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Posts posted by soc

  1. It's illegal everywhere, not safety, but a lot people do it make it look like legal

    I have seen people holding a baby on a motorbike, while riding among heavy traffic and also using their mobile at the same time.

    Had just left a bar, when a young girl on a motorbike came off right in front of me as she tried to turn from the main drag up a soi.

    lt was raining & she was driving the wrong way up the main road, had a flapping plastic raincoat on & was holding a paper cup of orange juice & balancing her handbag.

    Fortunately she was not hurt.

    Another farang on the other side of the soi, lifted her up while l lifted up the bike.

    After we saw if she was all right & helped her back onto her bike, l picked up a mobile phone from the ground & gave it to her.

    Now l didn't see her using it & l can't think how she could possibly do so as she was holding the cup of juice & the bag. l'd like to think that it fell out of her pocket or bag.

    She was not hurt & after a smile, went on her merry way balancing cup & bag in the increasing rain.

    God & Buddha must be looking over her.

    A few Thai males watched this drama, impassively. Only one tried to help.

  2. Quite simply, a bit of research would have done you the world of good.

    A Clarity credit card from the Halifax has no transaction fees around the world. You go to an FX booth with your credit card + passport and withdraw the cash. No ATM fees involved and no % mark up.

    Short term you can try the banks, or FX booths (bank related) - preferably with a credit card - and withdraw more funds at less cost. The banks do not like it, but they (some) will do this. Take out 100K or 50K. Keep it safe.

    Thanks for this. I had no idea you could withdraw money using a credit card at the foreign exchange booths with no charge.

    l used an Australian Credit Card to withdraw cash in China.

    Not only did l get a better rate than the Aust banks gave me when l bought Chinese cash from them, but the fee was only $18.

    Aust banks are thieves.

    No wonder they are fighting tooth & nail to keep foreign banks out of Australia.

  3. OP originates from the Express, a well known Islamophobic online media outlet from the UK.

    Owner Richard Desmond who also owns the Daily Express, and its role in whipping up anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK served to remind me that some biased lobbies are trying in vain to influence the media in Europe.

    Nice try...

    The local schools in my old home town , now have only Halal meat and do not serve pork in the UK , so nice try . and that is not a hoax .

    No laws have been voted in Germany and UK to ban any pork consumption.

    Even so both democracies are not segregating their citizens in separate communities through their constitution.

    Fallacy of false analogy is not part of both constitutions...

    Don't like pork anyway, but l do like bacon!

  4. l lived in lndonesia & many Christmas cards never made it to Australia, the UK etc.

    l have been told that the postal workers didn't like handling anything to do with the Christian religion & tore them up.

    lf they contained money, then that was a bonus for them.

    Friend of mine worked on an oilrig off Pakistan & NONE of his letters reached the UK.

    A Pakistani employee told him that the clerks in the Post Office would remove the stamps & resell them.

    Keeping the money, off course, then destroying the letter.

    His company then franked all their letters but they still didn't arrive.

    Maybe the postal workers destroyed them out of spite because they couldn't steal?

    l have found no problems, so far, with the Thai postal service.

  5. The usual suspect misogynists out the gate quickly on this one.

    Stop the world everyone, they want to get off!

    They'd be a few of these ole farts that would easily have their backsides kicked by a few woman I worked with over the years. I mean most of these douchebags probably pushed pens in offices or licked stamps or something. In their fragile years they moved to Thailand with their meagre pensions and spend their days getting pushed around by a 47 kg Thai woman ! tongue.png Spend their days moaning about Obama and the price of mama noodles.

    I do for one think it is fair to have equal rights between men and women however I really fear for women captured by an enemy, especially a group of savages like ISIS.

    lf they are captured by ISIS, they will be put up for sale on the slave block.

  6. l don't think that women in the infantry is a good idea.

    Sure they may be fit enough & a woman can pull a trigger as well as a man.

    l know when l was on patrol l used to get awful sore between the legs, from sweat, chafing etc.

    Eventually the pain was excruciating.

    What will the stick do when the woman wants to urinate?

    Form a defensive circle while she drops her pants & squats?

    lf she has to do it in her pants, so not hold up the patrol, well you'll soon be carrying her as she won't be able to walk for long.

    Or are you going to leave her behind?

    Sorry Ladies, l love & respect you & you can do ANY other job in the military but but l wouldn't want you in my stick.

  7. There are some nice places in the Philippines & there are a lot of sh!tholes.

    l find Thailand to be much better.

