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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. Sure….but they also had to discredit Ivermectin. Hence the bogus “studies”
  2. His claims? how dare you assume it’s gender 😄
  3. I dated a nurse who worked on the Covid ward of one of the preeminent hospitals in Bangkok. She said to me (before the vaccine mandates and narrative directives)….. ”I don’t think Covid is as dangerous as they say it is. All the people here do is chill and cough a little bit” After the directives … she wouldn’t say anything. I even visited her (unannounced) on her ward and it was mostly empty. I was quickly ushered out. I also continued to visit my doctors during the pandemic (at a different hospital)…it was a ghost town. There are multitudes of videos from the US (obviously not on YouTube) where people basically crashed numerous hospitals and filmed the empty corridors and wards all while the MSM was going on about hospitals overflowing and people on stretchers in the hallways. Meanwhile, nurses from all over the country had ample time to choreograph dances that they posted to TikTok. So heroic 🙄
  4. All of your “credible sources” are compromised liars.
  5. I call those people “Churchians”. They have no faith in God (I do but won’t join any organized religion)…they just go for the moral grandstanding after they cheated on their wife the night before…or whatever other actions they have a guilty conscience about.
  6. And those thousands of beds in the field hospitals mostly remained empty. Had they been full/utilized, Thais would have most certainly posted selfies from inside them and we would have seen them on Facebook.
  7. Well….the 75 year issue was covered quite extensively. But we weren’t allowed to post any supporting links here as they weren’t from approved sources. Next time something like Covid comes around or whenever there is a debate about economics/politics/etc…..try searching out some alternative media. Here’s some homework to practice with. Google “Gavin Newsom declares state of emergency” and see the recent (last couple weeks) news that comes up. probably some of your online local news sources will come up. Then….look for some of those right wing conspiracy theorist websites and see what they have to say about it,
  8. Maybe even more nefarious reasons than money perhaps? Of course, saying something like that makes me a conspiracy theorist. it reminds me of a joke I have heard. “What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and facts? About 6 months”
  9. Turn off your television and try getting your info from sources who don’t get their funding from big pharma.
  10. From my experience (as an apolitical non voting person), the leftists are generally more dishonest, selfish, spiteful, greedy people. I can’t really think of any good qualities that they have. The only time I have ever received a hand-up from someone, it was invariably a conservative.
  11. Escaped? Or released? one will never know.
  12. Did you say anything here when it came out that Pfizer wanted 75 years to release their test data? At least you (from what I can see in your post history) didn’t pile on the unvaccinated like so many others did. But perhaps now is the time to do some research into what all the people who were cancelled, smeared etc. have been saying all along. You’ll just have to go to other sites than google and YouTube to find that information.
  13. Seems like they’re the ones who get Covid over and over. Studies are also showing that the spike protein isn’t leaving peoples bodies. As they get older and their already hijacked immune systems get even weaker will they be the ones who die from the common flu?
  14. Perhaps they need psychiatric counseling rather than hormones and surgery.
  15. Oh…there were plenty. Tens of millions. They know. Your mental gymnastics show your own doubt of the science. Why didn’t you speak out before?
  16. Which fear is more powerful for the sleeve-rollers? The fear of Covid where they “trusted the science” to the point of wanting the unvaccinated segregated from society and lining up for the jab…. or the fear that they currently have now that they are potential ticking time bombs?
  17. ‘Expert credible sources’ weren’t only wrong. They suppressed already known science https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/
  18. Maybe the vaccine made it worse. More vaccinated people were dying than unvaccinated as the vaccination rates went up. And then, when it got so bad, they stopped disclosing vaccination status of those who died. Next!
  19. Do you mean the like the healthy teens who died?
  20. Oh please. The days of being a Covid drama queen are long past their expiration date. Stop with the emotional outbursts. What you mean is that that millions had to watch someone who most likely had multiple comorbidities, was older than the average life expectancy and already had one foot in the grave (and the other on a banana peel) die…and then have the hospital state that the cause of death was Covid so that they would receive a bonus in the tens of thousands of dollars? Yeah. Revealed: The Average COVID Death Age Is GREATER Than Average Lifespan https://thenewamerican.com/us/politics/revealed-the-average-covid-death-age-is-greater-than-average-lifespan/ Criminality and Financial Incentives Concerning Hospital COVID Deaths: Why a Presidential Pardon Can’t Shield Fauci from State Prosecution https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/criminality-financial-incentives-concerning-hospital-covid-deaths-why/ ONLY 6% WITHOUT COMORBIDITIES? THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID DEATHS “According to the CDC: “For 6% of [coronavirus disease 2019] deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.”” https://www.futurity.org/cdc-covid-19-comorbidities-2436032-2/
  21. You too? Getting Covid after your vaccination? Did you ever have it before vaccination? I too was wondering why the media never told people to “focus on their health” or anything that promoted a healthy lifestyle….well….no….actually I didn’t wonder at all. Because the only answer was to get the jab. 🫤
  22. A three time winner eh? With several Covid vaccinations? Wow. And just to think that I still haven’t had Covid with zero vaccinations…and I’m not Asian.
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