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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. I see we have some sheeple here and some that understand the implications of this form. Everyone has done something wrong and all have something to fear whether one thinks so or not. Name-John Doe, Sgt, USMC 211....(yea I had a real serial #, not the later SS #). I picked up my extension of stay, multi-entry exit/entry permit at Udon immigration last week the 17th. Nothing about this. No, immigration does not have any of my petty little bank account details, and I never have the 10,000 USD that requires reporting to the states. In fact on paper I own nothing. I don't do social media and no way in hell I give any email info. Tor/VPN. The gov't will get what information it wants on this site, whenever they want it. In fact I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out the "Five Eyes" i.e Spies, monitor TV. I foresee a lot of N/A on that form if I ever HAVE to fill it out. Like America, Thailand wants to become a police/surveillance state, just not all that good at it, yet, unlike America.

    How did you sign up to Thaivisa if you dont give out your email ?

    If he uses TOR he probably also uses throw away emails for places like this. Very popular.

  2. Did my retirement extension today at Jomtien no form in sight, although I downloaded the form filled it in, lots of not applicable and had it ready but out of sight.

    Lets see if if the form appears when I collect my passport tomorrow.

    But upon getting the letter from the bank showing the 800,000 they now attach a separate form showing incoming & outgoing transactions, something new.

    That's disturbing.

    Eventually, you may be called to answer for any questionable transactions, such as why do you dine and support this or that business, as they are supporters of whatever party. Why are your cash withdrawals so large. What do you buy with your cash. Prove it.

    These people are just loony enough to do something like that.

  3. "Developers" can't wait to start slashing and burning their way up the mountain, and throwing up hillside condos. The thing going in behind 700 stadium is the opening wedge.

    Are they starting to build up the mountain? Curious about the chanot on that.

  4. Absolutely loathe Air Asia happy to celebrate someone taking their business elsewhere. It's the leg room - it's beyond cattle class and into battery chicken class.

    I loath them too. However, you can always pay just a few hundred more baht for a "hot seat" with extra leg room or request an exit row when you check in, which costs money if you reserve online.

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