    My ex is a Filipina so maybe l'm prejudiced against the women.

    As other posters on here have commented, they worship money & have no shame in the way that they get it.

    Be prepared for massive showdowns about money & of being accused of being "mean" because you won't give them access to your bank account to withdraw as they please.

    lts like trying to fill a bucket with no bottom when you're giving them money.

    And l also think that Thai women are prettier.

    Plenty of nice beaches, just depends what you want.

  8. :So she barely passed the Uni? The saying is true, pretty face does not need a brain smile.png".

    Unlike some posters who seem hell bent on bashing anything Thai positive, despite having only a CSE in Woodwork.

    Just kidding!

    What is CSE? And where is woodwork?

    A very British joke !!

    The British on here ought to realize that their empire has shrunk to a small island in front of the Dutch coast,

    and that their language varieties are not understood by many posters here.

    Looks like someone has a problem.

    lf you don't understand something, just ask.

  9. Overpopulation.

    The word which politicians fear to mention.

    Not only that, but overpopulation in regions which don't have the resources needed to support our species, other than a few shepherds.

    Overpopulation will the the #1 issue for future politicians. Bigger than Climate Change. Sure, there are other problems in the mix, not least awful leaders, mean-spirited belief systems, and masses-who-can't-cope. I'd venture 98% of migrants don't even know which weeds are edible, or how to make rope from plants. In other words, people have lost basic survival skills to where they're like lapdogs in a NYC apartment. Even if they knew how to survive off the land, sand is all there is left in the Dune Countries they're fleeing from. No game animals, no wild fruits/nuts/foliage. All those migrants will need hand-outs from western countries. Even half the residents of western countries need hand-outs. Residents all around the Mediterranean are shooting and netting songbirds, for Krissake - to get a little morsel of bird flesh - to sustain another day.

    Overpopulation isn't pretty, whether it's rats on an abandoned ship, or cockroaches in an old house, Rapanui (Easter Island), or people from Dune countries or SW Burma or Eastern Congo. Sorry to say, it's gonna get worse. The carrying capacity for this one planet for humans is about 700 million. Currently we're at about 10 times that amount. Wait 'til it doubles again, in about 40 years. ....then again in an added 25 years. Some ugly shit will be hitting the fan. You ain't seen nothin' yet, folks.

    A Doctor told me that the Earth is well overdue for a series of epidemics that will wipe out 2/3 of the human population.

    The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 killed more people than WWI, but a lot of people have never heard of it.

    Ebola, Sars, Swinefever, Aids, & much much more.

    Maybe give the wildlife a breathing space if most of us are gone.

    Human beings- the most disgusting creatures on the planet.

  10. As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

    The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

    The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

    Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

    Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

    Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

    This is the most intelligent post l have read from an American.

    He knows the failings of his country.

    Thaidream, maybe YOU should run for the President's job.

  11. All ships take on water, that is the reason they have bilge pumps. If it has been unattended

    by engine-room staff for so long, then, by now, it will have taken on a lot of water, thus

    reducing its buoyancy. As it has collapsed on its port side, it would then appear to have

    taken on a lot of sea water through the loading bay door, which is shown open on the same

    port side, and which has then capsized the vessel.

    The cost of righting this vessel will be prohibitive, in my opinion. A bill which neither the Thai

    authorities or the Chinese owner will want to meet. Perhaps the most cost-effective solution

    will be to tow it out to deep water and sink it.

    lf its resting on the bottom it won't be able to be towed.

  12. Why is the US so harsh on their own citizens yet so lenient on guest workers?

    l didn't know that Americans paid tax outside of the USA.

    I drove grain trucks in the US in 2007 & as a foreigner we didn't pay any tax.

    Most of the other drivers were either Aussies or South Africans.

    l had a work permit that lasted 6 months & could have extended it if necessary.

  13. I can not help with recent experiences.

    Last one is from 2012 (a mate).

    But really first stop for trouble free account opening is Kasikorn Bank.

    Two positive experiences with the branch in Royal Garden at beach road, 1st floor.

    Nothing more than a passport needed, business card from hotel.

    Savings account, ATM card AND internet access.

    As others wrote: make clear that you want a savings account (no credit, no credit card just debit card).

    About address: I NEVER got any postal mail from Kasikorn. They didn't even care to change address from hotel address to my current residential address.

    Thai banks don't send account statements or the like for savings account.

    The account book is all what is updated.

