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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Hate is a strong word. A few things that are annoying. But, this should be a great thread for those who hate their lives and just about everything and everyone in it.
  2. Macro has half and half. Add some water to it close to fat milk.
  3. “In terms of food safety, from a microbiological point of view, drinking raw milk is not safe", says Dr Jorge Gutierrez-Merino, a lecturer in food microbiology at the University of Surrey. “Raw milk may contain many different pathogenic microbes, including some deadly bacteria, which could cause fatal infections, mainly in children, the elderly and immunocompromised people", adds Dr Gutierrez-Merino. Are you sick, have constant diarehea, want to vomit and feel unwell? Seems like it can actually kill someone. Seems an insane risk to save a few bucks
  4. This applies to many countries, but it amazes me that a younger, more intelligent, more dynamic person cannot be found for these positions. 100ś of millions of people in the U.S. and this is their guy? Seems unbelievable.
  5. Breakfast the same Golf the same Soi 6 the same maybe better Dinner the same Watching TV the same I guess I get what he is trying to say, but for many it will be the same just continue with your life.
  6. Full fat fat fat..
  7. I bought some an hour ago Pattaya Nua. Has a blue label.
  8. Ask if they can machine the tiles to smooth them out. If not, sue them.
  9. The mini bus is terrible I think. Full of people with BO, pizza breathe, their phones going ding ding while they talk and laugh out loud watching cartoons. Also, the bus provides drop off at your hotel or residence if you are the last person to get off, it can take 2 hours. Get a taxi make sure you tell the driver to take the new highway, not Sukhumvit.
  10. They have some of the top teachers and schools in the world.
  11. Is your mother still alive? Maybe give her a call and ask her Mommy's usually have good perspective.
  12. OMG you are here asking for some serious legal advice? I assume you never had an attorney and think free advice from anonymous know littles is the way to go? Rules and laws and opinions change all the time please, the best thing for you and your kid is to seek professional legal advice to make sure the situation is resolved appropriately.
  13. Up to you, but I would pay more and go with a reputable company with an insurance package.
  14. Intelligent traffic managment has been around for over 20 years. Cameras used to monitor and regulate traffic lights and traffic flows. Yes, the issue here will be keeping the equipment and software up to date and running properly, if in fact it will actually ever exist.
  15. There are poeple in the malls now walking around in their sliippers and pajamas. Strange times.
  16. Sadly, he will probably end up leaving the country. Maybe go back to th U.S. where there is no corruption. 5555
  17. Just about every girl I know who works in a bar makes more then a British pensioner. British pension is what around 30k baht a month? What a sad joke.
  18. Although sad, nothing will basically change for normal day life whatever happens. As with prior Coups, the next day here people are back to work going about their business. The same will happen in this situation.
  19. Anyone with some investments is probably online quite a bit. My accounts are up significantly due to the AI trend that I would not be aware of unless I stayed connected.
  20. More then likely the idiot posted something on a social media platform. But, who cares how they found it great it is off the streets.
  21. Drive over 30 minutes for a cheap beer. Great idea thanks would not be surprised some people from Pattaya would actually do it.
  22. It is 12,000 expats to establish the rankings of the 53 best places. They must mostly be from the US because Mexico is a crime ridden dirty dump from my visits. And, the major tourist areas are US prices or more, much more expensive then Thailand. I would never live in Mexico or even visit it for that matter, I think it is a filthy poverty stricken corrupt dangerous hole not even close to what Thailand has to offer.
  23. Yes, they are there. Some of those girls have been rumored to be not clean so please wear some condos.
  24. Well, tough luck on the war,; but there must be a good reason they have never been admitted before. SIck of hearing them begging for money and weapons what will their pay back be? A middle finger to the entire west??
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