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Posts posted by Speedo1968

  1. On 3/31/2019 at 2:56 PM, bikerlou47 said:

    It has been said that the letter from the bank has to be dated the same day that you apply?

    Also it has been aid that a transaction must occur on that day?


    Thank you

    That has always been the way - at least for me - when using the Khon Kaen office.

  2. Have noticed a 3 year old boy that lives alone with his grandmother.    He has little if any social contact with others , neither children or adults.    He shouts, not words but in response to an event, he has no conversation skills.    


    As for older children who shout, as mentioned before most seem to be boys and most are already obese, I wonder if there is a link between diet.

  3. On 5/6/2019 at 8:54 PM, OneEyedPie said:

    When was the last time you heard health professionals deem kids are eating too much meat other than the vegan brigade?  You're very short on detail.

    I am vegan for 40 years I have also been in farming since 1961 in different countries starting as a farm worker and later as a freelance consultant.

    There is nothing wrong ( ethics aside ) from eating meat but a Mediterranean diet would be more beneficial to ones health.

    Of course there are things in meat ( red / white ) ex farm that should not be there, there are things that are added by production companies and the cook and the consumer.

    There are also things in most things we harvest ( meat / veg / grains / fruits etc ) that 50 years ago ( or less ) would not have been there.    This is where mans slow evolution comes in to conflict with things it is not designed to digest and gain nourishment from.

    The "too much meat" probably means overall food intake which contains far in excess of things we do not need such as sugar / fats etc, and lack of exercise, especially in Thailand leads to early obesity and poor digestion.

    A good example in Thailand would be the high intake of milk ( laced with sugar etc. ) which the Thai is not accustomed to, or needs.


  4. On 5/6/2019 at 5:21 PM, CGW said:

    From what I have seen here its usually an overdose of sugar and chemicals, the parents feed the kids coke and other crappy drinks and foods then wonder why they are running around in circles stimulated by caffeine and sugar at an age when they should be getting none! :ohmy:

    Sorry for my late response.

    I agree that sugar etc in what are now "everyday at least once" drinks for children aged 4 years ( even younger ) kick them in the wrong place.    Many I fear will end up with early diabetes.    I have a strict diet through choice for 45 years ( now in my 70's ) but I still enjoy my early morning black coffee no sugar at a pavement vendor.    

    I worked and lived for some years in Paraguay both as a trainee gaucho and with my own farm, no coffee but drinking yerba mate which certainly woke you up for an early morning ride.

  5. 13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I used to have it (1960s), but my parents and teachers hit me until I learned not to have it.

    Sorry to read you had it in the past.

    Children I have seen here seem to start to grow out / start to grow out of it from about 11 years.

    I can understand the teachers attitude having been at school in England in the 1950's, a school where corporal punishment was regularly dealt out, including public caneings.

    I can also remember doing some teacher training myself ( looking at an alternative career ) where the teachers all hid in the teachers room.

  6. On 5/6/2019 at 5:16 PM, KhaoYai said:

    Children Who Shout and / or Screech - what is the condition ?

    If its a female child - most likely not a condition, just training for later years.


    Seriously though, children are born with an empty head - they fill it with what they learn from those around them. My daughter screams and shouts at her kids when they misbehave - now they scream and shout back. Neither me or her mum shouted at her when she was younger - I believe her problem is stress caused by having 3 children too young and the resulting social and financial pressures.


    Far too many claims of this condition and that condition these days, whilst some may exist, I think most are the result of poor parenting. If you teach a child that the reaction to something they've done is to scream and shout - don't be surprised when they do the same.

    Many thanks for your reply, my apologies for the delay.


    As for the female getout clause I appreciate the humour, as a male in my 70's I often get the sense that my head is more empty now than it was a few years ago as a child.


    I have seen boys of around 10 years of age who are often given charge of their younger sister.   Whether or not there is any thing to it, when the younger child misbehaves the boy shouts at the child who, if it is a girl eventually shouts back like her mother would.     Unfortunately I have also seen violence and then the child becomes frightened, cries louder and louder and like a circle it goes...   No sign of ADHD's in the boys although they are often exceedingly obese which leads on to diet.



  7. On 5/6/2019 at 5:06 PM, OneEyedPie said:

    It's now quite common to attribute bad parenting and the associated bad behaviour of the offspring with a trendy diagnosis.  


    I suspect the big pharma companies are in on the act.  

    My apologies from not responding earlier to your comments.


    ADHD's is certainly not a trendy diagnosis, early observations go back to 1902 and in the mid 1960's medication ( Ritalin ) started to play a part in it's control.


    Medication can work but each child is different as is each childs home environment; however much one may dislike the pharma companies when a child with ADHD's who has not been given medication or not given properly attempts to kill its younger sibling - then medication is the only choice - yet it is ultimately down to the parent.


