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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. Yes….yes….the left were excellent customers
  2. That article was hilarious. But it was a bit vauge and could use some fleshing out. Give Back Provide vegan treats to protesters Work out yup…fifteen jumping jacks…that’ll also help get rid of that double chin. Get creative Choose a new hair color or get that special piercing you’ve always wanted Do some forest bathing But that would involve exercise. Scratch that. Spend five minutes journaling Write “I hate Trump 100 times” Go see a performance Drag Queen story hour! Or something fetish related. Do something kind But only if it’s toward a person of the correct political persuasion. Smile at other people On second thought, concentrate on the group crying. Dance it out But only if you have enough energy left after the 15 jumping jacks. Cry with a friend Or your dog Zoom out “You might even travel back in time and think about where the idea for the trail originated and who actually created it, clearing brush and heaving piles of dirt.” Actually….you’d better not…it will make you cry more.
  3. But you originally stated that he “lost any backbone he had” which implies he had some backbone to lose and then went on your typical anti trump rant. Typical disingenuous leftist. Drop and give me twenty.
  4. Very conphuzing sudden and unexpected situation.
  5. All the people who try to force me into a climate change discussion seem to be incredibly stressed out by it. They are the same people who only seem to want to discuss things like 1. Politics (that they can’t control) 2. Wars that don’t involve them yet they vehemently defend one country or another that never even registered on their radar until CNN or the NYTimes told them about it. 3. LGBTQ rights even though they’re straight 4. The social justice issue du jour even though they’re quite privileged 5. BLM even though they’re white I’ll bet the stress of keeping up with the current thing is going to drive them to an early grave so I guess, yeah….climate change is killing (some of) us. My personal opinion on it all is “don’t know, don’t care”….but mocking it is fun 😄
  6. Surely the modern feminists are “sending good vibes”, keeping them in their “thoughts and prayers” and faithfully updating their Facebook profile pics.
  7. But if you slip up and say the wrong thing or disagree with their ideologies in the slightest way they become apoplectic and will hate you forever. Being nice is just a mask that they wear until they have caught you out (usually with their manipulative, loaded gotcha questions) and now are firmly set in their smug self righteousness and have decided how they are going to judge you from here until eternity.
  8. I wouldn’t say it’s “revenge of the nerds”. The nerds were the ones who were primarily pitted against the jock douchebags and they actually did something with their lives and went on to major in STEM and then became programmers, actuaries, chemists etc. They brought us personal computers, video games, scientific advancements etc and were rewarded with high paying jobs. I wish I had their brainpower sometimes. The weirdos and malcontents dyed their hair blue, got piercings and tattoos, ate themselves into obesity (even as vegetarians) while working at Whole Foods and gourmet pizza parlors while smugly looking down on the rest of society with an underlying anger, ultimately demanding that we address them using their preferred pronouns. Then, those weirdos started having kids and somehow, the kids, rather than rebelling against their parents, instead emulated them becoming even worse examples of woke indoctrination.
  9. I want one of these guys to show up if my house is on fire. I want the other to cut my hair. I definitely wouldn’t want them to switch jobs in the interest of DEI.
  10. Anthony Fauci, Albert Bourla and Stéphane Bancel have entered the chat
  11. The problem is that any discussion regarding “intellectual capability” or IQ is forbidden in todays leftist western countries. The “no child left behind” act was instrumental to the dumbing down of the younger generations. The flooding of western countries with low IQ morons was, in my opinion, by design. Springfield, Ohio and other small towns had ridiculous numbers of Haitians (average iq of 67) dumped on them, and it was claimed that they needed workers even though the unemployment rate in Springfield was higher than the national average.
  12. Perhaps that is the answer for the leftists in the here and now. Send them to war and put them on the front lines. Make sure to include the old/elderly leftists…ya know…to be inclusive.
  13. Or a stronger vaccine for the next pandemic.
  14. Anybody notice something in that picture? Look who is missing. I recently had the opportunity to talk with a group of black men in Los Angeles as I was passing through. When I asked them what they thought about DEI, their unanimous feeling was that it is great!* *if you are either a woman and/or gay.
  15. I thought that the original law was to tax income that was remitted in the same year that it was earned. Can you point me to where it previously stated that savings were to be taxed?
  16. And it’s totally normal to find metal in vaccines… right? RIGHT?
  17. But this Doctor, who received his diploma from a prestigious Caribbean medical school says that’s harmful misinformation. It has to be climate change that’s killing these young folks. I’m sure of it.
  18. Steak ‘n shake makes great burgers! Butter is one of my essentials. Can’t live without it.
  19. I forgot Virgie Tovar too. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/12/18/san-francisco-fat-positive-expert-work-health-department/
  20. Ok. It looks like the changed it to include savings as of 2024. Good thing I decided to make Thailand a part time refuge. It will be nice to spend more time back in the States and Vietnam
  21. Oh….do you want me to google that for you? I’ve heard that getting Covid lowers ones IQ substantially and all the mud bloods seem to be getting Covid quite frequently these days. I already gave you a link to read when you first brought up Samoa. now go back to mouth breathing
  22. And much, much better than the thousands that Bill Gates shafted in India and Africa. Now go do some push-ups
  23. It’s the same thing with the pronoun crowd. Even though I don’t vote and rarely get involved in any sort of political discussion, I am convinced that the left are fraught with personality disorders.
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