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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Everything I bought in Thailand when we decided to migrate from Oz in 2015 - land, new house, car - I made out in my b/f's name. The only 'property' I own here of any value (to me) is my books. The only cash flow is mine & it comes from Oz. No sweat.
  2. My experience of Thai men is that they have the same range of small, medium & large as all other ethnic groups everywhere in the world. The largest one I've ever encountered in my life belonged to a Chinese Australian in Sydney. His equipment was as thick as my arm (though not quite as long - only about 10").
  3. Doesn't address the basic economic/financial & practical issues (unloading/uploading at one end & repeat at the other end) pointed out by many people on AN. The chances that anything will happen beyond hot air are slight. Though perhaps not zero in the very long run, if bottlenecks at Singapore/Straits of Malacca were to get much worse ...
  4. They're designed to torpedo any hopes MFP might have of forming a government.
  5. Thailand doesn't have the technical ability to understand the reasons for the German ban ... Note also that the Chinese were presumably well aware of the German ban in advance of the Thai order.
  6. The usual chaos of Government decision-making in Thailand. Will they? Won't they? What about the brown envelopes?
  7. Sounds appalling & disgusting. I hope all progressive - and even semi-progressive - parties & forces are gearing up for a massive showdown. Presumably they all know what's coming their way. If they let this one crush them in May, only one year after the dinosaurs' massive electoral defeat, we might as well go back to Uncle Prayut and beg his forgiveness.
  8. Only China would have the uneconomic (strategic) incentive + the economic capacity (though that's diminishing even as we speak) ... Noone else would have the irrational need: double your shipping fleet for the sake of 2 or 3 days shipping reduction + increase in land-sourced delays (unloading ship, reloading trucks or rail, unloading trucks or rail, reloading new ships) ... The whole idea is off the planet. But perhaps they said that to Ferdinand de Lesseps in the 1850s ...
  9. Hard for me not to laugh. Most of the people rabbiting on above - for & against - are living in Thailand, which must surely rank down there (or up there) in the bottom/top least 'woke' countries in the world. My Thai Khmer peasant family is just emerging from the 1950s in to the light of the late C20th - technologically, economically, culturally. Some of the children are even already dealing in & trying out assorted illegal drugs. And everyone under the age of 77 (my FIL) has a mobile phone ... They may even vote MFP instead of PTP at the next election. Meantime wokeness - the 80% exaggerated & ridiculous - is just a passing phase. It will have been forgotten in 10 years. And the 20% that makes some sense - greater sensitivity to the effects of our actions & feelings on other people - will endure under other labels. No point in getting hysterical.
  10. Never mind, the Royal Thai Armed Forces will take care of it.
  11. It's a bit long (if you'll pardon the expression).
  12. I've never met another mind like mine. In any case I doubt it would be a pleasant experience.
  13. If you read the full article it's mostly a load of drivel ... On the one hand this On the other hand that Anything could happen Or not.
  14. Having visited the place twice 11 and 10 years ago I can't imagine ever having the need to visit there again.
  15. One day Thailand's leaders will encounter concepts such as 'modern technology' and 'productivity' ...
  16. Will be interesting to see how many of these 'new airlines' survive the next 12 months. Not to mention their passengers ...
  17. That's what all the ifs & buts written in to the contract are for. It's not black & white. It's grey and a matter for judgment. Whose judgment? Theirs, not yours.
  18. (1) Insurance companies have to make a profit. Otherwise they cease to exist. (2) How long you've been a customer when you front up with a major claim will undoubtedly affect their consideration & decisionmaking. Why wouldn't it? You've been paying for 20 years and this is your first claim, for a heart attack. Fine. You've been in 3 months and you said all was fine and now you're claiming for a heart attack? Mmmmm ...
  19. Health insurance is fine when you've been paying premiums for the previous umpteen years. Just the last 5 minutes? Not so good. It's all about risk, not just yours but the company's too. So joining up here as an expat late in life is never going to work well for most people.
  20. What depressing reading! I said, he said, they said, no they didn't ... And anyone and everyone is to blame except Me Me Me. Seen from afar, one can only conclude that British social & cultural & political incompetence, mixed with racism & petty ethnicism, produced a catastrophic economic & social outcome. The country will take decades to recover, probably by rejoining the EC once the latter's members have gotten over their outrage and bitterness. (Why would anyone trust the Brits in terminal decline?)
  21. I have a cunning plan: I'm going to keep hiding under the bed until 1 Jan 2026. By then we should have a fair idea how things are panning out.
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