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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Agree with #5.

    Much noise about another "wise guy" who thinks he can ignore the cop and do a runner.

    What would happen to a black bike rider in the US trying to escape?

    The guy is thai, not a black fella. I don't see the connection between a thai and a black guy from the USA
  2. Fantasy half time update...

    Grand Final reply is on, Delightful against Grant, Grant holding a commanding lead at half time and should get through but to give some hope Delightful's big guns yet to play it will come down to how good the Dees can crush if at all the Pies on Monday, thats what won me the GF can it be done again?

    On Bloodbath weekend, RIP and the upstart kid from the west JOBLOW 5 points in it anyones game.

    Leonine against Chooks, Chooks way out in front doubled the score thanks to a Dangerfield explosion last night, North couldn't wouldn't double tags the man, every goal of the 3rd quarter came from that man.

    FJ against Heenz holding a good lead at half time but will get run over, to think how good he would have been if he was here...

    Yes 1367 points, 374 earned from the danger. 1 player didn't play so hope my emergency performs. 10 players yet to player, the likes of franklin, Parker, Cameron, Petracca, Pendlebury to name a few. Should smash the 2,000 point barrier this week and jump into the 8 with a huge percentage
  3. This raid should be netting many many arrests. Even to the businesses where the workers were supposed to be working at as per their permits or if that business is fake, then to the people who allowed those permits to be issued. The fact that only 4 police have been transferred is also a joke. Surely all the cops who control that area knew about what has been going on inside.

    The transfer is only for 30 days, just a month off whilst this dies down and then business as usual. Meanwhile the foreign girls go to prison to show that the authorities are doing something about human trafficking.
  4. Cloke has been dropped for the Pies.

    Barring catastrophic injures, one would think he's played his last game at Collingwood.

    Just on the news he has been cut/axed won't play for the pies again

    If that is the case...This article was bad timing, written today



    At the moment there is no reason to suggest that Collingwood veteran Travis Cloke will be anywhere else but at the Magpies next season, according to Neil Balme.

    The director of football at the club insists that the 29-year-old will not be departing at the end of this season despite being dropped to the VFL for the second time.

    Cloke is in the second last year of a very lucrative contract that is believed to drop considerably in the final term which could make it easier for a move to eventuate.

    Of course he has (a future at Collingwood) its June the 10th weve got half the season to play, said Balme on SEN radio.

    Both he is committed to us and were committed to him next year.

    You know better than I do that players pick themselves, the selectors dont pick players.

    As any club would with one of the blokes that has been around for a long time, hes out of form, were working absolutely every day helping him.

    Hes trying to do the best he can and were helping him to get back to the form we need him to be in and when hes in that form hell play AFL footy.

    Read more at http://www.sen.com.au/news/afl/06-16/neil-balme-talks-cloke-s-future-mcguane#wkiA82AW0hMlQtMZ.99

    Cloke's a hard one.

    I reckon Collingwood would want to trade him but I'm not sure who would be willing to pay his current salary of $500 000.

    No clubs would want to pay half a million on a guy whose playing in the Magoo's.

    Maybe a fit for Richmond or Hawthorn?

    Not sure if Freo would be interested now as they offered him a truck load of cash 4 years ago when he was out of contract

    and he knocked them back.

    Probably wouldn't fit Freo now anyway seeing as they're in rebuild mode.

    saints don't need him as Nick Riewoldt has just resigned and will play on in 2017 and beyond. If anyone wants McCartin we will drop him off and throw in freeman as well. Two years in the the team and still not cutting it.
    • Like 1

  5. Why not those in the middle east move to Indonesia, Malaysia, or Brunei? Those are Muslim countries right?

    Why would you believe any of the countries you mentioned would welcome Arab economic refugees or genuine asylum seekers just because they are Muslim? Also there is the issue that Malaysia now hosts about 2 million illegal migrants from Indonesia - ask yourself why.

    Yes, so if even these Muslim countries don't want to take in the people from the Middle East, why should Europe? Is Europe to be held responsible for the mess the US created?
    what the U.S created?... Did you know that islam has being carrying on like this even before Christopher Columbus joined the Naval Academy

    Muslim found Americas before Columbus says Turkey's Erdogan

    ]guess there weren't any free money, homes, cars, I pads and mobiles phones so that's why they went home then also.
  6. Why not those in the middle east move to Indonesia, Malaysia, or Brunei? Those are Muslim countries right?

    Why would you believe any of the countries you mentioned would welcome Arab economic refugees or genuine asylum seekers just because they are Muslim? Also there is the issue that Malaysia now hosts about 2 million illegal migrants from Indonesia - ask yourself why.

    Yes, so if even these Muslim countries don't want to take in the people from the Middle East, why should Europe? Is Europe to be held responsible for the mess the US created?

    what the U.S created?... Did you know that islam has being carrying on like this even before Christopher Columbus joined the Naval Academy

    Muslim found Americas before Columbus says Turkey's Erdogan


  7. What do you mean this country?

    The Catholic Church systematically moved and still does move paedofile priests out of their parishes once a complaint is made and they are free to continue with their abuse.

    There's one Australian bishop they want back to answer questions about his role in all this but is hiding and protected by the Vatican itself and guess what just like the monk he is to sick to travel even after being filmed a couple of weeks ago having a steak and beer at a upmarket restaurant.

    Rockspiders how could any defend them!

    Well summed up. Too sick to answer questions about thousands of raped kids, but not too sick to drink beer. And protected by the Vatican.


    Child rapists. How could anyone defend them?

    They have thier supporters who are in the the same social groups. Paedophile supporters are supporting thier own actions and desires. Those that defend and support them are just as sick as them.
    • Like 1
  8. How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??
    Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.

    "Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent?" Yes, In Thailand often he/she is. Children grow up here much faster than in Europe, women ( or girls) have children at a much earlier age and frequently so and Thai youth are much earlier sexually active too.

    well 14 shouldn't be the age of consent. I don't think they are more mature than children from the west. Geez 27 yr old thai men are still referred to as teenagers and run to mummy, look at the red bull child
  9. That's a relief, foreign prostitutes so Thailand's reputation of no prostitution is still intact.

    Instead of locking up the girls some of them being underage why not set them free. The authorities are spruiking about how it is fighting human trafficking but here we see victims being incarcerated and the Thai villains are free.

    Maybe the NGO involved will step up and help the victims out? Or maybe they can step up and donate large sums of money to the families of the "victims" for the loss of future earnings and help pay off the families debts? What more will the NGO do to really help the "victims" in this mess other than post on their blog about how victorious they are?

    Wow you really do wave the pro human trafficking flag, it supplying you with young child hooker.
  10. Why not those in the middle east move to Indonesia, Malaysia, or Brunei? Those are Muslim countries right?

    Why would you believe any of the countries you mentioned would welcome Arab economic refugees or genuine asylum seekers just because they are Muslim? Also there is the issue that Malaysia now hosts about 2 million illegal migrants from Indonesia - ask yourself why.

    Yes, so if even these Muslim countries don't want to take in the people from the Middle East, why should Europe? Is Europe to be held responsible for the mess the US created?

    what the U.S created?... Did you know that islam has being carrying on like this even before Christopher Columbus joined the Naval Academy
  11. Multiple images of the teacher have been posted by him on Twitter with his victims' faces plain to see

    Well why not? The culture here allows it.

    Where's "here" ? Because the Thailand I'm in takes a very dim view of statutory rape.

    How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??
    Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.
    • Like 2
  12. This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

    It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

    paedophilia and hebephilia overlap and are considered the same. One is prepubescent and the other pubescent, both are children and minors.
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