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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. If that figure is correct (source?), then even the 'almost modern' bits of the economy are rat/sht. Why on earth would Thailand need 67 of them? Or perhaps backyard furnaces for all are the answer, and Mao can ride again.
  2. So, sensible provincial management - not to mention sensible farmers - would be planning their future on the basis of a permanent move out of rice crops. And pigs might fly.
  3. I'ld arrest him for his bad taste in clothes.
  4. In danger of offending against s.112. The comedian is being warned: Take care whose toes you trample on.
  5. And nothing will have changed in 20 or 50 years' time.
  6. Suitable only for LtGen and below.
  7. From 1 extreme to the other, as experienced late yesterday and overnight here in south Surin. Apart from a nice shower a couple of weeks ago we had had no rain since November. The ground and the trees and shrubs very thirsty. Just before 1800 yesterday thunder & lightening and steady heavyish rain started. Continued pretty-well non-stop till around 0500 this morning. Fortunately, not too much wind so no damage as far as I'm aware, though the electricity did die for a couple of hours last night. Couldn't help noticing that the main concern of local villagers - as the rain pelted down and lightening was all around - was to find frogs in the khlongs ... Interesting priorities.
  8. No, just some of the basic Thai cultural traits on display - laziness & incompetence.
  9. Yes, totally agree. Same here in south Surin. Works well.
  10. She wouldn't do well in the countryside where people rise at between 0500 and 0600 depending on the time of year but don't eat anything before about 1000.
  11. Hard to find the right mix of arabica (90%) and robusta (10%) here. Usually I make do with 100% arabica as it's mostly all that's on offer. Minimex machine. We have 3 double shots each daily - on getting out of bed, after brunch, after dinner.
  12. I notice - in comments on AN about the political processes and the impossibility of moving forward etc - that people are obsessed with the military as the be-all and the end-all of power in this country. I think that's a misperception. My perception (maybe I'm wrong) is that the military - including the junta chiefs recently retired - are mostly the instruments of the rich elites or oligarchs and their family connections, who actually pull the strings behind the curtain in league with the highest elements of the feudal state. It is they who 'man' the posts that matter eg EC and Constitutional Court, it is they who 'man' the key posts of government decision-making and administration.
  13. Right before. To do it AFTER an election where MFP could well end with over 50% of the vote is too risky. Heavens! The plebs might rise up and overthrow their feudal masters! Goodness me! That would never do.
  14. You've obviously navigated your way through life successfully (you even write literate English!) so why bother now at age 76? Just keep enjoying the life you have.
  15. What I have read so far on the official 'voting' process - who gets to be a candidate and who gets to vote - is practically incomprehensible, and certainly has nothing to do with any concept of 'The People of Thailand' voting for members of the Upper House.
  16. You wonder what world some of these 'experts' live in.
  17. In Thailand excessive good fortune - splendidly announced across all news channels - is bound to attract fortune hunters of all kinds: family, 'advisers' some legit & some criminal, common criminals ... There's no end of negative possibilities. A poor person, probably ill-educated to handle the situation, is in a dangerous place.
  18. I suspect the maid's life expectancy just got a whole lot shorter.
  19. In my (extremely limited) experience of 'Thai massage' in Thailand (twice) it's not my idea of a pleasant experience. Painful. Never again.
  20. The stupidity of the woman is almost beyond belief. If she had been a non-Thai speaking tourist, one might have some sympathy ...
  21. Mmmm, wonder how he achieved promotion to this prestigious position in the first place ... Wunnerful Thai Civil Service.
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