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Posts posted by soc

  1. I had lots of problems when i lived in BKK trying to cross a main road near where i lived, and not only crossing the road walking on the footpath crossing the entry to a local supermarket at least 3 times , one time one big black Toyota 4WD tried to push me off the footpath, the Thai got the closest deadliest stare i could muster....

    On my very last day in BKK after living there one year 4 hrs before i was to leave to catch my flight home i was run down by a motor bike crossing a zebra crossing mind you the cars had stopped and i was out front of at least 30 people crossing this crossing, the bike took me down and he hurt me, i was limping for a week after that, I'm happy to say that the impact on my body made his red bike useless, the rider had to leave it behind when he left.

    Its very obvious to me why Thais drive the way they do, little to no police presence on the road, they could triple it and it still wouldnt make a dint, they should Check out Australia, fixed speed cameras everywhere, many roving speed cameras daily, big police presence on the road, highway patrol cars on all highways and you see them often, Every police car is high tech now, they can zoom in on your registration plate and within moments know every detail of the driver/owner.

    When they wake ups to the revenue that could be made from traffic fines then you might see some sort of clean up, me when i move back I'm out of BKK and I'm living within easy walking ready of everything i need, no way am i going to buy a car there.

    l don't own a car or bike in Thailand & l'm not going to!

  2. my ex wife ( thai ) had the worst temper i have ever seen in any woman in my life, when she started she really started using the most vile language even in front of our daughter hence i binned that bitch. her sister was even worse with a big ugly head on her like a wilderbeast.

    now ive been with a girl a year or so, at start she was sweet, quiet, we have started to have arguments and last week she exploded with obsentities, she even posts on facebook for me to get to f:::k out of her life etc next day she cries to get me back wt f ? so now i am reconsidering my options with her too.

    never ever again will i make the same mistake and stay in a long term relationship with a woman with a rotten vile bad temper.

    Been there, done that.

    My Filipina ex once chased me with a f…ing great knife & a long screwdriver.

    Mind you, l was stirring her up, so l probably would have deserved what l would have got if she had caught me. lol!

    l blamed the hot Spanish blood carousing through her veins, but maybe its an Asian thing.

  3. Well Meryl, you couldn't be more wrong.

    l don't drink,

    l don't have a beer belly or moobs(do you mean man-boobs?),

    l'm certainly not going "native" as you put it.

    l live in a very nice condo.

    True, l don't speak much Thai yet, but l am fluent in Spanish, French, Tagalog & of course, English.

    l have a smattering of German, mostly technical terms & some of the Shanghai dialect of Mandarin.

    l am a retired Mechanical Engineer, who just thinks that as visitors & guests of this country you moaning Farangs have no right to criticize.

    lf you don't like Thailand's laws, fellow non-citizen, then just LEAVE & quit whinging.

    You sound like one of those people who complain about muslims moving into western countries & then expecting changes to be made to suit them.

    Don't you see that that puts you into the same category?

    Happy now?

  4. lt seems like a lot of people are outraged by what the THAI government are implementing in THAILAND.

    Its their country & we are guests.

    lf you don't like it & don't want to abide by their rules-

    Then LEAVE & stop whining, moaning & complaining.

    Can't be any clearer than that.

    I hope you don't treat your 'guests' as poorly as the Thais do. Note to self; politely decline an invitation to stay at your grotty shack.

    How would you know if my "shack"(lol!), is grotty or not?

    The Thais have a right to decide who they want in THEIR country, wouldn't you agree?

    Do you have a problem with that?

  5. i caught my neighbor spanking his monkey. he left the curtain open in the evening and i could see in and he could not see out. we have separate vills but there is a common yard area with windows facing.

    should i mention this to him, or ignore it? other suggestions.

    things are not ever going to be the same over that beer. just looking for opinions on how to approach it.

    Tell him that all the village kids could see him also.

    You really tried to shoo them away, but……

  6. I feel sorry for the guy,Maybe he didnt know how to handle LB's.It's true,when approached,you can usually get away with a compliment on their beauty and a smile.I have done this on many occasion,and it seems to work.Why try to purposely anger them?. However,they are not going to disappear any time soon.

    The lady boy has been part of Thailand's history for hundreds of years,i guess they see it as their country too.And with the present low tourism,they are desperate for money just like all other street Thais.ignorance and want breeds violence i guess.

    Yes, I've found that to work as well. First saw that done by a group of Thais being introduced to a ladyboy they hadn't met before. They gave compliments to 'her' about how pretty she looked which seemed to totally disarm her and keep her on her best behaviour.

    Oh, so now we must "compliment them on their beauty", or we're "purposely angering them"? This just gets more absurd by the day.

    Veering towards P C rubbish.

  7. When in Pattaya, l go for an early morning walk between 2nd road & 3rd road.

    l've seen only a few LBs who have never bothered me, quite a few drunken Farangs still partying on, Monks, & early starters.

    The main things to be wary of are dog poop, overflowing garbage bags, crazy motorbikes & the worst……packs of Soi Dogs.

    Thats when you need a pump action shotgun.

    l have been distinctly apprehensive many times.

    Would be doing some of the mangy curs a favour.

