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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. My boyfriend would take care of it (him) - 40 years younger than me, fast on his feet, strong as an ox and learned to fight as a conscript here. A couple of years ago someone drew a knife on him at the exit from a gay disco in BKK at 0200. Before you could say Bob's yer Uncle the other guy was on his back on the pavement having the s... kicked out of him.
  2. Yawn, tourism is the major industry of Third and Second World countries destined always to be Third or Second World. And here was I thinking Thailand was reaching for the moon!
  3. In the Northern Territory (30% indigenous population), the outcome of the 2 electorates was: 56% & 65% No.
  4. The fault lies mostly with Albanese, who made the most elementary mistakes in the whole process. "I'm not a details man." Mmmm, well if you needed proof that even PMs have to be (selectively) across the details ...
  5. If I had continued with Visa-Friendly from the previous 3 years, my premium for the next year would have been 86168. I chose to move to Premier Plus with much the same cover minus OPD (which is not worth the candle) at 74401.
  6. Note also that the 40K deductible (ie I pay the first 40K of any claim) itself reduces my premium by almost 31K. Which, in the absence of any sickness & claims, means the 40K deductible isn't as horrid as it seems.
  7. Yes, and as always and everywhere: Stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can. You are responsible for your health both physical & mental. All alternatives are worse.
  8. Here's what it shows on my latest renewal notice: Annual premium 154385 Less OPD 20% (30877) Less deductible 25% (30877) Less No claim discount 20% (18527) 74104 stamp duty o.4% 297 Total Premium 74401
  9. So was that a cause-and-effect outcome (ie the paracetamol 'cured' the flu)? or was it a symptomatic effect (ie the paracetamol soothed eg your throat while the body's natural resistance 'cured' the flu over time?
  10. Yes, I've had much the same experience. Like extracting blood from a stone ... I joined 3 years ago at 71, just renewed at 74. But perhaps the entry rules have changed since then? In any case it was very expensive at first (3M cover c104K with 40K deductible) but - with no claims - progressively reduced to now 74K with a 40K deductible & OPD excluded.
  11. Sth Korea has dragged itself over some 40 years from poverty & dictatorship to high economic status & democracy. All done by hard work and determination against all the odds. The payoff has been high indeed. The notion of poor Thai 'workers' going there for an easy job & lotsa dosh is laughable. And tragic if you think about it too much.
  12. In fairness to the new Fair Party member and his former party MFP, the rules are so heavily stacked against any nasty reformist that it's not remotely surprising that some shortcuts have to be taken occasionally.
  13. We'll keep an eye open for him. Reward could be good.
  14. Um, this is a nuclear-powered submarine, NOT what the Thai Navy (foolishly) wishes to purchase. Still wouldn't buy a conventional-powered sub from the Chinese but people do need to get their basic facts right before they shoot off (assuming that the report above is accurate).
  15. mfd101

    Covid boosters MIA

    That's a nice way of putting it. In other words, waiting (as usual) for the left-over freebies from The West.
  16. Just as a side thought that you may (or may not) find useful: To use Wise for regular transfers to Thailand you don't HAVE to have a balance sitting in Wise.
  17. And health statistics tell us that obesity and its effects on people's health is killing increasing numbers of people in Usofa, Oz & UK ...
  18. Will their 'criminal record' be wiped clean? Good luck with that.
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