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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Good to see they are being proactive. But, could you imagine the uproar and lawsuits in the west especially in the U.S. if the cops did this? No way they could get away with it.
  2. 4am closing time is a fantastic idea.
  3. Wow, yes getting rammed from behind by a car is my biggest fear out there. Always looking in my mirrors to check. Hope you get well soon be strong.
  4. Boom boom
  5. Astra condo is nice.
  6. Actually pizza has a nutritional value. Thin crust preferred provides carbohydrates, tomato sauce is full of vitamins and minerals/lyoprene, cheese although high in fat has significant protein, top it with plenty of veggies. It is all around not the worst thing to eat just in moderation.
  7. My tighest is 100 k. The 3 Gś: Golf GIrls Good food
  8. Wow, many people at that meeting. I think the baht busses on Buakhao jam up traffic more then anything. A through road and just stop so dangerous and stupid really. Then stop again to get their 10 b. Dumb and traffic jamming.
  9. Who wants to die pinching baht? 3 million is a lot why can't they get a job? Even one million is good they can open a business.
  10. I know a few people in Pattaya on these they had to go to Bangkok Hospital to see a Doctor and get a prescription. They have lost weight, but complain about stomach pain. As far as judging people about the potential dangers, how many desperate shoved 3 or 4 of those Covid vaccines into their arms without knowing much at all? Fat people sorry, are kind of lazy with little will power, they seek a quick easy way out of their fatness.
  11. Villa market I believe also.
  12. Interesting there have been reports on here of folks booking hotels then when they try to pay, a higher rate is listed with added fees. I wonder if this is what they are doing?
  13. The OP has some points seems to be consistent to where I don´t really eat out much. Just today in the afternoon, I ordered a Cappucino and twice I said no sugar. Of course, it comes full of suger so I politely said I asked for no suger. Eye roll, sigh, chatter with her Thai collleague and pissed off emotions as she made me another coffee.
  14. https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/thailand/spain Some people seem to be spewing nonsense about all these countries being cheaper. Spain for example rates 50 to over 70% more expensive. Best to do some research on these great wonderful cheap places .
  15. On the odd side 1 to Asoke it is mostly hookers, Ladyboys, black man and people who look dirty and probably stink. And those seem like the good people. It is the lowest and dirtiest I can remember stay away. Asoke to Thong Lor mostly Korea, Japan, Thai, and Chinese lots of decent Restaurants in and around the area.
  16. Yes, a great option I have done this a number of times. HK is a lot of fun and Thais can get in Visa exempt. On each occasion however, the Thai girl I was with were pulled off the line at entry, and questioned. This last April they questioned her for 20 minutes. Everything was fine in the end, just saying they want to know why they are there.
  17. I think yes, the games are a factor. It is like people who grow up in abusive families sadly, they end up being abusers. Being bombarded with the violence and death of these games all day certainly could cause an undeveloped mind to be swayed imo.
  18. Many still think of Thailand in the same category as Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. 3rd worldish low level countries with not really much to offer rich people.
  19. ADHD? Get some medication. The guy looks like a freak. Disgusting and sad really.
  20. Khao Soi in Bangkok about an hour ago.
  21. It seems a waste to me. It is like buying a VCR when they came out. Then, they became obsolete. The technology of these vehicles is not near their perfection. Buy one now in a few years, it could practically be worthless. But if some think it will save the world, then good luck.
  22. It was a generalized statement as one path to get a Thai girl there. Yes, need to be American.
  23. Sorry, disagree and I have reliable info. from a U.S. embassy employee. 98%+ are disqualified. The problem is historically, many Thai females were granted Tourist VIsa's but what happpened is they ended up working or living with their boyfreinds and never returned, Lots of overstay. There is also an unwritten age cut off those under 40 rarely if every are accepted. Maybe an older female who does have businesses, money and possibly family to visit in the U.S. may be granted. People who say they got it 10 years ago, sure. But now, it is very very rare for a Thai gf to be granted a Tourist VIsa for holiday to the U.S. I know dozens of guys who have tried, all rejected. If you want a practically sure thing, get the fiance Visa. But then. you will have a marriage decision whne you get there.
  24. The gf says Safari world, aquarium at Siam, Jodd's market for food experience, Chinatown, floating market.
  25. Just come in express your opinion, get out and turn all notifications off if you don't want constant arguing and conflict. It is each individuals choice to engage.
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