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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. You have to have a will in your country of origin and a trustworthy and competent executor there to manage the transition and the longterm support to your Thai partner.
  2. The question is: Why would they? Apart from strategic issues (power struggle) with China, it's not obvious that Thailand offers any advantages on just about anything you can think of: Productivity? what dat?
  3. There is an argument that Thais - like all other peoples everywhere - get the government they deserve. Governments - even authoritarian ones - are enabled by and are the products of the culture of the people as a whole.
  4. Well, it would at least be nice to be able to find out!
  5. I take it that an 'either/or' account means what I would think of as a joint account opened in both names but either partner can withdraw funds at any time? As opposed to a joint account where BOTH partners must sign to withdraw? Is my understanding accurate?
  6. Not entirely clear but I understand the issues - complex & longstanding - that they are trying to address. A minor example in my (very large) Thai Khmer family: When my b/f's oldest full-blood sister was born some 45 years ago, the government was far away they do nothing for us so why bother with registration? When the next child a boy arrived 3 years later (as all the later ones did, always on time), they thought perhaps they should do something so they - according to family lore rather than law - registered the baby boy and his 3-year-old sister together as twins. And "twins" they have remained ever since. Whether that's how they're actually recorded in the government computers (probably non-existent then) is unknown. Both parents are illiterate so couldn't tell anyway ...
  7. And the world - at least the democratic bits of it - will judge the Thai Constitutional Court.
  8. Makes interesting read. Basically if you don't want to freeze your nuts off every winter, then Oz is no.1.
  9. Have never used it but can't help noticing that they announce a major fix or upgrade at least 3 or 4 times a year ... I quite enjoy my regular visits to Surin Immi. Anthropologically fascinating (on both sides of the counter), and it's only 5 minutes further on along the Surin city ring road to Robinson and a nice lunch then shopping at Tops. Makes a lovely change of routine for us both.
  10. The problem with the 2 emojis is that it's usually unclear what they mean in any particular case: Does it mean he/she is confused/sad at the content of my message? or at the fact that I said it? Or is it a generalized feeling of sadness & resignation at the state of the world? It would be much more useful to everyone if the 2 emojis were replaced with signs for "I don't agree' & 'I can't understand a word of what you just said'.
  11. Conspiracy theorists having a field day again. I wonder if there's a vax for people who can't deal with complexity.
  12. So where is this wunnerful superstition-free, animism-free, local traditions-free Buddhism to be found? I suspect only between the leaves of a 'Western' textbook.
  13. Yes, just as they do in every other Asian country ... The 'Western' version of Buddhism - as pedalled by eg the Dalai Lama - has practically nothing to do with Buddhism as actually practised in Asian countries (including no doubt by the Dalai Lama himself), alongside animism and local traditions. Here in Surin my Khmer family has a different superstition for every occasion including every day of the week. Took me a long time after I arrived on the scene before I was allowed to get my hair cut on a Wednesday ("People DIE!") ...
  14. In Thailand (and no doubt elsewhere in Asia) Buddhism is about 90% endless superstitions. 'Philosophy' comes a distant second. Much like Christianity in most countries. Or Islam. Or Hinduism ...
  15. Some things never change in Thailand. But usually the backtracking takes at least a week. They have excelled themselves this time - just 24 hours.
  16. Trust the Thais to have forgotten (when convenient) - or couldn't care less about - a written agreement/protocol with another friendly country. Says it all about how Thais in general deal with the law and with international relations and with interpersonal relations: Smile brightly, wai & fingers crossed. A nation with a great future.
  17. No, I don't think so. But clearly some people are entirely lacking in humour. [Probably Usofans who feel the unaccountable need to add "Sarcasm alert" to their efforts.]
  18. The Usofan concept of 'freedom': I'll do whatever I damn-well like. The rest of the Western world does (mostly) not share that concept. The policeman who arrests you when you exceed the speed limit is understood to be looking after the interests of ALL the people, not just the interests of the manufacturers of speed signs.
  19. Doesn't matter which political party we're talking about, the principle is the same. The 'idea' seems to be that the Leader somehow incarnates the Party, so if the former is naughty or bad the latter must be too. This is not a concept that would float 10 seconds in a proper democracy.
  20. So one person's problem or misdoing (whether true or not) may be considered to be grounds for abolishing a whole political party ... Grow up, Thailand! Move forward!
  21. Currently lithium appears to be in some oversupply. Mines in Oz closing down or going on half-rations as prices have fallen considerably (instead of the ever onward & upward expected).
  22. Mmmm, same here in Surin now. I suspect there for a purpose. The sole male does my 90 days & all done in 5 minutes ...
  23. Yes, I entirely agree with this article. You can disagree with all or some of his politics and his actions when in power but that doesn't mean he should be sentenced as a criminal. If you continue down that path, there's a very long list of politicians and former politicians and generals and former generals who should all be in prison. Selective raking over the coals doesn't help the country move forward. Grow up, Thailand, move on!
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