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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. You are a guest here. So mind your own business.

    Rubbish. That is a slave mentality.

    We all share the same rock floating in space. These imaginary lines drawn up by greedy kings and rulers were meant to define the boundaries of their human farms. Nothing more. Congratulations on continuing this tradition.

    It's because of people like you that places like this never advance for the better.

  2. Chinese were given farang industries cos of their cheap labour....If the Chinese paid farang wages they would still be in the dark ages..

    As the Chinese have to up prices the farang will do industrial stuff at home, which will be great...

    Cheap labor only applies to factory workers. Educated Chinese working in the big cities make the same or more than many foreigners. They currently have have 1.3 millionaires, and counting. Wrap your head around that. What is the population of the city you came from?

  3. Giving a Dutchman over 100 years for 'drug' offences that were not even offences in the country he lived in hardly helps the situation does it.

    I know a guy who had a long layover in Amsterdam on his way here. Of course he hit the cafe, smoked a little LEGALLY, and then made his way to Thailand.

    A few days later he was caught in a road side 4am pee test in Pattaya where he failed due to his smoke in Amsterdam.

    A miserable night in a Pattaya cell and 50,000b later, he was sent on his way.

    Didn't do a dang thing wrong in Thailand.

  4. The son of a Thai lady on our street had HIV. While he was getting medicine, it made him very ill so someone reccomended smoking marijuana to him to ease his bad feelings. So he did and sure enough, it helped him with the side effects of the medication and he was a function human being again.

    Then he was caught up in a transaction and was arrested with a paltry amount of marijuana. He was given an incredibly long time in prison, but died after a couple of years in prison due to proper medical care when his HIV turned to full blown AIDS.

    Such a tragic story. Oh, I should add he caught HIV from a blood transfusion as a child. He wasn't a bad person, dealer, addict, prostitute, or criminal. He was just a normal guy trying to live with his condition the best he could.

    Then I read over and over about rich kids killing people and walking free, buying their way out of such a mess, while people rot in a cell, and in this case, die, for having a few joints.

  5. .

    the Thai powers that be are as close to xenophobic as you're going to get.

    No by a long shot. No walls going up along any Thai borders.

    Because those immigrants are welcome. They do all the jobs Thais won't do for a fraction of the cost and with zero labor rights.

    But make no mistake about it, if Thais didn't need that cheap labor, those borders would be closed.

  6. I wonder if the Thai guy had five or six mates standing nearby in case the Faring was able to get the better of him.

    It's rare they go it alone, but it was a sucker punch so who knows.

    Living in Pattaya for several years allowed me the privilege of seeing MANY fights, and the one thing they ALL had, 100% of them, was they always involved multiple Thais attacking 1 person, be it a foreigner or another Thai. Weapons were often used, bottles, sticks, chains, axe, knives, and so on. Cowards, most of them.

    To be fair I did see 1 Thai guy take on about 8 other Thais. Round 1 they got the better of him. He ran off and came back with 2 chains and beat the snot out of the lot. It was epic. Wish I had it on video. The guy was fearless.

    Two things I never get tired of here. Road carnage involving some young punk, and a good Thai on Thai fight.

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