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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. They get budgeted for projects every year. So, they need to spend the money more construction will be happening someplace that is inconvenient.
  2. Yes, and she puts it all on his CC while he is back in the UK. Great advice.
  3. There have been several threads over the past few years. Seems there have been very few claims reported on here. It would be nice to know if in fact someone had a significant event that was riembursed by this compnay. But, maybe they are afraid to talk about it. Bottom line: who knows. PS: Maybe WR Life does not give a commision to brokers so they want people to go with another company.
  4. It is not all Mcdonalds or sugar. It is the base of most meals being rice and noodles. And, instant noodles is one of the worst things to eat leading to Diabetes. Vegetables can rarely be found in the cheap food consumed. Some fried meat and mostly rice or noodles. Or, kids slurping instant noodle box. This situation will just get much worse.
  5. Chinese trust their cops? Glad I won't be around I remember those videos of Chinese police beating people during Covid cause they wanted some freedom. Good luck Pattaya.
  6. Bryan Flowers.
  7. I have taken it on and off for several years. It is an opioid and I think 100% one a day can cause addiction. Take one a day for a few weeks and try to stop. This for me, causes withdrawls for 2 to 3 days. Irritability, some confusion, and desire to take a pill to "feel normal". Everyone is probably different with their tolerance and addiction traits. Even one pill affects me, others may not experience this.
  8. 2 months he must be totally clueless.
  9. https://ro.co/health-guide/prostate-massage-milking-benefits/ You can do it yourself. I choose to have a female massage my Prostate. Just make sure they don't have long/sharp nails. That and frequent ejaculation, healthy diet, and not sitting much relieves it greatly for me.
  10. I am sure they are all fine since every man, especially expats; claim they always wear protection.
  11. I lived in The Base right after they opened. 28th floor nice view and the location was fantastic. But yes, it did deteriorate mostly due to the short term rentals. And yes, the construction workmanship and quality of materials are poor. But, can anyone tell me where they are high end and lasting? Even places like Northshore do not seem that great. Just seems kind of standard practice in Thailand. Hiring cheap unskilled foreign labor doesn't help much either, but they have little choice it seems.
  12. Seems to me more stinky people on baht bus. Jeepney mostly Philippinos, baht bus too many smelly others.
  13. Stay up as late as possible. Masturbation and take 1/4 Xanax.
  14. I am more convinced then ever that Thailand has been producing some of the best coffee in the world. For me the shiny dark beans the OP refers to are not acidity at all and have a full strong flavor for my taste. In fact the lighter roast are seem much more acidity. Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai are producing some great coffee. Had a Nan coffee recently it was fantastic.
  15. A real man shouldn't ask female for permission to do anything unless it is their mommy. Lucky he is not seriously injured.
  16. Most repairs you are seeking don't last. Sounds like a good quality crown would be your best long term option.
  17. Great opportunity at Bali Hai Pattaya. Lots of land there build a hotel/casino/mall and entertainment complex. Would be fantastic.
  18. Wow, good luck Japan is in the top ten most expensive places in the world. But, I am sure you are wealthy so it should not be a problem.
  19. Are you flying business class?
  20. Vin Diesel, The Rock, Jason Statum look no good? Lots of ladies like hairless, but if a bald man weighs 300 pounds, stinks, unshaven, 6XL plaid shirt, dirty cargo shorts and sandals the girls probably think he is a big time loser.
  21. A Thai girl did the same to me about a month ago on Soi Buakhao. Made a turn right in front of me fortunately, it was much slower speeds. She had to pay at the police station lucky all I did was bang my knee
  22. Statute of limitations apply to legal proceedings being filed. This guy was arrested and charged already the limitations do not apply at this case.
  23. It will also boost more arrests, drunks, fights, accidents and overall carnage. Good luck.
  24. Six is actually their unwritten rule. I bet they tell you to get a proper Visa and flag you in their system with a warning.
  25. It starts with broken windows. The education system here needs a major overhaul and upgrade. The transportation system needs a major upgrade. The police services need major training upgrades. Just thinking about handing out money to people and continually getting low life tourists is not the answer.
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