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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Same old rhetoric heard for 40 years. Who cares people can do what they want much better then living out your golden years with some no makeup stuffy old western stuck up hag with a bad attittude.
  2. They seem to be racing all over the city. Cocky smug looks on their faces never seen one with a helmet.
  3. Try one of these works up to 75 feet. Or, give the guy a dog shock collar as a gift and ask him to use it.
  4. Yes, a neck problem can cause this. But, many other things can also. Does she take any medication or drink too much booze?
  5. Add KY and Condoms
  6. VIP lot direct access to the Terminal via a walkway 250 b a day.
  7. bkk6060

    BKK Hotel

    I agree the OP is having family coming I would never put them up between 1 and 20 with all the street walkers, black guys harassing people, drunks and filthy massage shops. Look for something from the highway going toward SIam. Chidlom, Ploenchit, Siam areas are away from the main seedy areas. They also may enjoy Chinatown and a boat ride to Iconsiam mall, Asiatique.
  8. It was 30,000 7 years ago, so that price seems right for now. And, anyone who believes this agent assistance process is going away are very naive as to how much money it generates. Just about all the offices break/bend the rules as they please this is just another example. Never say never, but there will Never be a cracked down on any of this people have been wrongly saying there will be forever. PS: Make sure to ask and confirm the agent provides receipts generated by Immigration for all paid events.
  9. Can't answer the question unless you go to a broker and explain your history. They will greatly raise the rates based upon pre-existing and even then, will likely list issues they will not cover at all. The "self insured" from my experience have very little assets to cover something major. 2 million baht would be a good starting point, most have much less. So, the goal should try and stay as healthy as possible. One thing I do suggest is to get a good accident policy. Accidents of various types are very common here so at least get coverage for that.
  10. I am a lite sleeper a quiet location is my priority. From there; clean, good aircon and comfortable bed.
  11. A lot of the clips on that video are more then 20 years old. And, seems mostly Russian oriented. No thanks, it is so easy to find and date girls here why waste your money on what could also be a scam.
  12. No one is rescuing them from anything. The majority of these girls love their job. Money and love of the game, attention, hang out with girlfreinds, wake up late eat noodles drink and gamble, play on phone all day and night, no old man trying to control their life. They much prefer this bar lifestyle don't be naive about it.
  13. Corruption and scams in Cambodia? Who would have thought..
  14. I think it is fair to figure out what she makes now in the bar. People dont believe it, but some of these girls are making 2 to 3,000 b a night no problem. So, from my experience and knowing some of the girls in these situations, if you give her 20k she may seem OK at first but I bet she is soon out meeting former customers. Why would they want to take a big pay cut to sit around with some old man?
  15. A good Captain can get through those rough seas.
  16. Creamate and dump in the ocean off Pattaya.
  17. If you have proper mitigation/clearance between your residence and the trees, you should be OK.
  18. I never take either anymore, but when I did I would buy 2 seats on the big bus. Stretch out it is not terrible. The minivans I don't like it seems people stink BO and bad breath too close for comfort.
  19. No thanks. Don't want to be any place where my only option is dating disgusting 65 year old bags. Makes want to vomit.
  20. Japan is one of the most expensive countries in the world I bet they will keep coming to Thailand.
  21. Yeah, and what if he would have injured someone. He in fact, assaulted a public official with a deadly weapon. Next time a taser, baton strike, choke hold and handcuff would show they do not take BS from crazy foreigners here.
  22. He is driving or is that a movie simulator? Anyway, I have been disappointed in the development of the EEC. Some infrastructure improvements, but the whole concept will not take off until the high speed train is completed. Is there any progress on that? Also, zero emissions in 50 years? Good luck, I doubt there will ever be enough money to do that.
  23. The whole thing makes the officers look like weak fools. They needed to make a statement and take him down so it doesn't happen again.
  24. Should not have to, but I would pay. Don't pay and it could escalate into a bad situation.
  25. Restraint? Unbelievable terribly trained officers don't care about their own safety or the safety of others? He is committing a felony assault with a deadly weapon. They should have tased him or a few baton strikes and took him down immediately after his first attempt to hit the officer.
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