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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. The villagers here are out all night when it rains, catching frogs for supper or brekkie. So they would suffer, as would the snakes.
  2. Out here in the boondocks, the peasants grow their own, mix the leaves in their cooking for all the family. At least that's how it is in (some of) my family.
  3. Still? Hasn't started here in south Surin - a few light showers & a couple of 'steady rains' for 1 hour is all we've had in the last 2 weeks, and nothing before that since November.
  4. Different culture - Buddhist passivity, hierarchy, poverty. Macho-man swagger isn't part of the deal.
  5. Lots of money to be made via corruption. Not so much viable outcomes, I suspect. All the usual questions about practicality (loading & offloading), quite apart from the environment and the local peoples (none of which will be taken into account).
  6. We've been regulars there whenever we're in BKK since 2013. Splendid for morning or late afternoon walk. Some of you will laugh but I always loved it when they played the national anthem at 0800 and 1600: Everyone stops, hops off their bikes ... I found it quite moving. Haven't yet had the opportunity for a full exploration of the greatly increased parkland connected to Lumpini Park. Looking forward to it in November when we'll be in BKK with Aussie friends.
  7. Just a reminder for those who get a bit carried away ... It's not strictly true that 'MFP won the election'. They won the most votes but far from a majority. So it didn't take much for the fascists & reactionaries to form a temporary alliance with PT to squeeze them out of government. And here we are.
  8. And Thai government unab;e to say No.
  9. The 2 statements aren't necessarily contradictory of course ... What strikes me most about the AI products which seem to be taking over the news-delivery function on AN is the propensity for ridiculous levels of exaggeration & pomposity. The merest slip of a little happening is presented as though the future of humanity depended on it.
  10. Yes, judging by the results to date the AI machine has had a poor education suitable for an IQ of about 90.
  11. Rubbish. Do all - any? - homosexuals ponce around in women's clothes? No. I don't. Neither does my b/f. Life is complex, the world is gray. Get used to it.
  12. That about sums it up, at least in many cases. All about perceptions.
  13. Western countries all slow to wake up to a new world order that is not in their interest.
  14. Really? Must say I've never heard of a 'curtain hotel' before. But I've led a sheltered life ...
  15. In any rationally governed country the rice would have been disposed of years ago - either rubbish heap or feed for animals or sold off. Pursuing grudges seems to be a national pastime, at least for the pollies. Pathetic.
  16. My garden gets ruined at least once every 2 years as my b/f - without consulting me - has the family hackers destroy 3 or 4 beauties with crude slashing with a blunt instrument, leaving jagged wounds open to disease. And other trees and bushes get moved (because 'too big' or 'too close house') and shoved into a shallow hole with no manure & little water. Death follows in about 40% of cases. Even those that do survive - because I water them against instructions through the drought - will probably be killed off next time round. (Sigh)
  17. The post-dictator rules for change are the ruling class's rules for no-change.
  18. OK, that'll be France. I need at least a week to show him all the sights and to fill my suitcase with books that - because we live in Thailand - I can't buy here on Kindle. 😀
  19. I'm planning - well, beginning to think about - a 3-week trip to France, Austria & Italy next May. Accompanied by my Thai b/f. Will he - on the current arrangement, still likely to be in place - have to apply separately for each Schengen country? or just once for all 3 (or more)?
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