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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. It might be time for the Thai military to get involved in cleaning up this scam. For some reason the police haven't been able to do much about it. Sooner or later some of our Chinese tourist are going to wonder into one of these joints and get beaten up badly or killed, maybe then someone will start to look at it more seriously.

    Police, military, who do you think owns or is profiting in some way from these bars?

  2. The "gem scam"is alive and well in BKK...it was covered in the 1989 edition of Lonely Planet Guide. "The Palace is closed today," has itself never taken a holiday.

    It amazes me they get away with the palace scam. They should get a Lèse Majesté charge. I guess it also shows how high up the food chain those scammers pay money to. Shameful.

  3. I used to be a bail bondsman in the USA. Pay me and I will hunt this rat down and drag him back to Thailand. I've collected much, much worse garbage than him.

    Of course, once he was back here, he still wouldn't stand trial.

    Money talks. Always.

    He is in Thailand. Driving about in a nice new shiney red Ferrari. He isn't shy about it.


    Can't say I'm surprised if true.

  4. I used to be a bail bondsman in the USA. Pay me and I will hunt this rat down and drag him back to Thailand. I've collected much, much worse garbage than him.

    Of course, once he was back here, he still wouldn't stand trial.

    Money talks. Always.

    I should add my post was a joke. Without the proper authority, it would be kidnapping.

    Wonder where the good PM stands on this case. He sticks his nose into everything else, may as well run his lip service about this case and *try* to do something about it.

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