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  1. Probably more bars and massage shops.
  2. As opposed to people who walk around in sandals, cargo shorts and Singha tanks. I actually liked it very edgey and expensive. As far as a comparison Zorro comes to mind.
  3. The only flight to and from the airport is Chiang mai 4 days a week I believe. Way under utilized. I just left HH a couple of days ago. Played golf a couple of times and enjoyed it. The food is very diverse found a newer Mexican place off Soi 102 very good and the malls have decent food courts. The beach can be nice for a morning walk. There is enough entertainment places to enjoy. People are generally friendly especially the girls I met, more so then Pattaya. With this, the drive from Bangkok is horrific and dangerous with the ongoing construction. The train is probably the most comfortable and safest way to get there. The air is terrible same as Pattaya now. The main road is jammed most of the day lots of traffic. The markets like Cicada very crowded every evening. It is all okay though much less in your face and not the same negative tourist element as Pattaya. I know a few people who live there full time they like it their biggest complaint is that it gets boring.
  4. I know some areas with lots of Graffiti. Will that do?
  5. I have had several implants here was never prescribed anything before or after. Maybe your Dentist has had issues with infected patients and is just being cautious.
  6. They have told women to stop having sex with their male companions. Nothing new about that most of them rarely have sex anyway.
  7. Every bigger city has traffic. Pattaya has more things to do. Lots of golf, malls, restaurants, bars, massage, cheap as UD housing, beach, closer to Suvarnabumi and Bangkok, more available girls then anyplace I know of. UD has some of the above but, not nearly as much as Pattaya. The over tourism now of Pattaya is a PIA.
  8. Bigger China money coming here. Building casinos and gamblers. Bali hi would be a perfect spot.
  9. A country will never be considered advanced or will advance if they still have issues with wide spread corruption.
  10. There is apparently some Crypto executive order in his pile so I expect some major volitity.
  11. Maybe he is Thai like that Integrity legal guy.
  12. Just spent a week in Hua Hin. Plenty of bars and massage shops expats hanging around these places. The traffic and air were very bad. Lots of Russian families around they actually were quiet. Enough to do for a week or so. I did play golf at Black Mountain very nice course. I guess it is okay, but in reality for me any place gets kind of boring just try to make the best of it and travel someplace when boredom hits.
  13. No. It is fairly simple. If you had $100,000 in savings on Dec. 31 2023. And you used that account to transfer $30,000 here or to pay something off here in 2024, that is not accessible income.

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