  8. In the first photo, the rescue worker in the middle thinks it's funny. What would he find funny? Is the explosion funny? Are explosive devices in general amusing? Does he get the giggles are dead and dying victims? Is he enjoying the carnage so much he can't control himself?

    Could it be the gas has effected him? Or a reaction with another gas has formed a new compound?

    What is "Laughing Gas"?

    Not trying to be funny, l genuinely do not know.

  9. Went skiing in ltaly once, in 1972.

    Broke a bone in my right foot & have never skied since!

    We were on the French border at a placed called Sestriere.

    Beautiful scenery & the water from springs was so refreshing & invigorating.

    lt was near the ltalian Army barracks of the Alpini, ltaly's elite mountain troops.

    Some soldiers carried me down from the mountain.

    Later on l had quite a few vino biancos with them as the beer was literally as weak as water! lol!

    Pleasant memories, in spite of my painful foot.

  10. I am just back in my hometown Melbourne. I live in Thailand. We have a long weekend here and last night Saturday there was a riot in the CBD where families were gathered for what we call Moomba celebrations. This was organized via social media. The two gangs totaled 200. One group were SUDANESE. the other islanders from outside OZ.

    You can't help people living here all our lives being outraged. They have also been involved in numerous car jackings. Something very new to AU.

    People wonder why there is short fuse towards people that Au has welcomed and we receive this as a thankyou. Thugs

    The do-gooder pcidiots that brought these type of people to Aust should be prosecuted.

    They are all keeping a low profile now.

    l am living in someone else's country & l am behaving myself & not breaking any laws.

    Why can't these people?

    lf someone wants to define these comments as racist, go right ahead.

    lt matters not a whit to me.

  11. Soooo true!! The truth hurts!!

    No the truth doesn't hurt if its truthful & you've done the right thing.

    l stayed in a loveless marriage & didn't have another woman on the side, until my kids were grown up.

    l then very generously paid out the children's mother & came to Thailand, where l am enjoying myself immensely.

    l don't moralise about other people's needs & l couldn't care less if someone doesn't like my lifestyle.

    Tough bananas.

  12. Kenny,

    You can withdraw your super in full once 55 in Aus if your leaving for good. Then nothing else stopping you from applying for a pension on correct age. It depends on for many years you have work in Aus. Would stay away from any business in Thailand.

    Stock market can be good or bad. It is an open gamble. Currency fluctuations also play a big part!

    I I knew I could withdraw at 55 but I thought you had to pay some tax if you did? I'm under the impression after 60 you withdraw your funds tax free. I hope I'm right!

    That is correct.

    l stopped working at 66 yo & began getting a pension(my own money!)tax free from my super.

    My accountant told me that l would pay no tax on withdrawals after 60.

    The extra 6 years that l worked, l still contributed to my super but paid only 15% tax on the contributions.

    That is until the govt moves the goalposts again!

  13. My ex-wife used to open my mail & when l confronted her about it, there was a blazing row.

    She considered it her right to do so.

    Just like she considered it her right to spend ALL our money & send some to the Philippines for her family & got very snaky when l reined her in.

    lt took me two years to find out her true character & l would have left her if we hadn't had a little baby.

    l only stayed with her because of the kids(yes we had more!).

    "Marry in haste- reflex/regret at leisure"

    Never make that mistake again.

  14. This (your ) money is properly for use of her (funds sucking family) or a Thai boyfriend that she has been supporting (may be her Thai husband),and you need to to take her off your bank account . We live and learn mate.Any secret transfer of funds ,be it by any wife of any nationality ,is for deviously purposes and not to be tolerated if you have any cohornes.


  15. The amount that's gone missing is £6,000. It was my own account, not joint. We have been married for 12 yrs and nothing like this has happend before. She knew the pin number and has done for many years. She took my card without permission and withdrew the money without my permission.

    Trust is big thing and to restore some of it, I want the money back. If the only way is that she has to go to Thailand and bring it back, not ideal but will do, if she doesn't come back, well that's that.

    Sorry for the slow response, have a busy day at work

    Are you sure that she is not a Filipina? Lol!

    Whatever, doubt that you'll ever see your £6000 again.

    Get rid of her.

  16. . I wonder, does the sorting office lose them, or can the delivery man choose what to deliver and what to scrap or keep?

    I wonder, too; 4 years ago there were important letters I never receive from Europe, and may be the postman was too lazy to deliver them in my little street

    now I have a PO box and I get everything, I go and fetch the mail myself: in my experience, every thing registered or EMS to Thailand or from Europe arrives well ; when you pay more, everything is ok

    Yeah. I think the PO Box is the only way to go. First, there is almost no issue about exactly where the darn stuff should go. Second, Thai addresses are a bit hard to explain to people outside of Thailand and it is easy for them to not label it correctly or whoever is sending you stuff has a data entry database that struggles with what to put where in what address field. Unfortunately, some official mailings from the USA will NOT send to PO boxes, since they want official residence addresses. But that varies depending on the institution, and what is being mailed

    When in Australia, l had that problem too.

    l used to buy goods online & some companies in both Australia & the US would not accept a PO Box as you have said.

    Extremely frustrating as l did not get mail delivered to my residential address.

    Eventually l would put both residential AND p.o box number down as my address & then everything was successfully delivered.

    l put the PO Box in first & in larger letters.

    Might confuse them here though!

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