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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Goodness me. I have 2 eggs every day. What am I going to do?
  2. In a country where the defamation law does not allow 'truth' as a defence? Are you that ignorant?
  3. Well, if you believe all the bla bla bla above, you'll believe anything.
  4. Yes, 47700 riff-raff. That will never do. We'll have to get the CC to reinterpret the rules appropriately ...
  5. Fun for all the people. Let's face it, he's a damn' sight more entertaining than the dinosaurs of the last decade. Prayut anyone? Prawit?
  6. Entertaining as ever. Thaksin running rings around and the haters hating.
  7. Real loyalty to a leader who actually - for the first time just about ever in Thailand - did some good things for poor people. Funny that.
  8. More like 10 a day or equivalent Yes, it's the equivalent that counts. If people pour nothing but rubbish down their throat, they get every sickness known to man.
  9. As in all the Moslem countries - where women aren't available - men are. If that's of interest. Then there's the (fading) relics of the city's Greek past, including Cavafy. And there's always archaeology to keep you fit.
  10. Have the Hamas terrorists released all their hostages (dead or alive as they may already be) as directed by the ICJ on 26 January & 28 March? No, didn't think so.
  11. But coming down, I think, the black African countries and the Muslim countries. Still some way to go till they're below reproduction rate (which for poor countries in Africa is 2.3, not 2.2 as in rich countries). The important point is that the turn downwards has already taken place and can only strengthen from now on. As the Chinese have discovered, once the turn is made, it's almost impossible to reverse it. Which doesn't mean that the total world population won't reach 9 billion in the meantime ... before it too starts downward late in the century.
  12. Yes, the obsession with 'economic growth' continues worldwide, despite the apparent concern about environmental devastation and despite the well-known fact that the whole world is entering a century or more of population decline which makes ever-larger economic goals both stupid and unachievable.
  13. Europeans taking a LONG time to start adjusting to current nasty realities ... The good times are over, at least for the time being.
  14. Once you've had the first lot prescribed by your doctor, you can usually just get the identical thing (or its equivalent by another manufacturer) at your local pharmacy at half the price.
  15. Well she's at least right in saying that Thailand could do with a new charter. The notion of building a real democracy under the fascist-written constitution run by the fascists' flunky judges is too ridiculous for words. The democrats, the people, the true reformers have to get the balls to defy the CC and the EC and the generals. And noone should assume that the entire Army is against democracy. Far from it. The main problem is the general passivity of the people, well inculcated with Buddhist despair.
  16. Hope the Hungarian and Slovak and Serbian governments are paying attention ...
  17. If that's the US Embassy in the top photo, it should have to pay a huge fine for ugliness. Completely unsuited to its built environment.
  18. Well, certainly optimism helps us get through the day.
  19. The voting system has 2 cultural aspects that Thais love: complexity beyond imagining and endless possibilities for intrigue and disputation. Fun for all the family.
  20. So how do 31000 people - MOST of whom don't know each other - know who to vote for (other than for themselves)? Probable answer: Organised - non-political of course - groups get together quietly in advance and agree to vote for each other in the various categories. The other 30000-odd are left with 1 vote each.
  21. As everywhere in the world, it's the cross-breeds between different ethnic groups that produce the (physically) most attractive - and healthiest - individuals.
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