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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Yes, here in Surin we prefer steady rain for several hours each day, but no storms thank you.
  2. Yes, being both nasty and clever could be tricky.
  3. All the hallmarks of a Prime Ministerial election campaign ...
  4. For all too many Thais the outside world is hermetically sealed off.
  5. The US will never be defeated by China or Russia. Just by its own democratic & ideological incompetence.
  6. But but but ... This golf course is VITAL for national security. Without it we would have nowhere to park our F16s for lunch and dinner.
  7. The wunnerful Thai concept of morality: Nothing to do with the substance of good behaviour, just the mechanics and the appearance are enough. Good ol' Buddha, can always depend on him.
  8. ??? The dry season isn't 'impending'! It's been here in Surin since November ...
  9. Most of the 700 or 800 'generals' have the military competence of the average AN reader. The government could make a start on fixing its budget worries by removing them from the Army list, stopping their pensions and taxing their business earnings.
  10. That's obviously the first place to start. Do you have a version or a summary in English?
  11. Ah yes, the modus operandi of everyone who's anyone in Thailand.
  12. The photo above shows an instrument similar to one type of Sth American pan flute.
  13. Would be interesting to know what the criteria were (1) for selecting the billionaires to-be-asked, and (2) for their selections.
  14. Be wery carepul, Bro. One slop o da tung and LM.
  15. It's lovely at the moment so let's destroy it by improving it ...
  16. We get all our water from 40metres down. Not sure what happens when/if it ever runs out. Hasn't run out so far in 7 years. With his usual 'sunny' (Thai) disposition - living in the moment - my b/f just laughs whenever I raise the question. Lotta wata.
  17. I can smell nothing since my late covid (April last year). And my taste buds are now recovered to about 40% of what they were.
  18. Yes. My description works equally well for AI. But the AI people know that already (yawn).
  19. Very beautiful. Huge ears (or am I just imagining that?) Would love to have them but we're too far away (Surin province).
  20. Huge hotel? Well, the name should have been enough for AN habitués to mention. "Lek lek' means 'Very small' in Thai.
  21. I'm actually surprised. 87M฿ is not a huge amount. Roughly AUD3.6M. There would be many Westerners living here who are worth more than that. Would like to see Prayut's numbers too.
  22. I think of it as the cognitive machinery which converts an input of questions/problems/issues into an output of answers/solutions/actions. The quality of the machinery is measured by the success of the outputs. One of the characteristics of the process is its abstraction ie the capacity to think of practical problems in abstract ways. This allows you to manipulate the problem, approaching it from different angles and trying out different possible solutions - all done inside your head. How that turns into proclamations like 'The average IQ of Americans is 102.3' is beyond my machinery's capacity to understand.
  23. However designated, it is a common disease in Thailand as in many other tropical countries.
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