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  1. Did he claim brake failure? Manslaughter and jail time in many western countries. SIck.
  2. From Forbes: This year, Canadian patients faced a median wait of 27.7 weeks for medically necessary treatment from a specialist after being referred by a general practitioner. That's over six months—the longest ever recorded. Free, but could be dead before you get treated. Good luck.
  3. Lucky no one was killed.
  4. Seems very childish why do some hate so much?
  5. I would never look at buying a condo here as an investment, but as a place to live. It may go up some, but fees and sales commisions when sold can take that away. Also, anyone know if the funds transferred are possibly taxable now under the new enforcement.? That should be clarified before you transfer anything.
  6. With their talk, the UK should send in their soldiers. But who? They use to have a well respected military now service members are at all time lows less then 200,000 the lowest since Napoleon. Big talk, but minimal commitment from citizens. What an embarrassing joke.
  7. No way he will stop it.
  8. I hear WR Life is the best.
  9. Cannot in all circumstances but to help a little I try to tip generously. Even at 7-11 when the girl makes my coffee I leave a tip. Most other service also.
  10. Having a poll after 2 months is so stupid.
  11. ? 3 to 4 cups a day always hot. And, the quality here is so much better and less expensive then the west. Dark roast is amazing here. Saying the coffee is no good and never hot, is like saying all the women here are fat and ugly.
  12. They all seem like a bunch of childish babies.
  13. Smelly expat. Is there another kind?
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