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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. "Talks of huge automotive manufacturers moving to Vietnam?" international companies are all looking for the highest profit they can get. When tax incentives are offered and labour is cheap they will go anywhere. As soon as their required time, to gain the incentives, is up they will move on.
  2. I thought they brought in a rule "no passengers in the back if a pickup unless it was designed to carry them. As for the back seats, in UK when the seat belt law came out you either had them retrofitted or got fined. I guess baht buses would have a problem.
  3. Now we know why the clearing and planting banana trees
  4. Sooooo money made on stock deals is not taxable?
  5. The new blue passport just shows how out of touch the government really is. The call for return to the old blue passport was not about the colour, although it was the easiest way to describe it when the new passport was reddish, it was that the British passport was larger, hardbacked and easily recognised by immigration officials and others from other different countries. I remember years ago, in Libiya, having surrendered our passports for the night, a fellow traveller and I went to check out in the morning, The hotel employee opened a draw, full of different coloured passports and immediately picked mine out and handed it to me, my colleague, was told his passport was missing, it took some time before the employee found a small passport, similar to all the others in the draw, and handed it to my companion. I am British and proud of it and would like my passport to reflect my difference to every other passport.
  6. Erdogan has been doing his best to roll Turkey back to the dark ages and restore a theocracy, it's time that they were removed from NATO to the benefit of all.
  7. Would that be 1,000 or 2,000 more bomb detectors you require?
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