    Also never got this from Bangkok Bank or SCB. Just some advertisement or party invitation.

    Annoying: they also don't send a reminder when your ATM card expires.

    So check regularly especially when going on a trip.

    (for a new ATM card you need to have the account book at hand, passport is not sufficient)

    l can confirm that this is true.

    l opened a savings account with Kasikorn Bank in 2012 & when l go to Australia l just top it up from there.

    The money is in my account within just a few hours & l could draw upon it immediately.

    Never had any trouble.

    Don't get any interest but l don't pay any fees.

  14. When I was in the 6th grade, we had a teacher who was a total monster bitch. One day I got out of my seat to throw away some papers. She went nuts! Grabbed my shirt and started shaking me violently enough to tear the shirt, then slapped me in the face twice. Hard. Later that night, when my father found out, he went ballistic. Him and my mom took me to school the next day. Mom quietly, and politely, asked the teacher if she had done it. Dumb ass smugly admitted it proudly. My mom cold cocked her and broke her jaw, sending her unconscious to the floor. Keep in mind, my mom was all of 5'3" and 100 pounds, while the teacher was nearly twice her size.

    Anyway, the commotion caused the Principal to come running into the room, demanding to know what happened. My dad (6'1", 210, black belt and former boxer) snatched him up and slammed him against the wall and told him that if any teacher ever hit any kid again, not just me, their ass would end up in the hospital, with the Principal in the bed next to them. My class mates thought I had the "Coolest Dad in the World". lol

    Not surprisingly, there was never another incident of a teacher hitting a student. Oh, and the one who hit me was fired, then arrested on child abuse charges, and given a 3 year sentence.

    Wow. What did the principal ever do to deserve such treatment? I'd be ashamed of your father.

    Entertaining story anyway.

  15. lndeed many Chinese are much whiter than us Farangs.

    On Koh Chang l met a half dozen very fair Chinese on a baht bus.

    One young lady spoke perfect English & we were chatting on the way to the wharf.

    l remarked just how fair, she & her friends were & she told me that they came from Xian & that inland Chinese are much whiter than their coastal countrymen.

    l only relate what she told me.

    They all worked together in a factory & the Management had sent them on holiday as a bonus.

    l know that they were whiter than me!

  16. I brought in 7 large jars of Vegemite on my last flight here. OK, non-Australians don't consider that to be food. To us, it is a sacred breakfast ritual.

    Maybe off-topic; however, I've always liked boerewors as a very tasty sausage. There's a bar in Chiang Rai that has Cumberland sausage on its breakfast menu.

    No problem bringing that IN to Thailand, but it was a problem taking it OUT of USA.

    The security classed Vegemite and peanut butter as a liquid and wouldn't allow it (as hand luggage). It was ok in the suitcase but that had already been sent through.

    A guy I used to work with tried to take Vegemite into Libya. Customs thought it was plastic explosive, and made him eat half the jar to prove it wasn't.

    l like vegemite on hot buttered toast when it combines with the butter & soaks into the toast.

    Great on a cold morning with tea or coffee.

  17. I brought in 7 large jars of Vegemite on my last flight here. OK, non-Australians don't consider that to be food. To us, it is a sacred breakfast ritual.

    Maybe off-topic; however, I've always liked boerewors as a very tasty sausage. There's a bar in Chiang Rai that has Cumberland sausage on its breakfast menu.

    The Swan on soi Yamato in Pattaya has Cumberland sausage on its breakfast menu.

    l had never had it before but now l like.!

    Very tasty.

  18. Of course there are two ways of looking at this.

    lt would be extremely frustrating if you are genuinely trying to teach & the class is unruly.

    And of course some children find it hard to digest facts & should not be punished for that.

    l have a brother who was a teacher & as he tells it a lot of teens are out of control & are so disruptive for the children that want to learn.

    He says that its the parent's fault for lack of discipline.

    l went to a small country school where the teacher was a tyrant & used to belt kids around the head if they couldn't remember things.

    He used to bring his ruler down hard on your writing hand if you made an ink blot or used your left hand to write.

    He also was a master at psychological put downs.

    Made you look silly in front of the class.

    Kids can be cruel & there is nothing worse than being laughed at by your mates.

    So yes l shouldn't judge as l don't know what happened before this teacher lost it.

    But a good cane across the backside would probably suffice.

    Children & teens(in fact anyone) should never be hit across the head.

    l think in this case l would have made the girls write out lines.

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