    All individual components and the full condition of ADHD's can obviously be affected by parenting.  This may be where the parent is ashamed of their child having the condition, where the mother may feel she has let the childs father down by giving birth to a child with the condition ( yes always the womans fault ), where the parent does not take the child to see a doctor / specialist, where the parent says "not my child" when the doctor / specialist suggests the correct medication ( i do mean the correct medication ), where the parent accepts the medication but does not use it or the full dose or not regularly, where the parent gives the child the medication but it makes no difference so they dont go back for advise, where no one, family or friend, advises or complains to the parent about the childs behaviour, where the school does not advise the parent - for whatever reason - about the childs behaviour etc. etc. etc.


    As far as I am aware bad parenting does not create ADHD's in children but it certainly does exacerbate the condition if it is there, even to the point where a child may cause serious physical harm to another child, especially a younger sibling or as I have seen to a dog..    I have seen this a number of times.    I have taught a number of children with ADHD's at been at the sharp end of unprovoked ( in my mind ) attacks both physical and with objects thrown at me.

  8. On 5/6/2019 at 4:53 PM, Puchaiyank said:

    This may not be the problem...but it is worth investigating...


    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics.

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your comment.

    Yes, Tourette's I have seen although not with children, my observations have been that it seems to affect women more than men, the women often elderly and thin and perhaps this latter due to malnutrition ( something that is also becoming obvious in children though not necessarily due to lack of food ); although I may be 'way out' with these comments.


    Your remark "characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements" would this include almost constant flicking of eyes ?      Have seen this with young people who are constantly using Iphones example on a songtel or bus journey, this may be screen flicker, perhaps something that will affect people in the future !?


    You made a comment about meat not being a cause but sugar yes.   I have been in farming in many different countries since 1961 at the front line and later as a freelance tech advisor.    I agree with you about sugar and its replacements but, what about all the goodies that go with the meat either ex farm or during cooking and at the table such as MSG - although this has been unproven ( sic ) so I read.



  9. I am aware of the condition ADHD’s in children as I have taught a number of them with ages between 7 to 11 years.      The eldest was in his 20’s with some signs of having ADHD’s at an earlier period in his life.

    They have all been male.  One had a father who spoke of his own condition as a young child, another farm seemed as though he had had the condition itself.

    The only female was a 13 year old sister of two boys aged 7 and 11, the younger already showing atypical signs and the elder growing out of the condition.   The sister, although not with the condition itself did seem to show signs of a form of defense mechanism against the possible outbursts of the youngest brother, i.e. throwing things.

    A more recent case, although not a student of mine but son of a family I know has acted with extreme violence to a much younger brother.

    In all cases except one did a parent acknowledge the condition of their child.

    Strangely enough, when I spent a few months in another area of Thailand there was a community of people from where I had lived before, a number of these children also had ADHD’s.


    However, this posting is about children who shout or screech when talking, something I am noticing more and more in my local area.

    Mainly with boys again, especially the shouting.    Age groups seem to be 5 – 12 years but have noticed in ages up to late 20's. 

    I notice it within the older community but then more with women than men.

    The shouting seems to be as a normal part of conversation with whoever the child talks with.   This is especially so where an older child shouts at a younger one causing them to cry.    There is anger in the older child’s voice and a threatening stance.   Sometimes even against a parent.    The younger child is often in the care of an a older child.

    I acknowledge that shouting is often a part of everyday banter / family life in Thailand, that the Thai language seems to be louder than in that of the UK, where I am originally from.      I have lived most of my life since 1968 outside the UK in different countries.

    My local area here in Thailand has a very mixed standard of life and community, that alcohol seems to be common, as is the male partner doing little to support the children / family either physically, emotionally or financially.

    If I had to compare it with other countries I have been to / lived in it is more like the slums of London in the 1940’s to 1960’s, but without the friendliness or, the better favelas of Brazil without the cleanliness or often pride in their community.

    Can anyone advise what condition the child may have that exhibits such shouting and screeching ?

  10. As myself and others have posted - make your own, sugar free but you will have to put up with low fat.

    Didn't even cook the milk, added starter, just put it in glass jars, put the jars outside, but not in direct sun, brought them in in the evening - before dark - put the jars in the fridge or on a table top and voila next morning yogurt.      It can be used for eating and in alternative medicine.

  11. 15 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Call the snake guy if have time if not I pretend I am a Saudi. 

    I worked on farms in Saudi during the 1980's and 90's.    The farms were located in desert, sand / black stones and black stone hills / ancient wadis, kilometres from anywhere.     The first farm I was at used to have desert foxes, feral cats and other wildlife.  

    A major pest control company in Jeddah decided it didn't like to kill the stray dogs it rounded up so, they blow darted them, drove them 70km out of town and dumped the unconscious dogs near to the farm.

    Goodbye wildlife hello snakes and scorpions.    The snakes found ways in to the nice cool chicken houses and would sleep in the nest boxes.

    The farm had a Pakistani snake catcher who would take care of the snakes, and sometimes give them to Thai staff who would eat them.

    Some snakes, snake eggs, hatching snake eggs, scorpions and camel spiders I would put in formalin and, when on leave take them to the UK and present them to my daughters school.

