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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Pacific Prime is like a broker they will offer several insurance company options. They have an office in BKK best to go there and speak to an agent.
  2. I actually beleive AI female robots will be available to rent within the next 10 years wait until they perfect it should be interesting.
  3. The black guy at the beginning actually has a slight point. And, he was not yelling and ranting like they do in the U.S., just making his observation. But, whites especially white males are screwed in the west. That is one big reason I am here it is still pretty good, not nearly as bad as most western countries.
  4. I have had 4 implants, 2 with bone craft. Very happy with them. 2 of them were former root canals where eventually caused the tooth to deteriorate and became painful so implants.
  5. I have lent money to several Thais one 500,000 b. I always got paid back mostly early. My experience is they are not all out to screw over Falang. If your life is hanging around bars you probably will get tainted and think they just all want your money.
  6. Try to use 2 or 3 pillows. Are you drinking beer or other carbonated drinks in the evening? I stopped doing it and much better. Also, Prilosec works well for me when I am having issues.
  7. It is illegal to drive a car shirtless. You can walk around without a shirt but the Thai people generally do not like it. You will be considered "lo-so mak".
  8. Well, the video shows people certainly enjoying it a free high why not.
  9. The focus of these foreign investments mainly revolved around management and manufacturing consulting, engineering and technical services, and subcontracting for manufacturing machines and vehicle parts. Not many details not sure what they really invested in. So, that is about 1.7 billion USD and this only created 3,754 Thai jobs? EIther they are getting paid big big money, or there is something missing from this report.
  10. Addictive drugs and booze suggested but have you tried masturbating? It is good for you releases hormones and can help you sleep plenty of information out there supporting this. As Marin explains, the main reason why masturbating might make you tired or why it may help you sleep is a “straight up neurochemical thing.” One study published in Frontiers in Public Health, citing existing literature, explains that the release of oxytocin and prolactin following sexual activity are some of the factors behind improved sleep. And while you might be concerned that you won’t get those sleep-inducing effects without the physical exertion involved in partnered sexual activity, there’s hope. The same study found that masturbation alone was enough to improve reported sleep quality.
  11. Oversupply yes. And, the Chinese real estate market is basically in a depression one of their largest developers just declared bankruptcy they mostly have no intention or money to buy here.
  12. Well good for them. The biggest problem I see is their kids may be the loudest most misbehaving children I have ever seen. Always seem to be crying and yelling and the parents do absolutely nothing.
  13. Old, fat, lonely, horny. They go to a cheap country with beaches looking for sex with a much younger partner. Sound familiar?
  14. They did open the highway from the 7 to Ban Chang area. But, that is about it from what I have seen. The non developed areas are very nice open space, some rolling hills, etc. Perfect for planned industry, houses, golf courses plenty of land. But, I will probably be dead before it gets interesting.
  15. There you go great example. These "I stay in shape I am self insured" seem clueless how many have 7 mil waiting for care? Arrogance really. And, funny how they always come on here and say they are self insured yet never actually say how much...555. There are no guarantees about anything in life which is why it is called insurance. Good luck.
  16. OP asking about business class. Not those cheap seats.
  17. 15 to 20 k is the going price in Chonburi. Bangkok is probably around 30 k.
  18. I leave something always. These people in these service jobs are mostly making $1 an hour. I can well afford to give a little back and help them out. Especially maids, cleaning up peoples messes I usually leave 100 b a day at a hotel.
  19. Seems he has been out and about actually interacting with people more then his entire history. Maybe he is hoping to stay?
  20. Can only assume you have never been. Most of the places mentioned have rooms on the premises. Every bar on Soi 6 for example have rooms on the premises. What sort of "expereinces" is up to them.
  21. DIsagree. I have found the people especially recently less friendly and extremely desperate 3rd world attitude for money. And, the women seem to want money more then Thailand. It is not cheaper also things like groceries, rent, utilities. People that live in Philippines wish they could live in Thailand but most probably just cannot afford it. Bottom line; the place is very dirty and many more destitute poor people lots of drug addicts it is way below the standard of living in Thailand
  22. It is great. But cheap, poor, negative thinking foreigners seem to have difficulties here.
  23. There is actually another thread on here recently about the noise problems at Pattaya Beach at night. I have stayed at View Talay on the beach view side I found it very noisy. All the events that occur music/firework shows etc, vehicles with very loud eardrum shattering speakers advertising something, and all the nighttime issues with groups at the beach blasting music until morning. It is actually quieter on the mall side of the buidling, but not much of a view. The location of View Talay 6 is great, but good luck with getting a decent nights sleep. To add, Northshore is very nice but would not be surprised they are getting these noise issues also. Bottom line: Pattaya is one of the biggest party towns in Asia, maybe the world. FInding "quiet"is not easy unless you get away from the beach/party/entertainment areas.
  24. Same old rhetoric heard for 40 years. Who cares people can do what they want much better then living out your golden years with some no makeup stuffy old western stuck up hag with a bad attittude.
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