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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. So the tourists were right. !!! Get cancer and die , what the hell are you doing living in this wonderful country with an attitude like this .. What we really need in Thailand is less people like you ...


    The OP is correct. Those types of people are what ruin the place with their ACTIONS, not their thoughts. Scumbags ruin Thailand for many, many people.

  2. Both parties are wrong. Tragic story, but it happens more than we know. All of those thousands of deaths per year on the road, making Thailand #2 in the world for road casualties, yet only a handful make the news.

    If you want to see reality, follow a few Thai first responders on Facebook. They post carnage daily of people of all ages, children too, ripped to shreds, brains popped out of their heads, limbs cut off, puddles of blood everywhere, every single day of the week. It's endless gore. The media doesn't dare report on all the carnage, it's simply too much to deal with.

  3. Those imbiciles were ON THE HIGHWAY here in Chiang Mai, literally running between cars to stop bikers. We were going around 60 and 3 of those idiots ran out and dodged cars to stop us. One grabbed for my arm as I was slowing down to pull over. I screamed bloody hell at them and all they did was smile and say, "this Thailand, I poleet, you have license?"

    I swear to the gods above, I would have murdered them if I could have gotten away with it. I wish I had my GoPro running so I could show the world how dangerous these baboons were, all so they could try to get a few hundred baht. On the highway!!!!!!!!

    No telling if they caused any accidents or not that dqyz, but chances are high they did. Shame a speeding car didn't run them over.

  4. I do think there is a global thing happening, thanks to the media and internet, where those who didn't have much before have it rubbed in their face more than ever just how much they don't have or ever will have.

    Everyone wants what they can't afford now. Factory workers with $1000 iPhones? Really? Cars they can't afford, jewellery they can't afford, coffee they can't afford and so on. That has to weigh on a lot of them.

  5. My standard advice is to never buy property in Thailand. Buying a condo was always a bad financial decision. With the new laws being enforced (no renting of a property under 30 days) buying a condo makes no sense.

    many, many communities have the same restrictions. It actually protects owners from people running short time hotels out of their condos. It causes extra work for security, cleaning staff, and causes a lot of ruckus on move out days.

    Interesting. Never seen such rules before.

    A stab at stopping airbnb rentals perhaps?

  6. I heard that KSK is not renewing leases as they expire, don't know the reason though.

    One can only hope they build a new mall and a few more condos in its place. Because that's what we need. Either that or tear it down and turn the land into a giant market that will fail, then turn into a Thai bar made from shipping containers. Then when that fails, on with the condos and new mall.

  7. Have a small souvenir shop in Chiang Mai, my costumers, are 90% Chinese, the rest is other Asian nationalities.

    So called high quality farang buy nothing!

    Bring on the Chinese, if companies have not adapted to these new travelers they most have been sleeping for the last 4-5 years.


    TAT wants to rely less on the famous untrustworthiness of the Chinese market.

    If your shop relies for 90% of its sales to Chinese, you better heed the example TAT offers you for free.

    Bring on a healthy mix of foreigners, China, ASEAN, US, EU, all are welcome.


    One year, remember, the fickle chinese are there, next year they go somewhere else.

    They are going everywhere. Thailand isn't the only place they travel to.

  8. The prices of things like tomatoes; pineapple; apples and most other fruits have gone up considerably. Tomatoes used to be 22 Baht per Kilo/Today at Lotus 45 Baht down from 59. While overall living in Thailand is not as expensive as back home- the prices of food in the US are cheaper than Thailand. Also, alcohol in the US can be cheaper than Thailand. The prices of gas/diesel in Thailand are more than the US but cheaper than Europe. It all depends where you originate from but overall $1000 per month goes further in Thailand when everything is considered. Most essentials in Europe are much higher than Thailand .

    Yes, food is cheaper in the US for sure. Shopping too.

    Housing and healthcare (doctor, dentist, meds) are about the only thing for me that is now cheaper in Thailand. But you often get what you pay for.

  9. Anyone who thinks Thailand is still cheap to live in is kidding themselves!

    I don't agree. I've not lived in another country where I can live comfortably on 1k Pounds a month. There's no taxes apart from sales tax, no community charges, utility costs are exceptionally low (monthly: water - 100 baht/gas - 70 baht/electric - 1,000), diesel is half the price of the West, food is exceptionally cheap in markets and the like (40 pounds a week feeds two people more than comfortably) plus the quality is usually extremely high plus entertainment costs are inexpensive (have you bought a movie ticket in the UK recently). It all depends on lifestyle and how you want to live.

    I have absolutely no problem living in Central London on 1,000 pounds a month. What I miss is the large and varied range of food I had there. The eating in Thailand is very restricted. And fruit here, why is it so expensive? Fruit and fruit juice in London is so much cheaper. No need for a car, and I don't have a space to park it in London anyway.

    Fruit prices border on criminal. Organic veggies too, if they are even organic in the first place.

    My largest expense is food. Then factor in whey protein... it's outrageous. I can eat AT HOME cheaper in the USA than I can here with the same foods. Eating out is generally cheaper here for good Western food. Eating out back home is expensive unless you're budget eating at Taco Bell or White Castle.

  10. Let's see.... what comes to mind when AEC or ASEAN is referenced.... the Philippines... Indonesia... the Philippines.... Indonesia..... and maybe Singapore.... oh yeah, Thailand and Laos and Vietnam... but mostly...... the Philippines and Indonesia. So how is it, someone please tell me, how it is that all of the Thai retail banks, whether it is the green blue purple or orange one (and some folks are really hooked on a particular color) .. how is it that every one of them prominently displays an fx rate for the AEC (i.e. the Peso) that is about 50% each way... and no one can possibly explain why they would post such a rate as one would lose all their money.... round trip... just on the exchange... if they th BOT did allow exchange on the Peso, which it doesn't. why display them for everyone? so their customers see a long list of converted currencies.....? yeah. Thai style. all show and pretty balloons and flags and blah blah blah blah blah...

    Speaking of banks, did you know the Chinese only pay 50b to Thai ATMs for international withdraws, while everyone else pays 150b - 200b?

    Nice deal for the Chinese. That's what massive purchasing power will do for ya.

  11. The son of a Thai lady on our street had HIV. While he was getting medicine, it made him very ill so someone reccomended smoking marijuana to him to ease his bad feelings. So he did and sure enough, it helped him with the side effects of the medication and he was a function human being again.

    Then he was caught up in a transaction and was arrested with a paltry amount of marijuana. He was given an incredibly long time in prison, but died after a couple of years in prison due to proper medical care when his HIV turned to full blown AIDS.

    Such a tragic story. Oh, I should add he caught HIV from a blood transfusion as a child. He wasn't a bad person, dealer, addict, prostitute, or criminal. He was just a normal guy trying to live with his condition the best he could.

    Then I read over and over about rich kids killing people and walking free, buying their way out of such a mess, while people rot in a cell, and in this case, die, for having a few joints.

    My friend has cancer.

    Hash oil, marijuana HTC in oil, is very beneficial against pain and in some cases works against the cancer.

    It was advised by a specialised doctor in Amsterdam Cancer Centre, to start using it.

    But as he is in Thailand.......

    Exactly. Risks dying in prison.

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