    My children lived for a year or so in Saudi and visited often, they learnt from a young age to always empty shoes out or, better still, leave them in the house but still look inside them just in case.   With clothes always shake them out before putting on.

    I spent many years in farming here in Thailand, only bitten once by a snake but numerous spider and other insect bites.    One farm found a 220kg python which duly ended up in the market for meat.

    I have lived / worked in South America, Saudi, Kuwait, Asia etc. since the 1970's and still check my clothes everyday.

    • Like 2
  12. Agree, ducks love water plants and in return should keep you in meat ( if you eat it ) and eggs through out the year.

    Trouble is of course, other people like to eat too ,,, !

    I have worked in the duck industry here, and other countries, for many years, good old duck weed was quickly cleared from settlement ponds on farms that weren't too worried about disease risks to the rest of their flocks.

    Anything green - they love.

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/19/2019 at 10:28 AM, robblok said:

    I bought it from an indian seller on Ebay (the thai stuff did not really work). The indian seller added black pepper. I can only say it works above expectation.


    My dog could not walk was crying and could not get up. The vet was closed over songkran and so I gave him my supplements and there was immediate improvement. Now he can walk great again. There have been tests done that it is compatible to ibuprofen (scientific tests). But its good for a whole other range of stuff too.


    The problem is that without black pepper the body has a lot of problems absorbing it.

    Hope you don't mind a question about your dog ?

    Would it be be a German Shepherd or a Thai version of the same dog ?    Male or female ?
    I am interested as to why it could not walk in the first place, as I am currently treating a Thai version that has DM ( degenerative myelopathy ).

    Have used turmeric myself for stomach discomfort or as a simple warming drink in Thai Winter or helping with detox.

  14. Are you classed as resident or non-resident in the UK ?   This will affect many of your rights.

    I couldn't get a rental agreement when i tried moving back about 5 years ago because I had no credit rating, even though I had sufficient funds.

    When / if you return to UK get in touch with the CAB asap.

    You could try looking at council property but you normally need to be in the UK for 3 months and have specific reasons to require such accommodation.


    As others mentioned things like NHS and extra social payments will probably be difficult to arrange etc.


    A guesstimate on monthly outgoings from my 2014 try to return trip of 6 months, at least 1,000GBP, thats for me only on basic needs.    Winter fuel bills ?   Water and electric charges here are a fraction of those in the UK.    I am single in my 70's and my drinking water, domestic water, electric come to only 20GBP a month in winter a bit more in summer.    That's about equal to 1 or 2 days in the UK.   Food costs ?


    Good luck and consider carefully the benefits for all concerned.

    • Like 1
  15. Why not make your own ?

    Don't even have to boil the milk.

    You have to use milk so fat level will depend on the milk.   There are zero fat unflavoured yogurts on the market, unfortunately all have sugar.

    If you have a sunny spot somewhere it will set in glass jars.

    Have had some jars in my fridge for a year just to see what happened, some mould some no mould and still edible.

    It's even possible to make soy milk yogurt but it often doesn't set properly, commercial brands are often quite liquidy.

    If you don't have time buy a yogurt maker.

    • Like 1
  16. Does anyone know where I can buy a rock crystal salt grinder ?    I live about 50km south of Khon Kaen.

    Not a grinder for table use but to make ground salt for own use and a small number of customers.

    Have looked online but can only find for table use.


    Used to buy ready ground 10kg at a time in 200gram bags but this is now sold as bottled crystals and more expensive.


    Have tried a mortar and pestle.

    I have tried using the grinder that came with my blender, it was fine for coffee and various other dried beans, obviously cannot use with peanuts.

    Tried with rock salt, black and pink, not only did it become rapidly like powder but it got into the blender itself.

    I know its possible to use a table clamped meat mincer but would prefer an electric grinder.


  17. On 4/6/2019 at 3:00 PM, tgeezer said:

    Another suggestion, this time from a Thai on Facetime. My familiarity with stroppy comes from my time in the military where it was used to describe a sailor who resented authority and was determined not to comply. This is how I explained it to my interlocutor who suggested หัวแขง. คนที่ไม่เชื่อฟัง .
    which I take to mean that they don’t accept the rightness of what society , personified by the teacher or senior officer, is asking of them. I asked if หัวแขง might be used with children and was told, yes.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Many thanks tgeezer, I especially like your suggestion of "don’t accept the rightness of what society , personified by the teacher"

  18. 14 hours ago, Trembly said:

    The closest word is กระฟัดกระเฟียด (grafad-grafiad). It's how you behave and do things when you're being stroppy. 

    For example, making a big show of smacking things around when cooking is ทำอาหารอย่างกระฟัดกระเฟียด.

    In itself it's not negative, but it's common sense that most people tend not to like it when someone is กระฟัดกระเฟียดing. 

    If your wife says "why did you just tell him off?" you could say "he was grafad-grafiad all day and I had to grip him about his attitude". 

    Many thanks for the explanation Trembly, I especially like the 'ing' translation in Thai to 'กระฟัดกระเฟียดing'

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