matters to you, that he was Muslim!

    Because it fits your agenda!

    Free vouchers for sex- workers?

    The decadent west?

    Projection much?

    I am not apologizing for anyone!

    How about your general attacks on everything and everyone Muslim?

    That is just perverted!

    Well, muslims are the ones causing most of the troubles around the world.

  10. The "bird" was right. The first Australians came from British prisons, Americans from Europe, too. Did you not learn that at school?

    Australia was only founded because the Americans got their independence & refused to take any more British criminals.

    Australia took them from 1788 until about 1860, 72 years.

    British criminals were sent to America from about 1650 until 1780, so thats at least 130 years.

    And you have to get it in perspective, although there were violent criminals transported, you could get a 14 year sentence for stealing a loaf of bread(maybe hungry?)& 14 years to Australia meant that you were unlikely to ever return.

    Both countries, of course took free settlers also.

    l always have a little smile when l realise that most Americans do not know their own history.

    Here endeth the lesson.

  11. You know when you're in Pattaya when you have to read comments on the place by holier than thee elderly gents out in the sticks starting their daily intake Chang at mid day and finding pleasure in watching the grass grow because there's nothing else to do with their time . Exciting .

    Tiger please!(occasionally!)

    Chang is too sweet, although l used to love it.

  12. DNA - which in the case of the police here means Do Nod in Agreement

    Anyway, no Thai could do something like that. ..

    "Anyway, no Thai could do something like that. ." Isn't this phrase getting a bit old? Do YOU have ANY original thoughts?

    Yes I agree. How about admitting that we are totally incompetent, couldn't care less about foreign nationals and give ourselves a big pat on the back when we crack the case of course. That's more original and truthful don't you think?wink.png

    But they are going to have to blame someone?

  13. ONE of the reasons that Tony Abbott was dethroned is because he announced that Australia would take in Christian Syrian refugees.

    This wasn't good enough for the PC Crowd who went on the news saying that we MUST take muslims as well!

    Australia would have taken 12,000 Christians initially with more to follow.

    They are still Syrians so it sort of makes a mockery of the PC Crowd when they scream "racism"!

    Nonsense, Abbott's stance with Syrian refugee intake was irrelevant to his overthrow by his own party.

    lf you read my post again, l said ONE of the reasons.

    How do you know what is/was relevant to the Liberal Party as regards his overthrow?

    Of course don't know what was said in the Party Room, but plenty of statements on the public record by a number of his Ministers who voted for his removal; the same Ministers who supported Abbott's policy for prioritisation of Syrian Christian refugees.

    Are you sure about that?

    Are you sure that they didn't change their mind?

    Had pressure applied to make them change their mind?

    At least you admit that you don't know what was said behind closed doors, prior to his removal.

    l saw one woman on TV saying that we must take muslims also.

    Tony Rabbit didn't say this.

    Finally, are you one of the PC Crowd?

  14. ONE of the reasons that Tony Abbott was dethroned is because he announced that Australia would take in Christian Syrian refugees.

    This wasn't good enough for the PC Crowd who went on the news saying that we MUST take muslims as well!

    Australia would have taken 12,000 Christians initially with more to follow.

    They are still Syrians so it sort of makes a mockery of the PC Crowd when they scream "racism"!

    Nonsense, Abbott's stance with Syrian refugee intake was irrelevant to his overthrow by his own party.

    lf you read my post again, l said ONE of the reasons.

    How do you know what is/was relevant to the Liberal Party as regards his overthrow?

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